7 Critical Factors Affecting the Efficiency of a Solar Plant

solar power company
solar power company

The efficiency of a solar plant is the output it generates relative to the space it occupies. Usually, solar power plants have an efficiency of 17 to 23%. But this can be stretched if you’re mindful of the workings of your panel. VEMC is the leading solar power company based in Mumbai.

7 critical factors that impact the efficiency of your solar plant

1. Solar panel quality

For starters, the quality of your solar panel and the kind of material used in your solar panels has a significant impact on its efficiency. Monocrystalline panels, for instance, have the highest efficiency of about 23%. These panels are also useful in case of limited space on the roof. On the other hand, thin-film solar panels offer the least efficiency.

2. Orientation of your solar panels

Ideally, the roof on which a solar panel is mounted should be south-facing and the slant should be between 30 and 40 degrees. This exposes the solar panels to the sun maximally. However, this may not always be possible and the installer must find the best possible placement of the system on your roof.

3. Shading

Shade from nearby trees or buildings blocks sunlight and reduces the efficiency of your solar panel by upto half. Make sure the system is installed at a location where there is no or minimum possible shade. In case of tall trees, the branches can be pruned and cut to prevent them from obstructing the sunlight.

4. Dust, dirt, and contaminants

In places where it doesn’t rain frequently, make sure you clean the dust and dirt regularly. Contaminants can block the sunlight from falling on your solar panel and affect its efficiency. Likewise, in winters, snow accumulated on the solar panel will also obstruct the sunlight. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the panels is necessary to ensure highest levels of efficiency.

5. Efficiency of the accessories

Accessories like inverters, wires and cables also affect the efficiency of the system. For example, connector wires that offer too much resistance to the current will impact the output. Make sure you always use genuine and high-quality accessories like inverters. 

6. Weather and climate

Solar panels function optimally within a certain temperature range. Extreme weather conditions can impact their efficiency and reduce the output. While snow and blizzard physically cover the solar panels, extreme heat can damage them and reduce the output. But as long as it doesn’t cover the panels, snow can improve the overall efficiency due to its high irradiance.

7. Maintenance and monitoring

Lastly, any solar system needs high maintenance and monitoring. You must regularly inspect the connector wires for any breakages. Make sure the site is free of rodents which may damage the wiring. Monitor the flow of current regularly and call your solar panel consultants and installers in case of significant fluctuations.
For more on how you can get the maximum out of your solar panels, call VEMC on 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We are the leading solar panel installation company in Mumbai and also offer best-in-class solar energy consulting services.

Financial Benefits of Installing Solar Plants for Industries

solar epc

Industries across the economy are increasingly looking for energy alternatives. This is because of rising energy costs and increasing environmental concerns. Solar energy has emerged as one of the favorite sources of energy on many accounts. Solar energy is safe, inexpensive, abundant, and low-cost. Between 2023 and 2028, solar energy is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.71%. VEMC is the solar epc based in Mumbai.

We take you through the financial benefits of solar plants for industries

Lower cost of energy

Being completely dependent on the electricity grid may subject businesses to electricity cost fluctuations and sudden spikes. In such situations, solar plants can provide a price buffer to businesses, thus keeping their operational costs under check. Having a solar plant makes a business self-sufficient and reduces its dependence on the commercial power grid. Even partial self-sufficiency can slash bills significantly.

Excellent ROI

Solar power plants are an excellent investment. On average, the entire investment is recovered within five years. Solar panels have a considerably long life span of 25-30 years. But most importantly, investing in solar power systems means benefitting from fixed utility rates for decades.

Lower overhead costs

Overheads such as supplies, utilities, and operational materials add up to a huge amount. With solar energy, businesses can significantly reduce these costs and improve their bottom line. 

Government and tax incentives

As solar energy has gained traction across the world, governments are promoting their installation through various financial incentives, subsidies, and tax benefits. Businesses in India can benefit from schemes wherein the government contributes some amount to install the plant. Besides, they can also claim accelerated depreciation on solar power systems which can reduce their tax liability significantly. 

Net metering

With an on-grid solar system in place, in case a business is generating more energy than it is consuming, it can actually export it to the grid. The amount exported will then be offset against the electricity consumed, thus reducing the electricity bill from the grid significantly.


Energy costs can skyrocket in the coming days as environment-related taxes are levied. With concepts such as Carbon Tax and Polluter Pays Principle over the horizon, sustainable operations have to be ensured. Only those businesses that are sustainable will be able to escape the scourge of such taxes due to lesser pollution or carbon emissions. Thus being a sustainable business can translate to significant financial benefits.

Improved reputation

Installing solar power systems can improve the reputation of a business, especially among the environment-sensitive public. Although indirectly, this could significantly boost the company’s image and entail greater revenue.

If you want to know more about how solar power systems can benefit your business, feel free to get in touch by calling 022 43436655 or emailing us at marketing@vemc.co.in. VEMC is the leading solar power company based in Mumbai and deals in end-to-end installation and maintenance of solar rooftop systems. It is the best solar company when it comes to solar consulting and offering unique solutions for your business needs.

Optimizing The Solar Performance Using IOT Technology

The Internet of Things (IoT) as the name indicates connects inanimate objects, rather than people, and enables them to communicate with each other via the internet. This is a great technology for temperature control, security, garbage disposal, and now also your solar rooftop system. It bypasses any form of human intervention and directly enables smart devices to communicate with each other and share data on a real-time basis. When it comes to preventative maintenance, IoT can also act as an Early Warning System to prevent any breakdown of the devices. In this blog, we talk about how this revolutionary technology is going to transform the solar industry, especially by optimizing the performance of solar panel systems.

Implementing IoT-Powered Solar Energy Systems:

First things first, let’s talk about what IoT-powered solar energy systems do and how they work:

  • Smart gadgets with sensors gather real-time data and relay it to the power grid for analysis and storage.
  • The sensors also analyze the overall health of the solar system and provide insights to improve the relevant parameters.
  • The energy use pattern is collected and recorded by the IoT-based solar energy systems.
  • By detecting motion around the panels, the sensors can also help prevent theft and physical damage to the solar power system.
  • Finally, operators using IoT-based solar power systems can manage the energy demand better and companies can leverage data to distribute energy strategically.

Benefits of IoT in generating renewable energy:

A host of benefits entail from using IoT in generating renewable energy as discussed below:

Automation of processes:

A lot of processes can be automated simply by gathering the right kind of data. This could begin with tasks as simple as the panels of your solar rooftop system being shifted to the perfect angle to allow the maximum amount of sunlight to hit the surface.


Power companies can monitor the usage pattern of households and establishments by using IoT-powered monitoring systems. This will allow them to utilize resources more efficiently to meet peak demand, manage supply based on consumer needs, and effectively eliminate or reduce the wastage of energy.

Seamless grid management:

Utility companies can place their sensors at various locations across the grid to get a fair idea of consumption. With this the companies can also take critical decisions about switching the load, configuring the network, and controlling voltage effectively.

Enhanced safety:

With IoT, companies can ensure better safety of the grid and an uninterrupted supply of electricity to consumers. Sensors, for instance, can alert companies in case of power outages. Likewise, they can also get instant information on damaged lines, electrocutions, and fires.

Clearly, the Internet of Things is the next technological revolution in the field of solar energy and has immense potential to transform how our solar rooftop systems function. For any further information on IoT in solar energy, solar panel installations, or maintenance, feel free to get in touch at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. VEMC is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company with more than 72 years of industry experience.

Solar Power Returns Are Better Than The Bank

Whenever you invest in a new source of energy, one of the most critical things you look out for is the returns you get. Energy inevitably involves finances and any savings you make on it are as good as earnings. A cursory look at our history tells us that the costs of energy never go down and on the contrary are always on the ascendant. The fact that your finances are intricately tied to your energy needs makes it all the more important to make the right decisions when it comes to choosing the source of your energy.

When it comes to solar power, you can actually calculate these returns to great levels of precision. In fact, these returns are actually so healthy that they can even exceed the interest yielded by your bank deposits. In this blog, we take you through a full-fledged calculation to prove how solar power returns are even better than your bank investment. 

Let’s do some simple math!

In India, the average rate of return on a fixed deposit across banks these days is 6%. The figure is obviously subject to changes in government policies from time to time, depending upon a number of macroeconomic factors. However, if you were to deposit an amount of Rs. 100,000 in a fixed deposit today, you would receive somewhere around Rs. 511 per month summing up to Rs. 6136 per year.

Now if you invest the same Rs. 100,000 in a solar plant, it will produce electricity of around 8 units per day at a place with adequate sunlight. The prevalent rate of electricity in India is Rs. 6 per unit (this is a very modest estimation as the rates are always growing by the day). This means you produce electricity worth Rs. 48 (8×6) per day and Rs. 1440 (48×30) per month. The total worth of electricity you will produce in a full year would be Rs. 17,520 (48×365). Solar power returns, therefore, are almost thrice the amount you will be receiving as interest on a fixed deposit of the exact same amount!

Solar means independence

Energy dependence is a major issue in our society and even politics today. Energy is basically the very lifeblood of our modern economy. With growing research & development in the field of solar power, we could have a unique opportunity to rid ourselves of our dependence on fossils and other conventional sources of energy. Solar being a perpetual source of energy, especially in a tropical country like India, energy independence won’t be such a far-fetched dream after all, if we are able to make the most of this abundant source. This also entails a lot of benefits for not just human societies but also the environment at large. Quite clearly, solar power is on many levels the fuel for the future!
For further information on solar payback or solar O&M, feel free to call us at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. VEMC is one of the top solar companies in Mumbai. It is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company with a rich industry experience of 72 years.

Why powering your industry with solar energy will be the best investment decision you can make?

As we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and other conventional sources of energy, solar energy is emerging as a leading renewable source. India being a tropical country has enormous potential to tap solar energy. According to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India receives a total of 5000 trillion kwH per year and most parts receive 4-7 kwH per square meter per day.

This can contribute significantly to most sectors of our economy, and a diverse range of industries can benefit from it.

Here are 9 reasons why solar energy can be your best ever investment decision.

1. Reduced electricity bills

You can reduce or completely remove your dependence on the power grid by switching to solar. This can be all the more beneficial in the wake of fluctuating power tariffs and will entail healthy savings for your business. 

2. Renewable energy

Solar being a renewable source of energy, your business will be doing its bit to remove the pressure from non-renewable conventional sources of energy like coal and petroleum. 

3. Increased value of energy-efficiency

The efficiency of solar panels at present is about 15-20% but it can go significantly higher upto 42% in some cases. Overall, with the improvement in the material of the PV panels, and greater research and development, solar energy is bound to become more efficient every passing year.

4. Reduced Carbon emissions

By reducing your reliance on fossils, solar allows you to become an eco-friendly business. This is becoming increasingly crucial not just for the planet but for your own company as well. It will enable you to save on some critical carbon tax going forward and also meet your CSR goals effectively.

5. Easier monitoring of your ROI

After investing in a solar power system, you would want to ensure it is working optimally and getting you healthy returns. Monitoring the output of your solar panels is very easy. A number of companies are already providing services to analyse data related to your solar energy supply and also point out any discrepancies or slack in performance. 

6. Low maintenance costs

Solar panels are by and large a one-time investment. These are hassle-free installations made from durable materials with a life-span of around 25 years and very low maintenance costs.

7. Self-consumption of electricity

The electricity generated by solar panels is utilised on site which keeps the transmission losses at a bare minimum, and reduces or excludes the dependence on the utility grid.

8. Company image

As consumers are becoming increasingly conscious about climate change, they are preferring brands known for having the least impact on the environment. Switching to solar will be an evidence of your commitment towards reducing emissions, making you a favourite among eco-conscious consumers.

9. Stay ahead of the game

Lastly, survival of businesses depends upon how quickly they are able to adapt to changing times and reinvent themselves. By phasing the conventional energy out, and adopting the energy of the future, you can stay ahead in your industry and beyond!

VEMC is a leading solar EPC company in Mumbai and has unmatched technical expertise in the field of solar O&M. For installation and support, call at 022 43436655 or mail us at marketing@vemc.co.in

Redefining the Value of Solar Energy for Businesses Post-Pandemic

As India continues to make headlines for housing a staggering 17 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world, switching to using renewable solar energy as the predominant source of fuel gains more and more prominence. Although electric vehicles are gaining in popularity on Indian roads, it may be a while before this becomes the mainstream practice in the country. The government is working on creating and implementing more sustainable policies that industries will need to adhere to in order to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.

How manufacturing Industries can reduce their cost of operations post  Lockdown through Solar energy at zero cost??? | Solar Panel Installation  Company in Mumbai | Visol India

Lower costs as many businesses suffered losses during the pandemic

Adopting cleaner renewable energy like solar has become even more relevant since the Covid-19 pandemic. The long-term costs of energy sources like wind and solar are significantly lower than fossil fuels and could benefit businesses that have suffered losses brought about by the pandemic. India is an extremely price-sensitive region so this is a major factor to keep in mind. What’s more, tariffs have fallen drastically since 2010, so it would make sense for industries to adopt solar energy on a wider scale in a bid to combat the effects of climate change. Although certain factors like a cutback on trade with Chinese factories have driven up the price of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules slightly, this is only temporary and not very likely to last in the long term. In fact, solar still remains the cheaper option for industrial and commercial businesses. What’s more, innovative technology in this regard continues to advance rapidly, signalling a further reduction in costs.

Catering to environmentally conscious customers

Additionally, the conversation around sustainability and renewable energy has extended into the realms of regular consumers today who are much more conscious of the choices they make when it comes to environmental responsibility. More and more consumers are leaning towards brands and businesses that adopt renewable energy and cleaner environmental practices. Even at home, many people are looking to install solar panels on their rooftops for greater financial savings in the long term, as well as having the satisfaction of making a more responsible choice.

Creation of jobs

The creation of employment opportunities is another key factor for corporations and the government to consider switching to solar energy as a prevalent practice. The growth of the solar energy sector has provided a minimum of 50 jobs per 1 to 2 MW of solar installations.

Climate change crisis and the need for renewable energy

As the climate change crisis takes a bigger toll internationally, there is pressure on all countries to make greater efforts to reduce their carbon emissions to protect the environment for future generations. The government is looking for ways to incentivize the adoption of solar energy, which means that there is likely to be a further decrease in costs and an increase in financial and social benefits for both consumers and businesses. This is also resulting in more awareness of the topic, with more parties willing to conserve the planet and contribute to a greener future. Indeed, switching to solar energy is an easy way to do this.

VEMC is a well-established solar power plant company and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. VEMCO Solar is among the top solar companies in Mumbai and a market leader in solar solutions — be it solar plant erection, procurement, commissioning, net metering, or electrical connections. If you have any requirements in this space, please reach out to us at 022-43436655 or marketing@vemc.co.in, and we will be happy to provide you with customized support and services.

How Can Storage Enhance Your Solar Rooftop Project?

How Can Storage Enhance Your Solar Rooftop Project?

Although the benefits of switching to a more sustainable renewable energy like solar are quite well known in India by now, what is less talked about are the virtues of storing solar energy for use in the future. Despite the cost of energy storage sometimes continuing to be a barrier, such as in the case of using Li-Ion batteries for the purpose, there can also be commercial benefits to the practice.

You can meet all your energy needs completely with solar storage

In a state where tariff rates are high, it would make sense for a factory using solar energy to maintain the solar capacity below the contract demand. If 20 to 50 percent of the total energy requirement can be met by consuming energy generated by the rooftop solar installation, the entire 100 percent can be met by combining both this as well as the energy storage to keep it cost-efficient even at peak hours of usage like the afternoons and evenings.

You can increase financial savings significantly

Storing solar energy for later use can reap 20 to 30 percent in financial savings for clients. What’s more, this can be provided in the OPEX financial model too. For those clients that are unable to install more than 1MWp of solar panels through net metering, adding a solar energy storage component with battery storage can make up for it.

Ramp up/down demands for thermal power can become more gradual

Solar capacity firming is a concept where a solar installation is operated along with a thermal power plant. The fluctuations in solar energy output call for abrupt changes in balancing the demand for thermal power. Not only does this put pressure on the thermal power plant and result in inefficiency, it can also incur penalties or a higher tariff. By storing energy, this can be smoothened out and prevented.

A solution for industries using batch production

For industrial applications which require batch processes to be run with an online UPS, solar energy storage provides an alternative solution. Additionally, it can even be stacked up for several different applications even without using solar.

Cleaner and cheaper alternative to diesel generators

Storing solar energy is a far more efficient and sustainable solution than using conventional diesel generators which can cause pollution and drive up carbon footprint.

With rapidly improving technology and gradually reducing costs, solar energy storage can become the predominant solution across industries in the near future.

VEMC is a well-established solar services company that provides comprehensive project management services to its clients. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. For inquiries, contact us at +919819907445.

Solar Lease or Solar Financing — How Can You Choose What’s Better for You?

So you’ve decided to make the switch to solar energy. Great move! However, you’re still wondering how best to finance this. Solar lease and solar financing are two of the most common ways with which you can shift to the new system. Both enable you to install solar panels without having to pay the enormous cost of the system upfront. Let’s understand what each of these is.

Solar lease

When you take a solar lease, it means you make a monthly payment to the solar installer rather than owning the solar panels yourself. This reduces the amount of money that you have to pay overall. You benefit from this arrangement by consuming solar energy for your household or business needs and subsequently, reducing your electricity bills because solar energy is efficient and less of it is required to power your home or office than normal electricity.

Solar financing

In solar financing, you take a loan to buy and install the solar panels. You can pay this off over the tenure. With the cost of solar panels steadily declining with time, many are opting for this option as the main benefit is that you gain ownership of the solar panels whereas, in solar leasing, you don’t.

Solar leases vs solar financing

Both solar loans and solar leases allow you to pay a lesser amount of money upfront when installing the solar panels. However, you will need to consider the terms of both scenarios in order to determine which is better for you. Some perks, such as tax exemptions by the government, may not be available to you if you choose the solar leasing option. On the other hand, if the interest rates for solar financing are too high, it may not be ideal for you. However, in the long run, solar financing may be a less costly option rather than paying a continual sum every month like in the case of solar leasing. As well, keep in mind that maintenance becomes less of a responsibility for you when you choose to lease. No matter which option you choose, your utility bills will dip from switching to solar energy, so that is a cost-saving benefit either way.

On the flip side, the return on investment from solar panels is higher when you go for solar financing rather than leasing. When making your final decision, you must weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that matches your needs best. If you value ownership, you may want to consider solar financing. If you prefer to pay a lower sum every month for the entire duration of having the solar panels installed and like the convenience of maintenance and servicing taken care of, you may want to select solar leasing.

VEMCO is a well-established solar services company that provides end-to-end project management services to its clients. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. For inquiries, contact us at +919819907445.

Can You Remove and Reinstall Solar Panels?

When might you want to remove and reinstall your solar panels? The most common instances would be when you are fixing the roof or the solar power system, or conducting maintenance on the roof or other equipment located in the area.

Common Solar Panel Installation Problems - And How to Avoid Them


Fixing the Roof

Even some of the smallest roof repairs may require you to remove and reinstall part or all of your solar panels. This can make repairing the roof simpler, without risking damage to your panels. If you need to replace sections of the roof and require these to be removed prior, hiring a solar professional to do it would be a practical move.

Fixing a Solar Panel System

When repairing parts of your solar power system, removing the panels can provide additional space for a more thorough analysis of the whole system. Also, it is often safer to carry out repair work on the roof after removing the solar panels, in order to avoid compromising their safety.

Other Reasons

Other times that you might need to remove and reinstall solar panels could be when you need to repair anything in and around the rooftop. For example, fixing satellite dishes and electrical wires which are usually located on the roof may necessitate this, as may events like relocating your solar power system.

Should I Attempt to Remove and Reinstall the Solar Panels By Myself?

Do keep in mind that it can be quite risky to do so without the appropriate tools and expertise. Certain special equipment is required for the task and taking apart the panels without proper knowledge can nullify any warranties and contracts on the product. Also, removing and reinstalling solar panels entail a complex permission process that is best dealt with by a solar expert.

Time and Cost to Remove and Reinstall Solar Panels

The total time and cost of removing and reinstalling solar panels depend mainly on the solar expert you choose for the job, though they should be able to quote a base price to begin with. This can be over and above the actual costs of repairing the roof or solar power system; so be sure to factor that in. 

The repair work can take another day or more, depending on the extent of work that needs to be done. So, the entire project can take about three days to complete. Of course, major repairs may need more time.

Certain other factors may include the condition of the roof, the panels and the hardware, as well as the weather and site location itself. 

Removing and reinstalling solar panels is a complex task that requires substantial knowhow. VEMCO Solar, a solar energy company in Mumbai, offers end-to-end solutions and has enlisted channel partners with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, for solar PV rooftop, small power plant system integrators, and installation. Guided by the knowledge gained by VEMC over 72 years, our aim is to provide ample support to you at every step of the way. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Please feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445.

What Is Solar O&M And Why Do You Need It?

In any industry, operations and maintenance (O&M) are a crucial part of keeping the system running properly and efficiently. The solar industry is no exception and solar operations and maintenance (O&M) services or programs are required in order to maintain a standard level of performance for a solar energy system.

Regular servicing helps you to optimize the productivity you get from your solar power plants while reducing costs for maintenance and repair. Compared to most other power generating systems, solar power stations are simple to maintain. However, you need to make sure that you invest in high-quality O&M which is carried out professionally. This is one of the most important ways to make sure that your solar power plant stays in good condition, does not experience unnecessary breakdowns, and runs at peak performance levels.

There are three main aspects to solar O&M — preventative maintenance, corrective maintenance, and condition-based maintenance.

Preventative maintenance (PM)

Preventative maintenance, as the name suggests, includes regular inspection and servicing of your equipment in order to avoid the system from malfunctioning, which can cause unnecessary losses in production. This kind of maintenance takes place before your solar power system has witnessed any sort of breakdown, and the upfront costs associated with it are usually low to moderate.

Corrective maintenance (CM)

Corrective maintenance pertains to corrective action required to be taken after your equipment has already experienced a breakdown. Although this strategy may not appear to cost much on the surface, there is a higher risk of component failure and potentially higher costs on the backend. That can otherwise be avoided more easily with proactive, preventative and condition-based maintenance.

Condition-based maintenance (CBM)

Condition-based maintenance is when your solar power systems are monitored using real-time data. This strategy places a high priority on optimizing operations and maintaining peak performance levels, and can even be done by third-party providers and integrators. However, it comes at a higher cost than the other two strategies of maintenance, but these may actually pay off because your system runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

So, it is safe to say that no matter which strategy you employ, solar O&M is a crucial aspect of your solar power system to ensure that it continues to operate at optimal levels at all times. Timely maintenance significantly reduces the possibility of breakdown and production loss. O&M providers like VEMC can offer planned maintenance schedules to optimize equipment performance and minimise downtimes. Additionally, creating an elaborate breakdown impact analysis of solar plant sites is necessary in order to prepare a priority matrix for spare management and better maintenance.

For more information on our products, feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445. We would be happy to assist you in finding the best match, based on your requirements. As a leading solar power plant company in India, VEMC provides seamless end-to-end services to its clients. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services.

How Solar, Wind, and Hydropower can Outclass Coal Energy

For a very long time in modern human history, coal dominated the energy market as the cheapest, most easily available, and readily combustible source of energy. Coal energy was in fact the force behind the Industrial Revolution and continued to power factories, trains, and smelting furnaces, even into the twenty-first century.

However, today there is a huge concern to shift our energy demands from fossil fuels such as coal to renewable energy like solar, wind, and hydropower. This is due to the growing awareness about environmental issues and also the exhausting fossil reserves across the world. In the developed world, the transition is already evident, with shrinking demand for coal in the electricity sector. More and more power plants are switching over to solar and wind farms as the main source of energy to generate electricity. In the US, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that the demand for coal in the electricity sector shrank from 28% in 2018 to 22% in 2019 (source).

As declining reserves of coal impact supply and leads to increased prices, renewable energy will be seen as a more cost-effective source of energy. This will draw the commercial sector further towards renewable energy as it will not just make them more compliant with their environmental legislation but also help them cut their energy bills and improve their margins.

India has set itself a target of producing 175 GW of renewable energy by 2022, out of which 100 GW will come from solar energy, 60 GW from wind, 10 GW from biomass, and 5 GW from hydropower (source). Increasing reliance on non-fossil energy is especially important for India to keep threats from climate change under check while its economy grows at a steady pace.

Critics take an interesting line of attack at renewable energy: The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. This seems like a valid criticism but overlooks the stupendous growth of research and innovation in renewable energy (especially solar energy), backed by generous funding. This has greatly enhanced the storage systems so that the energy is used as and when needed. This has also placed renewable energy on the trajectory of increasing efficiency and declining equipment costs.

As fossils fade away into the background of the energy conundrum, renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, and hydropower will form the dominating portfolio for our energy needs of the future.

For more information on various types of solar services, feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445. We would be happy to assist you in finding the best match, based on your requirements. As one of India’s best solar companies with 73 years of market experience, VEMC provides end-to-end Solar EPC services to its clients. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Our sub-brand VEMCO Solar is one of the leading solar EPC companies — be it solar plant erection, procurement, commissioning, net metering, or electrical connections.

Is Solar Energy Still A Good Investment Under New MERC Norms?

Even though the recent revision of the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) tariff has slashed the price for power distribution companies, what does it mean for the solar energy sector? Is it still a good investment?

Earlier, the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) had proposed that a considerable grid support charge should be added to net metering rooftop solar systems which have a capacity of over 10 kW.

Well, the good thing is that despite the looming possibility of solar power prices to rise amidst the coronavirus pandemic, the Commission decided to NOT levy any support charges to on-grid solar system installation on rooftops. This will hold until the total rooftop solar photovoltaic module capacity of the state reaches 2 GW. 

The fact is that the decision was taken against the regulatory mandate to impose grid support charges in an attempt to reduce additional tariff burden on non-solar consumers. An additional banking charge has also been approved that includes an energy adjustment of 7.5% for HT and 12% for LT of the excess generated energy which will be fed back into the grid.

Also, the commission has exempted additional fixed charges behind the meter rooftop solar to ensure that such installations are registered primarily for grid security.

These latest changes, indeed make both off-grid solar system and on-grid solar system a good investment option. Plus, you have Vijay Engineering and Machinery Company to provide you with the best solar solutions and maximise your savings.

How Revised MERC Tariff Is Going To Affect The Consumers

The coronavirus pandemic has not only slowed down everyday life but has also wreaked havoc on India’s economy as businesses and trades all across the nation are floundering to stay afloat, and the average middle-class individuals are struggling to make ends meet in the absence of functioning work sources. In this bleak scenario, the recent revision of the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) tariff has slashed the price for power distribution companies in an attempt to boost the state’s economy but is it enough? Or is it time to switch to more renewable sources of energy like solar street lights, solar inverters, etc.

Having been applied since April 1, the MERC rates have been reduced for the first time in 10-15 years. 

The Impact of the Revision on Consumers

The tariff has been reduced by 5-7% for domestic consumers, while industrial and commercial consumers now avail the benefit of the prices being reduced by 10-12%. But compared to these high benefits, the tariff has been barely reduced for agriculture consumers – farmers received only a 1% reduction in electricity costs.

These revisions are for a period of five years and will allow power distribution companies to supply to consumers at a much lower rate. 

Still find it costly? Well, all you have to do is switch to a “solar” lifestyle with VEMCL’s aid! From solar rooftop to ground mount solutions and off-grid to on-grid solutions, we are here to make your smart transition easier with your particular need specific customised solutions.

Does The Current Pandemic Situation Will Impact the Renewable Energy Sector?

The novel coronavirus 2019 has reset the global economy while the impact of the virus on the energy sector is no different. The slowdown and the lockdown have led to a remarkable decline in the demand for energy globally. While the after-effects of the pandemic are still being played out; there will be some impact on the renewable energy sector. 

The recent situation presents both opportunities and threats to the renewable energy sector. However, since the total energy generated using renewable sources is via an off-grid solar system or wind energy, the impact on this sector shall be rather low. Due to the slowdown in demand of renewable resources during this short-term, the number of new renewable energy projects may experience a slight downfall. In addition, the ongoing projects that have already been announced shall experience some delay altogether that will turn the demand of renewable energy at a low rate. 

-In the medium term, however, the demand for renewable energy is again expected to again reach the pre-pandemic situation and that shall lead to opportunities. The disruption of the supply chain has created a shortage of equipment like an on-grid solar system, panels for renewable energy providers in India. While this is negative for the short term, over the medium term, it has led to an excellent opportunity for the local manufacturers of equipment for renewable energy. Indigenous companies manufacturing equipment for renewable energy shall now be able to gain a foothold in this market.  An increase in the local supply of equipment shall give a boost to renewable energy production in India and other emerging economies.

The reset of the energy demand caused by a pandemic is a once in a lifetime opportunity for countries like India to pursue clean-energy more aggressively. The pandemic has made governments globally realize the importance of public health on the accelerating switch from the polluting fossil fuel economy to the renewable energy economy. The governments shall focus on providing incentives, subsidies and stimulus packages on the renewable sector to move away from the adverse effects of fossil fuels. 

For India, specifically, over the medium term, this pandemic offers tremendous opportunities. Since the oil prices shall be much lower, it will free-up the government’s resources w.r.t foreign reserves. The government may use these resources to give a boost to renewable energy, as a means to focus on long-term public health. These incentives and subsidies would help develop a complete ecosystem of renewable energy right from equipment manufacturers to service providers. Globally, the pandemic has made people realize to de-risk their entire supply chain from a single country. This shall provide new opportunities for the renewable energy sector in India to export their products and service globally in the post-pandemic world. 

All the after-effects of the pandemic would be realized once the situation is restored to normal post the pandemic. However, the short-term is going to be extremely difficult for the renewable energy sector globally. Reduction in overall energy demand, supply chain disruptions, unavailability of inspectors, servicemen and installers shall lead to short term adversity for the entire sector. However, the pandemic has created a tremendous opportunity for the governments over the globe to come together and focus on public health by giving a boost to global renewable energy demand through incentives and subsidies. For India, over the medium term, as a means to de-risk the supply chain, the pandemic shall open opportunities for renewable energy equipment manufacturers.