What To Know Before Installing Solar Project

Installing Solar Project

Solar energy is being received with enormous excitement across the country. Many homeowners are even able to save almost 100% of their electricity bills thanks to their solar panels. No wonder the installation of PV systems has grown exponentially from just 5 MW in 2010-11 to a whopping 5000 MW in 2019-20. However, the installation of a solar project on your roof has certain prerequisites which must be met to ensure it works at the optimum capacity. In this blog, we take you through all the critical ones.

Can your roof support solar panels?

First things first, make sure your roof can provide the physical strength and stability to install solar panels and mounting structures which are typically quite heavy. Do not install the system unless your roof is firm. The possibility of your roof collapsing under the weight of the structure could cause serious injuries or even loss of life.

Is your roof the right shape and type?

The type of roofing you have also determined the possibility of installing a solar project. A tin roof with a sharp slope can pose serious challenges while installing the mounting structures and even then these might not remain stable. A terrace on the other hand can offer a great deal of convenience. Likewise, how much space is available on the rooftop is also crucial to consider.

Which direction does the slope of your roof face?

To generate the maximum amount of electricity, solar panels must face the sun for as long as possible. This makes the direction of the slope of your roof quite significant. The best placement for your panels according to most professionals is either south or west.

How efficient is your installation location? How much energy do you use?

The amount of power generated also depends upon the installation location. You would obviously want the sun to strike your panels for the most part of the day. But this also depends upon your energy needs from the solar panel. In case you rely almost completely on your solar panels for electricity, choose your location carefully. The technician should be able to help you find the right spot for the panels, and in case of prior installation, can also help move the installation to a different location.

How do you connect to the grid?

A number of things need to be taken into consideration with regard to your connection with the grid. These include the following:

  1. How long will it take to get the connection?
  2. Are you liable to pay any fee?
  3. Will your supplier enter into a net metering agreement for surplus energy that you feed back to the grid?

Solar installation at home or business could create a lot of confusion and dilemmas. The best way to get all your queries addressed is to contact the experts. VEMC is one of the top solar company in Mumbai that can make your life much simpler when it comes to your solar installation. Before you install or move your PV system, get in touch with our experts at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in.

Can You Remove and Reinstall Solar Panels?

When might you want to remove and reinstall your solar panels? The most common instances would be when you are fixing the roof or the solar power system, or conducting maintenance on the roof or other equipment located in the area.

Common Solar Panel Installation Problems - And How to Avoid Them


Fixing the Roof

Even some of the smallest roof repairs may require you to remove and reinstall part or all of your solar panels. This can make repairing the roof simpler, without risking damage to your panels. If you need to replace sections of the roof and require these to be removed prior, hiring a solar professional to do it would be a practical move.

Fixing a Solar Panel System

When repairing parts of your solar power system, removing the panels can provide additional space for a more thorough analysis of the whole system. Also, it is often safer to carry out repair work on the roof after removing the solar panels, in order to avoid compromising their safety.

Other Reasons

Other times that you might need to remove and reinstall solar panels could be when you need to repair anything in and around the rooftop. For example, fixing satellite dishes and electrical wires which are usually located on the roof may necessitate this, as may events like relocating your solar power system.

Should I Attempt to Remove and Reinstall the Solar Panels By Myself?

Do keep in mind that it can be quite risky to do so without the appropriate tools and expertise. Certain special equipment is required for the task and taking apart the panels without proper knowledge can nullify any warranties and contracts on the product. Also, removing and reinstalling solar panels entail a complex permission process that is best dealt with by a solar expert.

Time and Cost to Remove and Reinstall Solar Panels

The total time and cost of removing and reinstalling solar panels depend mainly on the solar expert you choose for the job, though they should be able to quote a base price to begin with. This can be over and above the actual costs of repairing the roof or solar power system; so be sure to factor that in. 

The repair work can take another day or more, depending on the extent of work that needs to be done. So, the entire project can take about three days to complete. Of course, major repairs may need more time.

Certain other factors may include the condition of the roof, the panels and the hardware, as well as the weather and site location itself. 

Removing and reinstalling solar panels is a complex task that requires substantial knowhow. VEMCO Solar, a solar energy company in Mumbai, offers end-to-end solutions and has enlisted channel partners with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, for solar PV rooftop, small power plant system integrators, and installation. Guided by the knowledge gained by VEMC over 72 years, our aim is to provide ample support to you at every step of the way. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Please feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445.

How Solar, Wind, and Hydropower can Outclass Coal Energy

For a very long time in modern human history, coal dominated the energy market as the cheapest, most easily available, and readily combustible source of energy. Coal energy was in fact the force behind the Industrial Revolution and continued to power factories, trains, and smelting furnaces, even into the twenty-first century.

However, today there is a huge concern to shift our energy demands from fossil fuels such as coal to renewable energy like solar, wind, and hydropower. This is due to the growing awareness about environmental issues and also the exhausting fossil reserves across the world. In the developed world, the transition is already evident, with shrinking demand for coal in the electricity sector. More and more power plants are switching over to solar and wind farms as the main source of energy to generate electricity. In the US, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that the demand for coal in the electricity sector shrank from 28% in 2018 to 22% in 2019 (source).

As declining reserves of coal impact supply and leads to increased prices, renewable energy will be seen as a more cost-effective source of energy. This will draw the commercial sector further towards renewable energy as it will not just make them more compliant with their environmental legislation but also help them cut their energy bills and improve their margins.

India has set itself a target of producing 175 GW of renewable energy by 2022, out of which 100 GW will come from solar energy, 60 GW from wind, 10 GW from biomass, and 5 GW from hydropower (source). Increasing reliance on non-fossil energy is especially important for India to keep threats from climate change under check while its economy grows at a steady pace.

Critics take an interesting line of attack at renewable energy: The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. This seems like a valid criticism but overlooks the stupendous growth of research and innovation in renewable energy (especially solar energy), backed by generous funding. This has greatly enhanced the storage systems so that the energy is used as and when needed. This has also placed renewable energy on the trajectory of increasing efficiency and declining equipment costs.

As fossils fade away into the background of the energy conundrum, renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, and hydropower will form the dominating portfolio for our energy needs of the future.

For more information on various types of solar services, feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445. We would be happy to assist you in finding the best match, based on your requirements. As one of India’s best solar companies with 73 years of market experience, VEMC provides end-to-end Solar EPC services to its clients. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Our sub-brand VEMCO Solar is one of the leading solar EPC companies — be it solar plant erection, procurement, commissioning, net metering, or electrical connections.

Types Of Solar Panels And The Best Fit For Your Commercial Needs

One of the foremost choices to make when it comes to procuring a solar system is with regards to the type of solar panel you wish to install. There are broadly three types of solar panels available and each differs from the other in terms of cost, efficiency and aesthetics.

Monocrystalline Panels

This type of panel gets its name from the fact that each cell in the panel has a single crystal of silicon which allows free movement of electrons through the cell, taking its efficiency upto 20% and more. High efficiency means lesser requirement for space and hence, these panels are best suited for residential use as space can be managed efficiently. Monocrystalline panels contain either 60 or 72 cells, depending on the size of the panel. The silicon cells are in the shape of black squares with their corners cut off, giving the panels a deep black aesthetic look.

Polycrystalline Panels

Multiple crystals go into making each cell in these panels which restrict the free flow of electrons through the cell. Their efficiency ranges between 15% and 17% but with increasing innovation in technology, this is expected to improve. Compared to Monocrystalline panels, these panels require more space and therefore, may be slightly challenging to accommodate in a residential setting. These panels also contain 60 or 72 cells but multiple crystals give them a marbled blue appearance, which may not be aesthetically pleasing. However, Polycrystalline panels are more affordable which, despite factors like space and efficiency, has enabled the product to make galloping strides even in the residential market segment in recent years.

Thin Film Solar Panels

These panels are solid black in colour and do not have any silicon cell outlines. Being lightweight and flexible, these are easy to carry and install. Thin-Film panels are the least energy-efficient (10-13% range) and are only suitable for large establishments like industries and utility solar projects with ample space. Being extremely cost-effective due to low energy efficiency and ease of installation makes these panels all the more suited for large-scale commercial establishments. These have a very short life expectancy and require frequent replacement. Depending on the material they’re made of, these panels can be both blue and black.

If you need some assistance to decide on the solar panel that suits your needs the best, feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445. We would we happy to assist you in finding the best match based on your requirements. As one of India’s best solar companies, having 72 years of market experience, VEMC provides end-to-end Solar EPC services to its clients. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Our sub-brand VEMCO Solar (Check out our solar story) is a market leader in solar system solutions — be it solar plant erection, procurement, commissioning, solar metering system, or electrical connections. At VEMCO Solar, our valued clients are provided with customised solar services solutions to fit all their needs.

5 Solar Panel Technologies Shaping the Future Of Solar Power

Solar is already the world’s fastest-growing energy technology. It is cost-efficient and scalable and now, with new solar panel technologies, the future looks bright for renewable energy as it promises to improve efficiency and lower costs further.

Here are five solar technologies that are likely to impact the solar industry.

Floating Solar Farms 

Floating solar farms, also known as floatovoltaics, are a new and efficient way of solar plant installations on ponds, lakes, and man-made dam reservoirs instead of being fixed on the ground. They not only offer greater efficiency but also cost less to install than traditional land-based solar panels. Floatovoltaics can help generate large amounts of electricity without taking up valuable real estate, produce clean solar power, and prevent noxious algae production (which reduces water treatment costs), among other things. Also, the power production of floatovoltaics is high because floating solar panels are surrounded by water bodies which act as natural coolants improving efficiency rates and minimising energy waste.

BIPV Solar Technology

BIPV (building-integrated photovoltaics) systems comprise photovoltaic (PV) materials that can be integrated into the structure of a building such as roofs, skylights, canopies, curtain walls, or facades, during the initial construction. BIPV solar technology has two purposes — while it serves as the outer layer of a building/structure and generates electricity for onsite use, it also exports electricity to the power grid so that it can be utilised later. BIPV installations significantly reduce operational carbon emissions of buildings, produce on-site clean electricity without additional land area, enhance the visual appearance of buildings, and reduce electricity consumption.

Solar Skin

Conscious homeowners, who feel that solar panels interfere with their home’s aesthetic appeal, can now go green with solar skins. This PV technology uses selective light filtration so that the sunlight is filtered and reached the solar cells beneath. Not only homes, solar skins can work well for businesses and offices too – they are customisable and display anything you want, be it a type of roof or logos, advertisements, and flags. With a rail-less racking system and fine finish, solar skins are aesthetically pleasing.

Solar Fabric

Solar fabric technology combines flexible solar panels with fabric to create a canopy that generates electricity when exposed to light. When PV cells are embedded into your t-shirts, stoles, winter coats, or other garments, it will not just keep you warm, but also power your phone and supply energy for other needs while you’re on the move. With development and advancement of solar fabric technology, it will help save on installation costs and solar panel mounting.

PVNB Technology

The PVNB (photovoltaic solar noise barriers) are technologies that aim to lower noise levels, shield sensitive receptors from noise generated by road traffic and produce clean and sustainable energy. This technology can help with soundproofing (especially areas near railway and road infrastructure), light transmission, resisting weathering and UV rays, and generating energy sustainably.  Would you like to know how you can use solar energy to your advantage? We, at VEMCO Solar would be glad to assist you. Be it solar plant erection, procurement, commissioning, net metering, electrical connections, or anything related to solar, we will be the right partners for you! Guided by the knowledge gained by VEMC over 72 years, our aim is to be by your side at every step of the way. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Depending on your requirement, we provide off-grid, on-grid and hybrid solar system solutions as well. Please feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445.

What is the Importance of a Solar Panel Mounting Structure?

The demand for solar power is increasing worldwide as more and more countries are capitalizing on the benefits of this form of sustainable energy. For a solar power plant to operate successfully, the installation must be done right and the mounting structure plays a crucial role in that. This structure is support that holds the solar panels on roofs, building facades, or on the ground. If anything goes wrong with the structure, it would affect the entire solar project (which is ideally expected to be working for at least 20-25 years).

So, let’s take a look at the factors to be kept in mind.


Paying attention to the orientation and placement of solar panels is vital. For a fixed roof-mounted solar energy system, the angle should be equal to the latitude of the installation site. Generally, pitch angles between 30 and 45 degrees are suitable for most locations. That helps ensure that the panels produce maximum energy while they are being exposed to the highest intensity of sunlight for a long period of time.


Since there is maximum sunlight in the south, it is advised that you place your solar panels facing south. While east and west work well too, north is one direction that might not work well.


Given that different parts of the earth receive sunlight for different lengths of time, you must check your latitudinal and longitudinal location. One of the simplest ways to locate the latitude and longitude of your location would be to open Google Maps and right-click on the place.

Shade Area

Solar panels work best when there is no shade cast upon them. So, ensure that there are no shadow areas or trees, or structures that can cast a shadow, around. In fact, even if a single solar panel in the solar array is covered by a shade, the output of the whole system will be compromised.

Surface of Installation

Ahead of installing the solar panels, make sure that the surface is smooth and sturdy, and can carry the weight of the whole solar panel system. 

Solar panel supplier

Although a mounting structure looks like easy work, it involves certain technicalities. Therefore, it’s advised to purchase the mounting structure from a solar panel manufacturer. 

Check out the pros of buying a mounting structure from a solar panel supplier:

Customized stand: A solar company can customize a stand according to specific requirements such as the structure of the stand, positioning of holes, and customizing the weight, height, and length.

Installation service: When you buy a mounting structure from a solar company, they not only provide you with installation service but also make sure that the installation is safe and secure. They also test it for you.

Consultation: The representative from a solar company has the required knowledge about installations and check the latitudinal and longitudinal location, direction, and angle, ensuring better performance of the solar panels. They can also guide a customer with everything they need to know.

Don’t get confused by the wide range of mounting structures available in the market. Preferably, consult an expert who will be able to guide you, based on your requirements. Should you have any queries, feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445. We, at VEMCO Solar, would be happy to assist you switch to solar effortlessly.

With 72 years of market experience, VEMC provides end-to-end EPC services to its clients. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Our sub-brand VEMCO Solar is a market leader in solar solutions — be it solar plant erection, procurement, commissioning, net metering, or electrical connections. We would be glad to include you in our family.

6 Things to Ask Solar Consultant

It is really important to let your guards down and learn everything about solar panels before you plan to get one for your residential or commercial space. Well, having a direct chat with solar consultants might be your guide over here. As they are associated with this field for a pretty long time, you can expect to get quality responses to all your queries. So, let’s learn about the 6 things that you should primarily ask your consultant, especially from Vijay Engineering and Machinery Company (VEMC).

1.Don’t forget to ask about the Financial Options:

Can you benefit from that tax credit? Does the solar energy consultant have any lease option or competitive loan by his side for the clients? Most companies will push for the Power Purchase Agreement. It will make your solar contractor the electric company. It means you are not going to own the system and just need to pay for the power it produces for your place. But, the solar contractor has every right to raise the rates. That’s why another loan or leasing program with a 0 down and 0 increase guarantee is always important for most customers.

2. Ask to check their design centre:

If you want, the consultant can sees the company’s design centre or operation office. Avoid letting them meet you at your place. You need to know more about the company and its precise workflow because you proceed further and get panels from their sides. When you have experienced groups like Vijay Engineering and Machinery Company (VEMC), you don’t have to worry much. With 72 years of experience, you can expect only the best from this source!

3. Ask for expansion of solar energy system in future:

This is another interesting point for you to jot down whenever you are dealing with the solar panel consultant for your queries. Ask them if they can expand the current solar system later if the need arises. With some countries becoming less dependent on fossil fuel, the consumers need to know if they can create a larger system in the near future for accommodating the power needed for their devices.

4. Ask more about the panels:

You should ask the consultant about the solar panels they are planning to install at your place. Always remember that not all panels are the same. Some are more durable and efficient than others. Experienced companies like Vijay Engineering and Machinery Company (VEMC) are able to produce around 75% more energy over the course of their working period. So, always research the panels through one third-party source to ensure that the products will last long.

5. Ask about the benefits of working with them:

There must be some benefits involved while working with a local solar contractor over a national brand. So, do ask about those benefits before you get yourself involved with their solar panels. Vijay Engineering and Machinery Company (VEMC) is one ISO 9001:2015 certified firm and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering items, allied equipment, and all the necessary services. This company is CRISIL MSE-1 rated. They are known to present strategic expansion and consistency throughout for providing excellence in service, quality of product, and leadership. So, working with this team will save you a lot of money and time!

6. Ask if moving towards solar panel is a good call for you:

Well, the answer to such a question can be a complex one. It depends on multiple physical factors. How much are you currently paying on your electric bill? How much shade does your roof actually get? Why are you looking for solar panels? Is it because of the financial benefits or anything else? Make sure to get these questions answered first before you can opt for the solar panels.

Get help from Vijay Engineering and Machinery Company (VEMC):

If you are currently eyeing the most affordable solar panel system cost and panels that are designed to last long, then Vijay Engineering and Machinery Company (VEMC) is your name. VEMC Solar presents end-to-end solutions, starting from selecting the right set-up kin to the final selection of best Opex or Capex models. So, you can trust this team for getting all your solar panel queries answered.

How To Reduce Unexpected Long-Term O&M Costs With A Smart Solar Solution

Once a solar power plant is installed, the next aspect to be considered is operations and maintenance (O&M) management. It is a crucial aspect of any solar project since it mitigates the risks of unexpected costs and must never be overlooked. Efficient O&M ensures the generation of maximum power, while also providing a sizeable return on investment. No matter the scale of your photovoltaic (PV) module usage, you will always need an effective and efficient O&M solution. And you can do this by taking the SMART goals approach.

What is a SMART solar solution?

In management practices, SMART is an oft-used acronym for better guidance towards your set goals. SMART stands for:

  • Specific: Making sure that your objectives are well-defined and clear.
  • Measurable: Chosen criteria must be measurable to ensure the tracking of progress. 
  • Achievable: Keep your goals attainable. Impossible goals can lead to demoralization.
  • Realistic: Keep your objectives realistic, relevant, and within reach.
  • Timely: A clearly defined timeline is necessary along with target dates.

The SMART systematic approach towards making your goals clear and reachable will help reduce long-term O&M costs.

What are the steps to reduce unexpected costs?

  1. Preventative focus: In order to keep the equipment used in solar panels in top condition, it is necessary to conduct advanced analytics and condition monitoring testing. This reduces the possibility of any problems arising in the future, thus saving the time and money spent on remedial measures.
  2. Timely maintenance: Just as we abide by the user manual for maintaining other pieces of equipment, doing the same for solar solutions is always a good idea. Timely maintenance greatly reduces the possibility of errors and production loss. O&M providers like VEMC can offer planned maintenance schedules to maximise equipment performance and minimise downtimes.
  3. Spare management: Creating a detailed breakdown impact analysis of solar plant sites is necessary to prepare a priority matrix for spare management and better maintenance.
  4. Remedial maintenance: One of the main aspects of O&M is, of course, remedial maintenance. Any solar plant must have proper planning in place for repairs or replacement. This not only ensures immediate solutions but also helps avoid costly system failures.
  5. Safety: With the handling of large equipment comes the problem of ensuring the safety of everyone working around it. An experienced O&M provider will be equipped with skilled employees who perform their jobs with utmost care. They will also provide their maintenance personnel with the safety equipment needed to perform their jobs in a secure manner.

That said, it’s absolutely necessary to have an O&M plan in place for your solar plant to alleviate long-term costs. At VEMCO Solar, our valued clients are provided with customized plans to fit all their needs. VEMCO Solar offers end-to-end solutions and has empanelled channel partners with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, for solar PV rooftop, small power plant system integrators, and installation. Guided by the knowledge gained by VEMC over 72 years, our aim is to be by your side at every step of the way. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Please feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445.