Basic Working Principles of PICO

As energy costs rise globally and the energy crunch mars business processes, big and small, Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. (KBL) have found an ingenious solution for your small-time electricity needs. PICO is a cost-effective reverse-operated pump that can generate up to 10 kW of electricity and can be used to power villages, households and remote farms. VEMC is one of the leading solar consultants and in this blog, we tell you all you need to know about KBLs latest innovation, the PICO hydropower generator.

What powers PICO?

PICO hydropower turbine simply harnesses the natural flow of water to generate electricity. This can provide electricity to remote villages, isolated farms, tourist places, chemical and petrochemical plants etc. Since PICO is completely dependent upon water flow from small streams or rivulets, there is no input of fossils like coal or diesel. This makes PICO a highly sustainable and eco-friendly source of alternative energy.

Key components of PICO

  1. Runner: It converts the kinetic energy of moving water into mechanical energy by rotating when water flows through it.
  2. Inlet pipe: The water enters into the turbine through the inlet pipe. It ensures that the turbine receives a steady flow of water to keep the mechanism going.
  3. Nozzle: It regulates the flow of water to the runner and ensures optimum efficiency by directing the maximum amount of water to the runner.
  4. Turbine housing: The turbine is protected and enclosed by it. It is specifically designed to resist the force of flowing water.
  5. Shaft: This connects the runner to the generator, and thus transmits the mechanical energy of the runner.
  6. Generator: The mechanical energy transmitted by the shaft is converted into electrical energy by the generator. It consists of coils that rotate in a magnetic field and produce electricity.
  7. Governor: The role of a governor is to control the turbine speed and regulate the output of electricity.
  8. Outlet pipe: This discharges the water that has been used to generate electricity back into the stream or river while ensuring minimum environmental impact.
  9. Support structure: This includes mounting points and other associated structures that ensure the stability of the PICO system.

Suitable applications of PICO

As mentioned already, PICO generates up to 10 kW of electricity. This makes it most suitable for meeting small-scale demands or filling in for short-term disruptions or outages. However, the most outstanding feature of PICO is its compact size and portability. This makes it highly suitable for off-grid locations deep into the interiors with minimum connectivity such as remote villages and farms. PICO can therefore be a game-changer when it comes to improving the socio-economic standards of remote rural and agrarian communities, especially in the context of a developing country like India.

For more on the remarkable PICO system, feel free to get in touch with us by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at We at VEMC are one of the leading solar consultants in the country and take immense pride in our innovative endeavours to transform this industry.

How solar energy can provide affordable and reliable electricity access in developing countries

solar panel consultant and installers

Developing countries often lack sources of affordable and reliable electricity. This is mostly due to weak infrastructure, geographical challenges, lack of technical expertise, and limited financial sources to build a robust electricity base. For such countries, solar energy could come as a huge boon. We at VEMC are one of the leading solar panel consultant and installers in the country, and in this blog, we see how solar energy can become a game-changer in the developing world.

Benefits of solar power for developing countries

  1. Decentralised source of power: Developing countries often struggle to establish conventional electricity networks in their vast interiors. Solar energy on the other hand provides decentralised supply which brings communities in such parts on the grid, significantly improving their living standards.
  2. Reduces reliance on fossils: Many developing countries, owing to their lack of electricity infrastructure, depend on fossils such as coal and petroleum for their energy. This is not just expensive or exhausting but also damages the environment. Solar energy can significantly reduce their reliance on such sources of energy, benefiting communities, towns, and whole countries at large.
  3. Employment generation: Solar energy once established grows into a multi-pronged industry. It has the potential to create jobs in various parts of the solar value chain such as manufacturing, installation, operation, and maintenance. This can help create employment and boost the economies of developing countries.
  4. Low-cost energy source: Developing countries are often cash-strapped which puts their energy security at risk. Over the years, the cost of solar energy has declined appreciably and solar has emerged as a cost-effective source of energy especially in tropical countries which get abundant sunlight. This can reduce the burden on end-users, communities, and businesses, while also helping preserve the financial resources and precious foreign exchange for governments.
  5. Technology advancement: Solar energy offers an unprecedented opportunity for developing countries to advance to the next tier of technological advancement in terms of energy production. This is extremely critical with rising pressure on conventional sources of energy and their overall rising prices.
  6. Sustainability: Conventional energy sources are often quite damaging to the environment. These do not just include coal-based thermal electricity but also hydro-power plants which are seemingly clean but come at humongous environmental and human costs across the developing world. Solar energy on the other hand is one of the most preferred sources of energy in terms of sustainability.
  7. Buffering energy shocks: Conventional sources of energy are often prone to disruptions due to shortages of fossil fuels like coal, or natural calamities. Solar energy can act as a great cushion to prevent blackouts during such emergencies and keep at least the critical parts of the economy running.

Solar energy quite clearly is a godsend for the developing world! For more on how it can change the energy scenario for your business, get in touch with our experts at 022 43436655 or email us at We at VEMC are one of the top solar panel consultants and installers based in Mumbai.

PICO – An Innovative Product by KBL that uses alternate source of energy


As pressure on energy sources rises, there is a growing clamour for alternative and innovative sources of energy. These have the potential to offer electricity in emergencies or during sudden outage. One such alternative is PICO, a compact and innovative product developed by Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. VEMC is a leading supplier of solar rooftop systems and in this blog, we talk about this new and innovative product by KBL.

What is PICO?

PICO is a pump developed by the exceptional KBL engineers that can be operated in reverse to generate electricity. It is a cost-effective solution for offering alternative source of energy to industries that are sensitive to power-cuts and outages. It is the best alternative if your energy requirements are less and short-term.

Which applications can PICO be used for?

Given the above benefits as well as constraints, PICO can be used for the following applications:

  1. Villages: India’s deep rural hinterland often struggles with power connectivity. PICO acts as an effective alternative to provide electricity to such villages mainly for household lighting.
  2. Remote farms: Likewise, PICO can come in handy to power remote farms where electric infrastructure is weak.
  3. Battery charging and other intermittent requirements: PICO can be used quite effectively to charge your inverter batteries in times of long and unexpected power cuts.

Environmental and economic benefits of PICO

PICO is a product developed by KBL in view of the ongoing debate of environment, sustainability and climate change. Here are some ways in which PICO is great for the environment and is also an economic source of energy:

1. Renewable energy: PICO generates energy like a small-scale turbine and is therefore a typical source of renewable energy. This can contribute significantly to reduce the pressure on the grid and limit the reliance on conventional sources like coal.

2. Low emissions: With PICO, you no longer have to worry about emissions. This can help businesses lower their carbon footprint and contribute to the green economy.

3. Energy-efficiency: Small-scale power generators like PICO are more energy efficient as compared to large scale plants. These are located very close to points of use and there is very little loss in transmission. This makes PICO highly efficient and environment friendly.

4. Conserves resources: PICO operating in massive numbers over the years can reduce the pressure on our already dwindling natural resources, and help conserve them for a longer period of time.

5. Promotes a culture of sustainability: Little initiatives and inventions like PICO can contribute to fostering a culture of sustainability and circular economy. This can have a domino effect and inspire change across businesses, industries and societies.
The ideal user base for PICO is village consumers, households, small grid power plants, high-rise buildings and remote farms. To know more about PICO, get in touch with VEMC by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at We are the leading solar rooftop system providers in Mumbai.

Advanced Monitoring and Diagnostics for Solar Panel Performance Analysis

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Advanced Monitoring and Diagnostics for Solar Panel Performance Analysis

Solar energy is gaining steady prominence as one of the most preferred sources of renewable energy across the world. However, to get the maximum out of your investment in solar power systems, it is necessary to keep track of all its critical parameters. Advanced monitoring and diagnostics enable you to do exactly that, for zeroing in on issues and taking timely corrective action. VEMC is a leading solar EPC company based in Mumbai, and in this blog, we tell you all you need to know about performance analysis of your solar power system.

Benefits of advanced monitoring systems

  1. Identify performance issues early: Advanced monitoring and diagnostics technology acts as an early warning system for any performance-related issues which could lead to lower productivity and efficiency.
  2. Optimise system operation: The data collected by advanced mentoring and diagnostics system enables users to zero in on any system issues and take corrective course to optimise system operation.
  3. Maximise energy production: With advanced monitoring systems, users receive a stream of continuous and uninterrupted data which helps keep track of the energy produced by the panels. As soon as deviation is noticed in the production, it could point towards issues such as accumulation of dust, shading of the panels or bird droppings which act as barriers to the sunlight and reduce the energy produced. With timely action, energy production can be maximised. 

Types of data collected by monitoring systems

Monitoring systems keep a track of a wide range of relevant parameters which are critical indicators of your solar power systems’ performance, efficiency and productivity.

  1. Power output: This is one of the most significant parameters that users must track throughout the lifespan of their solar power project. A steady power output at peak levels indicates a healthy solar power system while deviations may signify its decline.
  2. Voltage: This is another important parameter that must be tracked continuously. It also indicates the productivity of your system.
  3. Current: A monitoring system typically has a current sensor that keeps track of the current generated by your solar power system.
  4. Temperature: Solar power systems are known to operate at an optimum temperature. Extremes of temperatures can lead to a reduction in the productivity of your solar power system.
  5. Irradiance: Greater the irradiance received at the surface of the panels, more will be the electricity generation. Suboptimal irradiance may indicate shade due to newly-grown foliage, dust, debris or simply wrong positioning of the panels.

Using data analytics to track performance

Monitoring and diagnostics is all about collecting and analysing data. This is especially useful for identifying performance trends, detecting anomalies and diagnosing potential problems. Analysing data has an important role to play in preventative maintenance, avoiding downtime, and prolonging the lifespan of your solar power system.

For more on solar power system monitoring and diagnostics, feel free to call us on 022 43436655 or email us at We are the leading solar EPC company based in Mumbai.

Solar Panel Cleaning and Maintenance: Methods and Scheduling

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Solar Panel Cleaning and Maintenance: Methods and Scheduling

If you own a solar power system, you would realise that it is all about exposing the maximum surface of the panels to the sun for maximum possible time. What can really affect its performance and efficiency is barriers like dust and debris. This makes it extremely important to clean and maintain the panels regularly. We at VEMC are the leading solar panel consultants and installers based in Mumbai, and in this blog we talk about cleaning and maintaining your solar panels.

Factors affecting cleaning frequency

While it is necessary to clean your solar panels regularly, it cannot be feasible in terms of cost and labour to do so too frequently. Here are some decisive factors that determine how frequently you must clean your panels:

  1. Environmental conditions: The larger environmental context you are located in is the foremost factor to determine your cleaning frequency. For instance, you may need to clean the panels more often if you’re located in the middle of a busy urban centre or near a factory, as compared to a bucolic rural setting.
  • Dust accumulation: How much dust accumulates on your panels in a given setting will also determine the cleaning frequency. Dust could be raised by heavy traffic or industrial processes like mining or stone crushing.
  • Bird droppings: Another widely noticed barrier to sunlight shining on your panels is bird droppings. If your facility has a lot of trees nearby, it is quite likely that birds would fly over your panels and pound them with their droppings. This will make regular cleaning necessary.

Safe and effective cleaning methods

Cleaning your solar panels is quite simple and straightforward but for the sake of longevity, you must keep a few guidelines in mind.

  1. Use water and mild detergent: Use de-ionised, rain or tap water to clean your panels. Make sure the water is clean to prevent any mud or contaminants from remaining behind on the panels. Do not use any abrasive, acidic or alkalic cleaners on your panels. A regular mild detergent should do.
  2. Specialised cleaning brushes: These days, a lot of sellers are offering brushes made specifically for solar panels. These are often motorised and can clean in both linear and circular motion. Most importantly, they clean without leaving any marks or scratches on the surface.
  • Robotic cleaners: These are automated systems used to clean solar panel surfaces. These operate by using a combination of mechanical and smart technologies to clean efficiently. These are especially useful when your solar panels are out of reach or located too precariously for manual cleaning.

Recommended cleaning schedules

Solar panels must typically be cleaned twice a year. However, regular inspections are necessary to take more precise decisions and get maximum efficiency. Besides, the above-mentioned factors will also play a key role in scheduling your cleaning.

To get the most out of your solar power systems, cleaning and maintaining them is essential. We at VEMC offer comprehensive solar EPC contracts to our clients which cover everything your solar power system needs post purchase. For more on this, feel free to call us on 022 43436655 or email us at

Solar Success Stories: 3 Inspiring Businesses Benefiting from Solar Power

VEMC has been at the forefront of solar transformation and our past projects with a strong client base is testimony to it. In Mumbai and its environs itself, we have multiple solar installations on an enormous scale. Three of the most outstanding ones are MCGM Office Worli, Godrej city Panvel and Piramal Revanta Mulund West. In this blog, we give you a peak into how and why these projects became an inspiring success.

MCGM Office at Worli

The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) Engineering Hub in Worli is the nerve centre for all engineering and infrastructure-related work in the city. To power this hive of activity, the MCGM approached VEMC for its reliable and reputed solar installation. It turned out to be a great success as it helped the MCGM shift its reliance substantially from the conventional source of electricity to solar power. This did not just reduce the building’s energy costs, but also contributed to its significantly lower carbon footprint. The project is perfectly in line with MCGM’s vision for a sustainable future and shifting to green renewable energy in their own facility is the first step towards inspiring a city-wide transformation.

Godrej City at Panvel

One of the prime real estate projects in Navi Mumbai, the Godrej City is the epitome of luxury living. The project has more than three towers and 568 units spread across an area of about 150 acres. The energy consumption naturally is enormous and is estimated at around 260000 kWh per year. VEMC was approached to meet this challenge of powering this massive facility.

We installed a 200 kWp on-grid solar power system along with net-metering facility, which meant that excess electricity produced by the panels is exported to the grid and offset against the electricity consumed. The project didn’t just save energy costs but also reduced its carbon footprint by an estimated 184 metric tonnes per year. To put things into perspective, this is equivalent to carbon sequestering by 3047 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. Taking the maintenance costs into account, the project payback period was only around 3 years.

Piramal Revanta at Mulund West

The Piramal Revanta project is a high-end residential real estate project which 2 and 3 BHK apartments and a vast range of amenities. These include an indoor game zone, gymnasium, mini theatre, multipurpose game court, cafe lounge and many more! With VEMC solar installation, this project didn’t just optimally meet its energy needs but has also reduced its energy costs and carbon footprint substantially, inspiring change for more sustainable residential townships of the future.
To know how VEMC can transform your business facilities and meet your growing energy needs sustainably, get in touch with our team by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at With a proven track record and a flurry of successful project under our belt, we are committed to inspiring change for a greener, cleaner and sustainable tomorrow!

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Installing Solar Projects

Solar energy is fast becoming one of the most preferred alternative sources of energy. This is especially true of a tropical country like India which receives plentiful sunlight in most parts throughout the year. However, we are still in the early days of our solar journey and a lot of customers tend to make installation mistakes which can later prove costly. VEMC is a leading solar energy company based in Mumbai, and in this blog we tell you about the 8 common mistakes that you must avoid when installing your rooftop solar panels.

1. Understanding energy needs

The capacity of rooftop solar panel must be determined by the energy needs of your home or facility. However, consumers often make the mistake of considering only their current needs. Since solar power system is a long-term investment, you must plan ahead and also build capacity as per your projected needs in the future.

2. System sizing

To meet the energy demands of your facility, it is necessary that your solar power system is suitably sized. You must avoid both under as well as over-sizing of your solar power system. The former can lead to shortages of energy while the latter causes wastage.

3. Placement

Make sure your panels are properly positioned to face the sun maximum possible time for optimum productivity. This is where the skill, expertise and experience of your installer comes into play.

4. Financing your solar project

With a number of government incentives and financing options available, you do not need to finance your solar project all by yourself. All you need is some market research to choose the most cost effective financing option.

5. Obtaining permits

You must obtain a permit from your local power distribution company (DISCOM) before installing a solar power system. Additionally, look for other local body regulations which are mandatory in your locality, town or city before installing the panels.

6. Factoring in maintenance costs

Your solar power system doesn’t just have initial investment costs but also long-term or lifetime costs which customers often overlook when deciding to invest in one. Make sure you speak to an expert and factor in the maintenance costs of your solar power system before making the investment.

7. Avoid scams

With a lot of excitement about solar power systems in the air, customers may be tempted to invest in them by unscrupulous sellers claiming that these systems are money-minting machines. While on-grid solar panels do help reduce your bills through net metering significantly, they are not likely to make you rich overnight.

8. Choose the right installer

Finally, when it comes to installing solar power systems, you must only trust a reliable and reputed seller that has plenty of experience and cutting-edge expertise in the field.

One of the leading solar panel consultants and installers is VEMC, a company based in Mumbai and serving clients across industries. For more information on installing your solar power system, call us on 022 43436655 or email us at

The Green Revolution: Solar Solutions for Sustainable Schools

Schools and educational institutions are becoming increasingly dependent on technological tools like desktops, laptops, printers and projectors for imparting education among students. In areas with frequent load shedding or sudden power cuts, schools may have to face serious obstacles in carrying out the teaching-learning process. To keep education uninterrupted, schools are being increasingly powered by rooftop solar power systems across the country. VEMC is the leading solar panel installation company based in Mumbai, and in this blog we take you through the green revolution that is slowly but surely coming to India’s schools.

Benefits of solar power in schools

  1. Energy independence: 

Having installed a rooftop solar panel in your school, you no longer have to be fully reliant on your grid. With the solar solution in place, your school is less susceptible to fluctuating electricity costs as well as power outages. An uninterrupted supply of electricity creates a highly conducive atmosphere for the teaching and learning process.

  1. Cost-efficiency: 

With a rooftop solar panel installed, schools no longer have to worry about  the piling up of humongous electricity bills. They can significantly reduce their energy costs by switching over completely or significantly to solar power systems. Besides, governments and local authorities also offer attractive incentives on installation of solar power systems at schools and educational facilities.

  1. Financial returns:  

A rooftop solar panel doesn’t just lower your electricity bills in the short run through net metering, but also offers long-term financial rewards. Since the lifespan of solar panels is up to 25 years, schools can enjoy decades of free power generation.

  1. Sustainability: 

Renewable energy is coming in vogue rapidly and rooftop solar panels in schools will help reduce the carbon footprint of cities significantly. It will also sensitise the students and community about the importance of switching over to renewable energy like solar for a better environment.

  1. Enhanced reputation: 

Schools are seen as the fountainhead of forward-looking scientific thought in a community. Installing a solar power system enhances their image as an organization espousing values of sustainability and instilling the same ideas in students. An enhanced image in this way can attract parents, students and investors and make the school stand out as a leader in sustainability.

Incentives for solar power in schools

Government and non-government organisations offer a number of incentives for installing solar power plants in schools in India. These include grants, rebates, subsidies and tax credits, and reduce the overall system costs by at least 50% including the long-term energy savings. Since most states also have net-metering laws in place, solar panel owners can also sell the excess electricity generated to the grid, reducing their electricity bills and even generating income.

If you are thinking of installing a rooftop solar power system in your school, get in touch with VEMC by calling us on 022 43436655 or email us at We are the leaders in offering the right solar solutions for your needs.

Sizing your solar system: finding the perfect balance for your energy needs

Having a solar power system is a smart way to meet your electricity needs at home and business. However, to make sure that you are able to fulfil your needs without wasting any energy, sizing your solar system is necessary. This allows you to avoid over or underinvesting in your solar system and getting just the perfect one suited for your needs. VEMC is the leading solar panel installation company in Mumbai and in this blog, we tell you how to perfectly size your solar system.

Factors to consider in sizing

  1. Consumption: 

Higher the levels of usage or consumption, more will be the size of the solar power system required. This means a bigger solar power system will be needed in a business or industrial setting as compared to a domestic one.

  1. Location: 

Where you live also impacts the sizing of your solar power system. If you live in a tropical region that gets plenty of sun all year round, even lesser solar panels will produce good amount of energy. However, in temperate regions, you my require bigger solar systems to make up for the low sunlight during the winter season.

  1. Climate: 

Although climate is largely a function of geographical location, some places neverthess are too cloudy or rainy due to other factors like altitude, monsoons etc. If you experience too much of overcast weather during the day, this will also necessitate installing a bigger solar power system.

  1. Efficiency: 

Highly efficient monocrystalline solar panels produce plenty of energy over a limited surface area. This also plays a role in determining the size of your solar system.

A step-by-step guide on sizing

  1. Calculate your usage: 

For starters, you must be aware of your annual energy usage. You can find this from your electricity bill which may also exhibit the peaks and valleys of energy consumption. Find out the average usage of electricity per day.

  1. Find out your peak sun hours: 

The peak sun hours vary according to your location and climate. To make the most of your solar power, find out your peak sun hours using a sun hours chart.

  1. Calculate the size of your solar power system: 

To find out the size of a solar power system that would be most suited for your needs, divide your daily energy requirement (in kWh) by your peak sun hours. This will give you a kW output. Divide this by your solar panel’s efficiency and you’ll get an estimate of the number of panels you’ll need.

Alternatively, if you know the “efficiency factor” of the solar panels (lets say 0.2), here’s the formula to find out the size of your solar power system:

(Daily kWh / Average sun hours) x 0.2 = Size of solar system

Proper sizing of your solar power sytems is very important to ensure optimal performance and cost effectiveness. For consultation on sizing your panels, call our experts on 022 43436655 or email us at VEMC is the leading solar installation and consulting company in Mumbai. Get in touch today!

7 Critical Factors Affecting the Efficiency of a Solar Plant

solar power company
solar power company

The efficiency of a solar plant is the output it generates relative to the space it occupies. Usually, solar power plants have an efficiency of 17 to 23%. But this can be stretched if you’re mindful of the workings of your panel. VEMC is the leading solar power company based in Mumbai.

7 critical factors that impact the efficiency of your solar plant

1. Solar panel quality

For starters, the quality of your solar panel and the kind of material used in your solar panels has a significant impact on its efficiency. Monocrystalline panels, for instance, have the highest efficiency of about 23%. These panels are also useful in case of limited space on the roof. On the other hand, thin-film solar panels offer the least efficiency.

2. Orientation of your solar panels

Ideally, the roof on which a solar panel is mounted should be south-facing and the slant should be between 30 and 40 degrees. This exposes the solar panels to the sun maximally. However, this may not always be possible and the installer must find the best possible placement of the system on your roof.

3. Shading

Shade from nearby trees or buildings blocks sunlight and reduces the efficiency of your solar panel by upto half. Make sure the system is installed at a location where there is no or minimum possible shade. In case of tall trees, the branches can be pruned and cut to prevent them from obstructing the sunlight.

4. Dust, dirt, and contaminants

In places where it doesn’t rain frequently, make sure you clean the dust and dirt regularly. Contaminants can block the sunlight from falling on your solar panel and affect its efficiency. Likewise, in winters, snow accumulated on the solar panel will also obstruct the sunlight. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the panels is necessary to ensure highest levels of efficiency.

5. Efficiency of the accessories

Accessories like inverters, wires and cables also affect the efficiency of the system. For example, connector wires that offer too much resistance to the current will impact the output. Make sure you always use genuine and high-quality accessories like inverters. 

6. Weather and climate

Solar panels function optimally within a certain temperature range. Extreme weather conditions can impact their efficiency and reduce the output. While snow and blizzard physically cover the solar panels, extreme heat can damage them and reduce the output. But as long as it doesn’t cover the panels, snow can improve the overall efficiency due to its high irradiance.

7. Maintenance and monitoring

Lastly, any solar system needs high maintenance and monitoring. You must regularly inspect the connector wires for any breakages. Make sure the site is free of rodents which may damage the wiring. Monitor the flow of current regularly and call your solar panel consultants and installers in case of significant fluctuations.
For more on how you can get the maximum out of your solar panels, call VEMC on 022 43436655 or email us at We are the leading solar panel installation company in Mumbai and also offer best-in-class solar energy consulting services.

Financial Benefits of Installing Solar Plants for Industries

solar epc

Industries across the economy are increasingly looking for energy alternatives. This is because of rising energy costs and increasing environmental concerns. Solar energy has emerged as one of the favorite sources of energy on many accounts. Solar energy is safe, inexpensive, abundant, and low-cost. Between 2023 and 2028, solar energy is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.71%. VEMC is the solar epc based in Mumbai.

We take you through the financial benefits of solar plants for industries

Lower cost of energy

Being completely dependent on the electricity grid may subject businesses to electricity cost fluctuations and sudden spikes. In such situations, solar plants can provide a price buffer to businesses, thus keeping their operational costs under check. Having a solar plant makes a business self-sufficient and reduces its dependence on the commercial power grid. Even partial self-sufficiency can slash bills significantly.

Excellent ROI

Solar power plants are an excellent investment. On average, the entire investment is recovered within five years. Solar panels have a considerably long life span of 25-30 years. But most importantly, investing in solar power systems means benefitting from fixed utility rates for decades.

Lower overhead costs

Overheads such as supplies, utilities, and operational materials add up to a huge amount. With solar energy, businesses can significantly reduce these costs and improve their bottom line. 

Government and tax incentives

As solar energy has gained traction across the world, governments are promoting their installation through various financial incentives, subsidies, and tax benefits. Businesses in India can benefit from schemes wherein the government contributes some amount to install the plant. Besides, they can also claim accelerated depreciation on solar power systems which can reduce their tax liability significantly. 

Net metering

With an on-grid solar system in place, in case a business is generating more energy than it is consuming, it can actually export it to the grid. The amount exported will then be offset against the electricity consumed, thus reducing the electricity bill from the grid significantly.


Energy costs can skyrocket in the coming days as environment-related taxes are levied. With concepts such as Carbon Tax and Polluter Pays Principle over the horizon, sustainable operations have to be ensured. Only those businesses that are sustainable will be able to escape the scourge of such taxes due to lesser pollution or carbon emissions. Thus being a sustainable business can translate to significant financial benefits.

Improved reputation

Installing solar power systems can improve the reputation of a business, especially among the environment-sensitive public. Although indirectly, this could significantly boost the company’s image and entail greater revenue.

If you want to know more about how solar power systems can benefit your business, feel free to get in touch by calling 022 43436655 or emailing us at VEMC is the leading solar power company based in Mumbai and deals in end-to-end installation and maintenance of solar rooftop systems. It is the best solar company when it comes to solar consulting and offering unique solutions for your business needs.

7 Critical Components of a Solar Plant

If you are a solar installation owner, you must be aware of all of its individual components and how they operate. This doesn’t just help in the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the solar plant, but also zero in on the troublesome parts in case of breakdowns. We at VEMC are one of the leading solar EPC based in Mumbai, and in this blog, 

Explore the main components of your solar plant

7 parts of a solar plant

  1. Solar panels
  2. Inverter
  3. Model mounting structure (MMS)
  4. Optimizers
  5. Cables
  6. Energy monitoring
  7. Battery storage

Solar panels

Also known as solar modules, these generate electricity when the sun shines over them. Choosing the right type and number of panels is necessary to meet your requirements optimally. Solar panels must be cleaned and inspected regularly to ensure optimum performance and productivity.


The solar panels produce Direct Current (DC) while your appliances run on Alternating Current (AC).  It is the inverter that turns DC into AC to make the electric output usable. The inverter also keeps a check on the voltage flowing from the panels to your home or back to the grid.

Model mounting structure (MMS)

MMS is the most important part of your solar power infrastructure. A number of mounting structures are used depending on the type of surface you are installing the panels on. For instance, for low-slope roofs, ballasted MMS is used which uses a weighted tray to hold the panels in place. On the other hand, a ground-based solar installation uses an engineered MMS anchored in the ground.


As the name suggests, optimizers ensure the production of maximum power by the panels even if the surface has dirt, dust or shade. Optimizers are installed at the back of each solar panel. These also track the performance of the panels, thus assisting in troubleshooting. As soon as the system turns off, optimizers also automatically shut off power as a safety measure.


Your solar panel installation requires a robust network of cables to convey the current from the panels. These cables also interconnect the various components of the solar power system. Three main types of cables used in solar installations depending on their use are PV wires (mostly used for interconnection wiring), USE 2 wires (used in grounded solar panels), and THHN (used in wiring the buildings).

Energy monitoring

Energy monitoring is an important component of keeping track of your energy production versus consumption. The data on production and consumption monitoring helps keep tabs on the health, efficiency, and productivity of your solar power system.

Battery storage

Although not an essential component of your solar system, battery storage acts as a buffer. In times of electricity shortage or breakdown, battery storage works as a useful reservoir of energy. Batteries get conveniently and automatically recharged when the sun is shining on the panels.
Having comprehensive knowledge and understanding of your solar panel systems is important to keep track of how it is performing. To learn more about your solar power system components, you can get in touch with our experts at 022 43436655 or We at VEMC are the leading solar installation company based in Mumbai.

How to save big on your solar panel installation

Saveings on solar panel installation
solar energy company

Solar panel installation can seem like a daunting investment. The upfront costs can in fact be the most significant deterrent against taking the solar option. However, with the right guidance, you can save plenty of money while installing your solar panel. VEMC is the leading solar energy company based out of Mumbai.

In this blog, we explain how you can save big on your solar panel installation

1. Government incentives

Governments across the world are trying to promote solar energy to shift their country’s reliance on conventional fossil fuels. By providing incentives to homeowners, they make the investment in solar energy an attractive prospect. India’s Rooftop Solar Programme by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is one initiative to exhort residents to invest in a solar rooftop system. To put things into perspective, solar energy systems of up to 3 kW are eligible for a subsidy of up to Rs. 14588/kW.

2. Financing options

Solar financing is another feasible option for homeowners who do not want to spend a huge sum on the installation upfront. This allows them to spread out the cost of the panel over a larger horizon. A number of private and public sector banks in India are offering solar loans at affordable interest rates of around 8%.

3. Select the right solar system

Make sure you’re selecting just the right size and type of solar panel system for your rooftop. For residential homes, 3-5 kW solar panels should be enough. Also, make sure you’re choosing a good quality solar panel system that helps you save energy in the long run. Monocrystalline solar panels typically offer better efficiency.

4. DIY installation

To save on your installation labor, you could perform a DIY installation. These days, a lot of resources like guides and tutorials are available online, which homeowners can use to install their panels. However, in the case of complicated rooftop design, unsafe mounting areas, or lack of the right tools, it is always better to rely on experts. 

5. Proper maintenance

Regular and timely maintenance is important when it comes to extending your savings. When solar panels are regularly inspected and maintained, the costs of sudden breakdown go down. Dust, ash, or other particulate matter can bar the sunlight shining on the panels, thus reducing their productivity. Frequent surface cleaning can significantly improve the efficiency of your solar panels.

6. Long-term financial benefits

At any rate, choosing to install a solar panel can never be a bad financial decision. As any solar installation company would explain, the average payback period for residential consumers on their solar installation is around 4-5 years. This indicates how financially beneficial solar panels are in the long run. The savings incurred on energy consumption by far exceed the upfront costs of the panels.
Investing in solar panels can seem quite daunting, given the huge cost structure upfront. However, with the right choices, you can actually maneuver your way to great savings on your panels. For more information on how to save on your solar panel installation, get in touch with VEMC on 022 43436655 or email We are the best solar company when it comes to installation, consulting and maintenance services.

8 Steps to Successfully Adopt Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions
solar consultants

Renewable energy is fast emerging as the most favoured source of energy globally. Globally 29 per cent of electricity generation in 2020 came from renewables, whether hydel power projects, windmills or solar installations. 

At VEMC we have unmatched expertise in solar panel installation. If you’re looking for sound advice on transitioning to solar energy, we are also one of the most competent solar consultants out there.

Benefits of renewable energy

  • Renewable energy is non-polluting in nature. There is a serious clamour across the world to reduce reliance on fossils which generate CO2, to clean renewable energy. This is especially true in the global warming context that has become humanity’s number one global worry.
  • Renewable energy is more affordable with stable prices. In a world where fossil reserves are increasingly dwindling and their prices rising uncontrollably, renewable energy provides hope. Renewable energy is also much more immune to geopolitical shocks and supply-chain bottlenecks in case of war, political upheaval or natural disasters.
  • Renewable energy means employment, inclusion and sustainability. The generation and distribution of renewable energy create plenty of jobs. As the industry evolves, more and more entrepreneurs are expected to be attracted to it. This will include a lot of women and local communities, thus creating a more democratic, egalitarian and inclusive world. 

8 steps to adopt renewable energy

As a leading solar energy company, VEMC can help you transition from your conventional source of energy to renewable energy without much serious hassle. All you need is a clear roadmap ahead, which can be summed in these 8 steps below:

1. Assess

In this preliminary step, you may find yourself asking questions about the total monthly consumption or patterns of consumption (since renewables like wind and solar produce more energy at certain hours of the day). Be on top of all the figures in ample detail before making the big leap.

2. Explore options

Your palette of options will be shaped by your budget, technical feasibility, availability of renewable energy nearby and logistical constraints. 

3. Set clear goals

Be sure of what you wish to achieve by switching to renewable energy. Whether you want to reduce your energy costs, ensure compliance or have a stable energy source, all these questions make a difference in your choice of the right renewable energy source.

4. Financial considerations

Ask yourself what amount of resources you can afford to set aside for the switch and whether there are any government incentives involved.

5. Collaborate 

Get in touch with the leading people, companies and consultants in the field and seek their expertise for a smooth transition. VEMC is the best solar company when it comes to handling end-to-end projects for their clients.

6. Implement

Mobile your human, financial and technological resources to execute the installation with the help of the experts.

7 Essential Checks for Metal Roof Maintenance in Solar Plant Systems

Solar Plant Systems

To make sure your solar rooftop system offers optimum efficiency, you must have a robust maintenance regime in place. Proper inspection and maintenance also help improve the working life of your panels and reduce the costs of depreciation and sudden breakdown. These services are often provided by the same solar energy company that you procure your panels from. 

In This Blog, We Tell You About The 7 Essential Checks That You Must Perform To Ensure Proper Maintenance Of Your Solar Rooftop System:

  • Roof Inspection

Before Solar Panel Installation, make sure your roof would be able to withstand the burden of the mounted solar panels. In case the age of your roof is ten years or more, it is advisable to get it replaced before installing a solar rooftop system. Also, check for any seepages or leakages in the roof. 

  • Cleaning and Debris Removal

Check for any debris in the inverter pad area or elsewhere. Look for any signs of animal infestation such as excreta etc. all over the system and clean it regularly. Wipe the panel surface regularly to remove dust particles that can reduce the output.

  • Gutters and Drainage System

The solar rooftop system must have adequate drainage. Check for any water pooling on the roof and ensure that the drainage is seamless. Any water seeping into the system can cause damage to the equipment, and water on the panels can reduce their efficiency.

  • Sealant and Waterproofing

Mounting a solar rooftop system requires drilling multiple holes into the roofing. This makes waterproofing of the roof essential. This is done by using waterproofing membranes that seal cracks, crevices and seams. For long-term reliability, make sure the waterproofing has been done by a reputed roofer. 

  • Rust and Corrosion Prevention

Rusting can affect the electronic circuits of your solar panels reducing the electricity generated. Besides, corrosion on the outside brackets or racking system can weaken the structure on which the Solar Rooftop System is mounted. Check for rust regularly, use metals that are rust-proof such as anodized aluminium or stainless steel, and ensure complete waterproofing. 

  • Solar Panel Mounting

This is a more physical aspect of the solar panel system. Having a robust mounting structure is necessary to prevent damage to not just your panels but also to avoid accidents and injuries. A weak mounting can lead to the sudden collapse of the entire solar panel installation, which is otherwise expected to last up to 25 years.

  • Structural Integrity

Solar installations must be structurally sound and secure. Check whether the mounting structures are made of durable and corrosion-resistant material. These days, a number of mounting structures with high standards of reliability are available at competitive rates. Look for the warranty provided by the company, strength grade and coating, and the weight that it can support.


For more information on the operations and maintenance of your On Grid Solar System, get in touch with VEMC at 022 43436655 or email us at We are one of the most reputed names in solar energy, based out of Mumbai.

12 Groundbreaking Solar Technology Breakthroughs of 2022

Solar Technology

Solar energy has long been one of the most promising sources of unconventional energy. As fossil fuels fade into the background, solar is all set to emerge as the most preferred source of energy. The last few years have seen some groundbreaking innovations and technological changes in solar energy. VEMC is the leading Solar Energy Company based in Mumbai.

In This Blog, We Tell You About 12 Of These Brilliant Breakthroughs That Are Going To Set Solar On A New Trajectory:

Boost in Efficiency:

Solar energy is becoming more efficient than ever before. This is due to innovative design features such as inverted metamorphic multijunction (IMM) cells. 

Introduction of Perovskites:

Every top solar company in the world is excited about the introduction of perovskites in solar panels. These are a group of synthetic materials with crystallographic structures. They have some significant benefits over silicon: they’re cheaper, more efficient and lightweight.

Introduction of Organic Solar Cells:

With the advent of organic solar cells, photovoltaic cells can be printed onto flexible material like plastic sheets. These are lightweight, flexible, quick and cheap to manufacture, and of course completely organic. 

Solar Windows:

By applying photovoltaic glaze on windows, you can convert sunlight that comes in through your windows into electricity. The glaze contains minuscule photovoltaic cells. 

Solar Balloons

Solar Installation in cloudy areas may not yield great results. Scientists are now developing solar balloons that will float way above the clouds and generate and supply electricity there. 

Hairy Solar Panel Technology

Hairy solar panels are a marvel of nanotechnology. These tiny, light-absorbing nanowires can absorb more energy than a silicon cell. 

Thin-Film Solar

These are made of extremely thin (less than a human hair) electricity-producing layers. They are highly flexible, affordable and easy to transport.

Floating Solar Farms

Solar panels can take up a lot of space which could otherwise be useful for productive work. This is why floating solar farms have captured the imagination of every leading solar power company. Solar panels are installed on a body of water such as lakes, ponds, reservoirs and oceans.

Solar Paint

If solar panel installation seems too much of a hassle, just wait till solar paint takes over. Once developed into a full-fledged technology, solar paint can be applied to buildings, vehicles and even roads. 

Space-Based Solar

Solar installation in space is an exciting prospect. Scientists are working on installing solar panels on satellites that will beam tremendous amounts of solar energy back to Earth.

Wasted-Light Solar Panels

Only about 40% of light is visible to the human eye. Wasted-light solar panels have the ability to absorb and generate electricity from non-visible light. This includes ultraviolet and infrared light. 


With micro-inverters, you no longer need to have a large number of solar panels to produce and convert solar energy. You can simply have one panel and one inverter to start off your solar power generating station.
These innovations are expected to have huge implications wherever solar energy is used: business, transportation or household.


For more information, get in touch with us at 022 43436655 or email us at VEMC is by far the Best Solar Company and solar consultant based out of Mumbai.

Advantages of a Solar Rooftop System

Solar rooftop systems and on-grid solar systems are fast becoming the most preferable source of renewable energy. Some of the top benefits that accrue from solar energy are savings and low maintenance, energy efficiency, self-sufficiency and carbon neutrality. 

In This Blog, We Take You Through Some Of The Main Advantages Of Solar Rooftop Systems:

Cost Savings:

Energy prices are rising the world over. However, solar energy seems to be the silver lining on the horizon. With the abundant availability of sunlight across the world, solar energy is one of the most affordable sources of energy. It is getting cheaper with the passage of time as research and development enhances the efficiency of solar photovoltaic cells. This means lesser surface area and greater production of energy by Solar Rooftop System.

Environmental Benefits:

Unlike fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum, solar energy is non-polluting. It does not lead to carbon emissions which contribute to environmental issues like climate change and global warming. In the near future, carbon emissions can have financial or even legal implications for businesses. In this context, solar energy comes as a godsend. Solar rooftop systems can significantly contribute to the journey of carbon neutrality of businesses, governments and even households across the world.

Energy Independence:

Once a Solar Rooftop System is installed, consumers no longer need to be tied to the grid. Even though they may continue to keep the grid as a backup, by and large, their energy is sourced from solar power. This is even more useful in remote and interior locations with limited electricity distribution. Solar farms and villages are revolutionising how energy is being consumed in the deep hinterland and transforming the lives of millions across the world.

Longevity and Durability:

The estimated life span of most solar panels is about 30-35 years. Most of the solar panels manufactured in the 1980s are still functional and continue to generate electricity. The impressive durability of solar rooftop systems means lesser waste, low maintenance and lower costs. The best part is that with improvement in technology and materials used in the panels, this is expected to get even better!

Net Metering:

If you have installed a solar rooftop system while still being connected to the electricity grid, you can get your bills reduced drastically. With on grid solar system, you can benefit from the fabulous concept of net metering which allows users to export surplus electricity and adjust it against the units consumed from the grid.

Increased Property Value:

A building with a solar rooftop system installed is naturally a more attractive piece of real estate. Promoters and brokers can actually highlight the energy self-sufficiency of the building or the reduced costs of electricity, thus boosting the property value.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

Lastly, environmental protection is a massive part of the CSR of any business establishment. Whether businesses are installing solar rooftop systems for their own use or sponsoring them for others, they’re doing their bit for the environment.


Solar energy is all set to revolutionise the global energy landscape. To know more, get in touch with our experts at 022 43436655 or email us at We are the best solar company in Mumbai and a leading solar energy company across the country.

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Solar Metering

Solar Power Company

If you are generating more solar energy than you are consuming, the excess electricity is diverted to the grid and you are compensated for it by deducting the units you purchase from the grid. This simple concept is known as Net Metering.

As any top solar company will tell you, solar energy is gaining a lot of traction the world over and producers must be aware of Net Metering to make the most of their investment in solar power systems. VEMC is a leading Solar EPC Company based in Mumbai.

In This Blog, We Explain 6 Reasons Why You Simply Shouldn’t Ignore Solar Metering:

Lower Electricity Bill

With net metering, you only pay for the ‘net’ amount of electricity that you consume, that is, total electricity imported from the grid minus electricity exported from your solar power system. Besides, the extra electricity units can be used during those hours when sunlight isn’t enough such as at night.

Easy Installation With Fewer Components

There is no need to have a backup generator in net-metered solar power systems. The electricity grid itself acts as one. The lack of elaborate equipment and components makes the net-metered solar system an absolute winner. It also means that the initial costs of installing solar power systems come down significantly. For expert advice on this, get in touch with VEMC –– a top solar EPC company in its segment.

Lesser Environmental Impact

Solar energy is the most preferred unconventional source of energy, especially in terms of environmental impact. But when net metering is added to the equation, it further boosts the environmental benefits as it encourages users to switch to solar energy. Net metering, therefore, helps remove or reduce the reliance on conventional and polluting sources of energy like fossils.

Increased Financial Credit

Net metering provides owners of solar power systems an opportunity to generate revenue by selling the excess units to the grid. This acts as a financial motivator and helps owners increase their financial credibility by creating an asset that becomes a perpetual source of income.

Cost-Effective and Hassle-Free Maintenance

Net metering does away with components like batteries and generators –– the two that require the highest attention and maintenance. Thus, with net metering in place, your solar power systems become more cost-effective and have hassle-free maintenance.

Lesser Network Issues

With the increased number of consumers exporting their excess units to the electricity grid, the chances of blackouts and outages are successively reduced. Issues such as transmission line congestion can be significantly reduced thanks to net metering. An expert solar EPC company like VEMC will be able to tell you more about this.


If you want to install a solar system or have any queries regarding metering, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will be happy to help you leverage net metering to make your place of work a shining example of the effectiveness of renewable energy. We are a leading Solar Power Company and can be reached at 022 43436655 or emailed at