Advanced Monitoring and Diagnostics for Solar Panel Performance Analysis

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Advanced Monitoring and Diagnostics for Solar Panel Performance Analysis

Solar energy is gaining steady prominence as one of the most preferred sources of renewable energy across the world. However, to get the maximum out of your investment in solar power systems, it is necessary to keep track of all its critical parameters. Advanced monitoring and diagnostics enable you to do exactly that, for zeroing in on issues and taking timely corrective action. VEMC is a leading solar EPC company based in Mumbai, and in this blog, we tell you all you need to know about performance analysis of your solar power system.

Benefits of advanced monitoring systems

  1. Identify performance issues early: Advanced monitoring and diagnostics technology acts as an early warning system for any performance-related issues which could lead to lower productivity and efficiency.
  2. Optimise system operation: The data collected by advanced mentoring and diagnostics system enables users to zero in on any system issues and take corrective course to optimise system operation.
  3. Maximise energy production: With advanced monitoring systems, users receive a stream of continuous and uninterrupted data which helps keep track of the energy produced by the panels. As soon as deviation is noticed in the production, it could point towards issues such as accumulation of dust, shading of the panels or bird droppings which act as barriers to the sunlight and reduce the energy produced. With timely action, energy production can be maximised. 

Types of data collected by monitoring systems

Monitoring systems keep a track of a wide range of relevant parameters which are critical indicators of your solar power systems’ performance, efficiency and productivity.

  1. Power output: This is one of the most significant parameters that users must track throughout the lifespan of their solar power project. A steady power output at peak levels indicates a healthy solar power system while deviations may signify its decline.
  2. Voltage: This is another important parameter that must be tracked continuously. It also indicates the productivity of your system.
  3. Current: A monitoring system typically has a current sensor that keeps track of the current generated by your solar power system.
  4. Temperature: Solar power systems are known to operate at an optimum temperature. Extremes of temperatures can lead to a reduction in the productivity of your solar power system.
  5. Irradiance: Greater the irradiance received at the surface of the panels, more will be the electricity generation. Suboptimal irradiance may indicate shade due to newly-grown foliage, dust, debris or simply wrong positioning of the panels.

Using data analytics to track performance

Monitoring and diagnostics is all about collecting and analysing data. This is especially useful for identifying performance trends, detecting anomalies and diagnosing potential problems. Analysing data has an important role to play in preventative maintenance, avoiding downtime, and prolonging the lifespan of your solar power system.

For more on solar power system monitoring and diagnostics, feel free to call us on 022 43436655 or email us at We are the leading solar EPC company based in Mumbai.