PICO – An Innovative Product by KBL that uses alternate source of energy


As pressure on energy sources rises, there is a growing clamour for alternative and innovative sources of energy. These have the potential to offer electricity in emergencies or during sudden outage. One such alternative is PICO, a compact and innovative product developed by Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. VEMC is a leading supplier of solar rooftop systems and in this blog, we talk about this new and innovative product by KBL.

What is PICO?

PICO is a pump developed by the exceptional KBL engineers that can be operated in reverse to generate electricity. It is a cost-effective solution for offering alternative source of energy to industries that are sensitive to power-cuts and outages. It is the best alternative if your energy requirements are less and short-term.

Which applications can PICO be used for?

Given the above benefits as well as constraints, PICO can be used for the following applications:

  1. Villages: India’s deep rural hinterland often struggles with power connectivity. PICO acts as an effective alternative to provide electricity to such villages mainly for household lighting.
  2. Remote farms: Likewise, PICO can come in handy to power remote farms where electric infrastructure is weak.
  3. Battery charging and other intermittent requirements: PICO can be used quite effectively to charge your inverter batteries in times of long and unexpected power cuts.

Environmental and economic benefits of PICO

PICO is a product developed by KBL in view of the ongoing debate of environment, sustainability and climate change. Here are some ways in which PICO is great for the environment and is also an economic source of energy:

1. Renewable energy: PICO generates energy like a small-scale turbine and is therefore a typical source of renewable energy. This can contribute significantly to reduce the pressure on the grid and limit the reliance on conventional sources like coal.

2. Low emissions: With PICO, you no longer have to worry about emissions. This can help businesses lower their carbon footprint and contribute to the green economy.

3. Energy-efficiency: Small-scale power generators like PICO are more energy efficient as compared to large scale plants. These are located very close to points of use and there is very little loss in transmission. This makes PICO highly efficient and environment friendly.

4. Conserves resources: PICO operating in massive numbers over the years can reduce the pressure on our already dwindling natural resources, and help conserve them for a longer period of time.

5. Promotes a culture of sustainability: Little initiatives and inventions like PICO can contribute to fostering a culture of sustainability and circular economy. This can have a domino effect and inspire change across businesses, industries and societies.
The ideal user base for PICO is village consumers, households, small grid power plants, high-rise buildings and remote farms. To know more about PICO, get in touch with VEMC by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We are the leading solar rooftop system providers in Mumbai.