8 Steps to Successfully Adopt Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions
solar consultants

Renewable energy is fast emerging as the most favoured source of energy globally. Globally 29 per cent of electricity generation in 2020 came from renewables, whether hydel power projects, windmills or solar installations. 

At VEMC we have unmatched expertise in solar panel installation. If you’re looking for sound advice on transitioning to solar energy, we are also one of the most competent solar consultants out there.

Benefits of renewable energy

  • Renewable energy is non-polluting in nature. There is a serious clamour across the world to reduce reliance on fossils which generate CO2, to clean renewable energy. This is especially true in the global warming context that has become humanity’s number one global worry.
  • Renewable energy is more affordable with stable prices. In a world where fossil reserves are increasingly dwindling and their prices rising uncontrollably, renewable energy provides hope. Renewable energy is also much more immune to geopolitical shocks and supply-chain bottlenecks in case of war, political upheaval or natural disasters.
  • Renewable energy means employment, inclusion and sustainability. The generation and distribution of renewable energy create plenty of jobs. As the industry evolves, more and more entrepreneurs are expected to be attracted to it. This will include a lot of women and local communities, thus creating a more democratic, egalitarian and inclusive world. 

8 steps to adopt renewable energy

As a leading solar energy company, VEMC can help you transition from your conventional source of energy to renewable energy without much serious hassle. All you need is a clear roadmap ahead, which can be summed in these 8 steps below:

1. Assess

In this preliminary step, you may find yourself asking questions about the total monthly consumption or patterns of consumption (since renewables like wind and solar produce more energy at certain hours of the day). Be on top of all the figures in ample detail before making the big leap.

2. Explore options

Your palette of options will be shaped by your budget, technical feasibility, availability of renewable energy nearby and logistical constraints. 

3. Set clear goals

Be sure of what you wish to achieve by switching to renewable energy. Whether you want to reduce your energy costs, ensure compliance or have a stable energy source, all these questions make a difference in your choice of the right renewable energy source.

4. Financial considerations

Ask yourself what amount of resources you can afford to set aside for the switch and whether there are any government incentives involved.

5. Collaborate 

Get in touch with the leading people, companies and consultants in the field and seek their expertise for a smooth transition. VEMC is the best solar company when it comes to handling end-to-end projects for their clients.

6. Implement

Mobile your human, financial and technological resources to execute the installation with the help of the experts.

Centrifugal Pumps are Energy Guzzlers. How does Pump Energy Audit Help?

Centrifugal Pumps

A centrifugal pump can seriously raise your energy costs if you’re not keeping tabs on its efficiency levels. It is necessary that you take timely measures to eliminate inefficiencies or replace the pump altogether as the last resort. The most effective method in this regard is a thorough energy audit that can bring forth all the irregularities or issues with the pump’s performance. It can also give an estimate of energy savings if you switch to a different pump. In this blog, we talk about how an energy audit of your centrifugal pump can contribute to significant savings and cut down on costs.

Costs of Pumping

Pumping is a rather expensive affair across the world and more so in an energy-strapped developing country like India. According to some estimates, pumps consume 10% of power across the world, and switching to a more efficient water pump could save up to 4% of electricity globally. 

The main reasons behind the high costs of pumping could be an inappropriate selection of pumps, old inefficient design, improper layout, etc. By switching over to a more energy-efficient pump, you can reduce your bills, increase productivity, boost profits and enhance business competitiveness.

Centrifugal Pumps Consume a Lot of Power

Centrifugal pumps consume anywhere between 25% and 60% of a plant’s electrical motor energy. This can be made worse if the pump is improperly sized or poorly performing. Lack of maintenance and poor condition of the pumps is other reasons for the spike in running costs of a pump. This requires proper matching of a pump of the right capacity with the operation at hand. Likewise, a properly scheduled maintenance regime is a must to eliminate inefficiencies and overdrawing electricity over the lifespan of the pump.

Steps to Follow

An energy audit is the best way to keep the rising electricity costs in check. It is highly beneficial for business, society, and the environment at large. A pump energy audit is conducted by following these steps:

  1. Shortlist all the pumps for the audit
  2. Measure parameters like flow, pressure, and energy consumption
  3. Calculate the pumping efficiency
  4. Discuss the case with a specialist like an engineer or the maintenance staff
  5. Analyze data
  6. List recommendations and present them in the final report

How you can Save Energy

After an energy audit, you can get an in-depth understanding of the gaps, and the affirmative action that must be taken to fill them. With comprehensive data collection, analysis and modeling, it also gives you an idea about how much you can save by switching to a new alternative. In most industrial pumping systems, energy audits can help save up to half the energy costs!
VEMC can take care of the energy audit services of your pumps. We have all the expertise required to carry out Performance Measurement and energy optimisation of pumps and motors. Our team can provide a superior analysis of your current energy consumption and also the annual expenditure followed by a cost-returns-based proposal for different alternatives. For further information, feel free to call us at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in.

5 Reasons Why It Is Worth Investing In Solar For Companies

Solar power is becoming increasingly popular among companies in India. With the country becoming a proponent of solar energy globally, India’s total installed solar energy capacity has increased 19.3 times in the last 8 years. Many organisations are considering investing in solar energy and with good reason. For them, it’s a win-win situation. Energy costs make up for a large proportion of expenses for businesses, both big and small, and hence, cost-efficiency is always a critical goal. There is also the need to be socially responsible and include sustainability in brand ethos. Solar energy helps them meet most of these goals.

So, if you are considering making the switch to solar energy, it could be absolutely worth it.

5 reasons why solar energy is worth investing in

1. Reduced overhead expenses – Going the solar route can help companies save huge on energy costs. Since most of the things in a workspace, such as computers and electrical equipment, run on power, solar energy can help reduce dependency on erratic energy sources. The fluctuating prices of non-renewable fuels too will not affect you. You can let solar energy take over the majority of your existing energy sources. This way, you have more control over the quantity and cost of energy. 

2. Dependable power supply – Power outages are not uncommon in India and unreliable power supply can create interruptions in business. With solar power, you can expect a reliable and stable power supply. India’s total land area gets about 5,000 trillion kWh with most parts receiving around 4-7 kWh per sq. m. per day. Hence, with solar panels in place, you can generate sufficient solar energy to run your operations. 

3. Ease of maintenance – Installing solar panels in your workspaces can be an efficient and one-time investment. They are made from durable materials and can be long lasting. You can rely on expert solar panel EPC companies, such as VEMC, to help assess your energy requirements, check the available installation area, confirm the budget, and install the solar panels accordingly. 

4. Long-term savings – Solar energy helps save costs in the long run. You will need to make a one-time investment for the installation. Post that, you can start enjoying the returns on your investment. The maintenance costs are not exorbitant either. 

5. Sustainable and ideal for CSR – Investing in solar energy can help save the environment. You will be able to invest in a clean energy source, cause less pollution, and reduce your dependency on fossil fuels. Solar power also makes for a good investment to meet your corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals. This can help you stand out to your customers and investors as a green company with low carbon footprint. 

VEMC is a well-established solar EPC company in Mumbai and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. VEMCO Solar is a market leader in solar solutions — be it solar panel installation, procurement, commissioning, net metering, or electrical connections. If you are looking for solar panel installation in Mumbai or solar O&M, please reach out to us at +91 98199 07445, and we will be happy to provide you with customized support and services.

Renewable Energy vs. Nonrenewable Energy – The Key Differences

One of the most widely discussed topics today on news media and social media is climate change, and how we ought to reduce our impact on the environment. We mostly hear experts advocate the use of renewable over non-renewable energy which release less or no emissions. In this blog, let’s try to understand the main differences between renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

What are renewable and non-renewable sources of energy?

A renewable source of energy is available to us infinitely. It replenishes itself naturally without any human intervention. This energy comes from natural sources such as sun, wind, water and organic matter.

On the other hand, non-renewable sources of energy are available in limited amounts. Once consumed, these cannot get replenished at all, or get replenished over a very long geological timeframe, in effect making them unavailable for repeated human use. Most of these are fossils such as coal, petroleum and natural gas.

Difference between renewable and non-renewable energy

  • Non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels are created over millions of years under the surface of the earth or the ocean bed. But our rate of consuming this energy source is so fast that we could run out of them within a generation or two. Renewable energy comes from those sources of energy which cannot be exhausted even after repeated human use.
  • Non-renewable energy has a negative impact on the environment. Burning fossils leads to emission of carbon-dioxide resulting in the rise of global temperatures and subsequent environmental issues. Renewable energy is easy on the environment as it does not release any harmful gases or substances. On the contrary, by shifting towards renewable energy like wind, solar and tidal, and reducing the reliance on non-renewable fossils, we can slow down climate change and make a decisive move towards sustainable development.
  • Renewable energy has a high upfront cost. This is because the technology used in generating renewable energy like solar and geothermal power is still in its incipient form. With increase in research and development, and manufacturing of equipment in greater volumes in the future, the costs are expected to come down. On the other hand, non-renewable energy sources are comparatively inexpensive in terms of the upfront costs.
  • Infrastructure for renewable energy like solar or wind is not easily accessible especially in developing countries like India. These technologies usually require vast open areas like fields or building terraces to generate useful amount of energy. Such vast spaces and enormous number of panels may not be very economical for developing nations. On the other hand, non-renewable energy is lower on infrastructure costs or area requirements, and can therefore be utilised throughout the world with equity.

As a leading solar EPC company in Mumbai, VEMC has unmatched expertise in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Whether it is solar panel installation, procurement, commissioning, net metering, or electrical connections, we are the leaders in solar solutions. For installation and support, reach out to us at 022 43436655 or mail us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We’ll be glad to offer you our customized support and services.