The Importance of Solar Energy in Reducing Maintenance Cost of a Building

Solar energy is one of the most preferred alternative sources of energy. It is especially gaining popularity among Indian users given the abundant sunlight that the tropical country receives coupled with the facility of net metering that allows owners to reduce their electricity bills significantly. But solar energy has a more indirect but significant benefit for your building as well. VEMC is the leading solar energy company based in Mumbai, and in this blog, we tell you how your rooftop solar system can help reduce the maintenance cost of your building.

Reducing wear and tear

Solar panels are installed with either ballasted racking system or roof clamp system, neither of which require you to drill holes in your roof. Rather than damaging your roof, solar panels help protect it by offering an additional protective layer on top of it. They protect the roof from the harsh rays of the sun as well as inclement weather conditions like hail, snow and heavy rains. The overall effect of rooftop solar panels is reduced wear and tear of your roof.

Minimised dependance on traditional energy sources

Energy amounts to a huge cost in maintaining any residential, industrial or office building. Rooftop solar systems help reduce the dependence of your building on traditional sources of electricity. Besides, on-grid solar power systems equipped with net metering facility also help reduce your electricity bills by exporting excessive electricity to the grid.

Simpler maintenance needs

Maintaining your solar panels is quite simple and cost effective. For starters, solar panels sold by VEMC are made of durable material with an average life-span of around 25 years. But the maintenance is quite easy as there are no moving parts and these panels rarely encounter any technical problems being so simple in design. All that is needed is some occasional sprinkling of water and a quick wipe to keep the dust and debris off the panels and enable them to function at peak productivity levels.

Case in Point: Godrej Coliseum

Godrej Coliseum is a mammoth commercial complex located in Sion, Mumbai and provides office space to shipping, pharmaceutical, BPO, auto and telecom businesses. It is spread across an area of around 83 million square feet and offers amenities like escalators, car-parking, fire-fighting systems and advanced security. To power such an enormous commercial facility, VEMC installed mono-crystalline modules and Delta inverters with a total capacity of  75 kW. In coordination with the DISCOM, the facility of net metering was also installed. Post-installation feedback revealed that the client saved upto 1.2 lakh unit of electricity annually which amounted to Rs. 12 lakh.

Rooftop solar panels are a blessing when it comes to reducing the energy and maintenance costs of your building. For more on how our rooftop solar panel systems can help you reduce your costs, feel free to call us on 022 43436655 or email us at We at VEMC are the leading solar energy company based in Mumbai.

The Significance of Corrocoating in Industrial Applications

Corrosion is one of the most problematic issues with industrial equipment like pumps, valves, pipes and tanks. But corrocoating is one technique that can help you combat it effectively. Corrocoating has significant use in chemical and wastewater treatment plants as corrosion can drastically reduce the working life of equipment as they are exposed to moisture. VEMC is one of the leading industrial water pump suppliers in Mumbai, and in collaboration with Kirloskar Corrocoat, undertakes turnkey projects for coating a wide range of electromechanical equipment.

Types of corrosion

Here are the main types of corrosion found in electromechanical equipment.

  1. Uniform corrosion: This type of corrosion occurs over the entire surface of a metal. Although it is one of the most benign forms, nevertheless it requires prevention as well. 
  1. Pitting corrosion: Being hard to predict, detect and characterise, this type of corrosion can be highly destructive. As the name suggests, it leads to the formation of vertical holes or cavities on the surface of a metal. This type of corrosion can be caused due to local break or damage in protective coating. It can cause sudden failure of equipment despite relatively low loss of metal.
  1. Crevice corrosion: It is also a localised form of corrosion usually resulting from stagnant microenvironment with a difference in concentration of ions between two areas of a metal. It affects shielded areas like under washers, gaskets, bolt heads , etc., with limited oxygen supply.
  1. Inter-granular corrosion: It is caused by impurities present at the grain boundaries and occurs along or adjacent to these grains. While the bulk of the metal remains intact, it affects its mechanical properties.
  1. Galvanic corrosion: It is the degradation of metals near the joint which occurs when two electrochemically different metals are in contact in an electrolytic environment. 

Benefits of corrocoating

  1. Increased lifespan: With corrocoating, users can expect a longer lifespan for their electromechanical equipment which reduces the need to replace or repair them frequently. This also reduces the waste that entails due to replacement of old equipment and is hence in line with the concept of circular economy.
  1. Cost savings: By avoiding frequent breakdowns due to corrosion, users can save significant amounts of repair and maintenance costs.
  1. Reduced downtime: Corrosion can impact some of the most critical pieces of equipment in your business facility leading to sudden and unforeseen downtime. This can be successfully avoided with protective corrocoating.

Case in point: MCGM Complex Pump Corrocoating Project

VEMC has undertaken a number of large-scale corrocoating projects in the past. In 2015, we corrocoated the crucial Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) Complex Pump at Bhandup. The pump was affected by heavy pitting corrosion inside the casings. It was taken to KBLs Hydraulic Research Centre where it was blasted, coated and inspected. The corrocoating didn’t just ensure the protection of the pump from corrosion but also showed instant results in terms of better efficiency, input power and head.

Solar Success Stories: 3 Inspiring Businesses Benefiting from Solar Power

VEMC has been at the forefront of solar transformation and our past projects with a strong client base is testimony to it. In Mumbai and its environs itself, we have multiple solar installations on an enormous scale. Three of the most outstanding ones are MCGM Office Worli, Godrej city Panvel and Piramal Revanta Mulund West. In this blog, we give you a peak into how and why these projects became an inspiring success.

MCGM Office at Worli

The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) Engineering Hub in Worli is the nerve centre for all engineering and infrastructure-related work in the city. To power this hive of activity, the MCGM approached VEMC for its reliable and reputed solar installation. It turned out to be a great success as it helped the MCGM shift its reliance substantially from the conventional source of electricity to solar power. This did not just reduce the building’s energy costs, but also contributed to its significantly lower carbon footprint. The project is perfectly in line with MCGM’s vision for a sustainable future and shifting to green renewable energy in their own facility is the first step towards inspiring a city-wide transformation.

Godrej City at Panvel

One of the prime real estate projects in Navi Mumbai, the Godrej City is the epitome of luxury living. The project has more than three towers and 568 units spread across an area of about 150 acres. The energy consumption naturally is enormous and is estimated at around 260000 kWh per year. VEMC was approached to meet this challenge of powering this massive facility.

We installed a 200 kWp on-grid solar power system along with net-metering facility, which meant that excess electricity produced by the panels is exported to the grid and offset against the electricity consumed. The project didn’t just save energy costs but also reduced its carbon footprint by an estimated 184 metric tonnes per year. To put things into perspective, this is equivalent to carbon sequestering by 3047 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. Taking the maintenance costs into account, the project payback period was only around 3 years.

Piramal Revanta at Mulund West

The Piramal Revanta project is a high-end residential real estate project which 2 and 3 BHK apartments and a vast range of amenities. These include an indoor game zone, gymnasium, mini theatre, multipurpose game court, cafe lounge and many more! With VEMC solar installation, this project didn’t just optimally meet its energy needs but has also reduced its energy costs and carbon footprint substantially, inspiring change for more sustainable residential townships of the future.
To know how VEMC can transform your business facilities and meet your growing energy needs sustainably, get in touch with our team by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at With a proven track record and a flurry of successful project under our belt, we are committed to inspiring change for a greener, cleaner and sustainable tomorrow!

Pump Energy Audit: How to Save Big on Energy Consumption

Energy prices are skyrocketing everywhere and if you are a pump owner, you would appreciate how important it is to ensure your pumps operate at optimum efficiency. Whether you’re concerned about your rising energy bills or running a sustainable business, pump energy audits help you meet your energy saving goals big time. We at VEMC are the leading water pump dealers based in Mumbai, and in this blog we tell you all you need to know about pump energy audit.

How Pump Auditing Is Done

A pump audit is a comprehensive and end-to-end assessment of a pump’s performance and energy efficiency and also an exercise to unearth any issues or areas for improvement. The major steps in pump auditing are
System design evaluation: Ensuring the design of the pump satisfies its unique needs.

  1. Performance analysis: Parameters like flow rate, pressure, power consumption, motor efficiency , etc., are measured.
  2. Assessing energy efficiency: Energy consumption patterns are analysed using tools like Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) and other control mechanisms.
  3. Maintenance and reliability review: Lubrication, alignment, vibration analysis and seal integrity are evaluated to test pump maintenance and reliability.
  4. System control and automation: Sequencing, control methods and technology are analysed to detect potential problems.

Factors That Can Waste Energy

One of the main aims of pump auditing is to ensure that your pumps do not consume too much energy. The main factors that are known to waste energy are:

  1. Inefficient pumps: If your pump is old, worn out and has outdated design or technology, it is highly likely that it is inefficient and consuming extra energy.
  2. Improper sizing: Make sure your pump size is suited for the task at hand. If the pumps are too big, it can lead to wastage of energy.
  3. Control issues: Insufficient control methods of the pumps is also one of the leading causes for wastage of energy. Try and test a number of different control methods like VSDs to make sure no energy is wasted.

Some Practical Tips For Optimising Pump Operation

  1. Avoid oversizing your pumps: While slight oversizing of pumps may be good for meeting future uncertainties, it is best to use a pump with capacity roughly equal to the demand of the task.
  1. Trimming the impeller: If your pump is oversized, it is a good practice to trim your impeller to reduce the pressure and flow produced.
  1. Using VFDs: Variable Frequency Drives help automate pump operations like flow and head to match the demand of the application.
  1. Parallel pumping system: Installing a second, smaller pump to match average demand of the application can be a good way to relieve the larger pump of a significant amount of burden.
  1. Limit pipework: Limiting the pipework in the system is a good way to reduce frictional loss and hence save energy. Make sure pipe diameter, length, layout , etc., are also given due consideration.

To know more about pump energy audits, feel free to call us on 022 43436655 or email us at We at VEMC are the leading water pump dealers based in Mumbai, with over 70 years of industry experience.

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Installing Solar Projects

Solar energy is fast becoming one of the most preferred alternative sources of energy. This is especially true of a tropical country like India which receives plentiful sunlight in most parts throughout the year. However, we are still in the early days of our solar journey and a lot of customers tend to make installation mistakes which can later prove costly. VEMC is a leading solar energy company based in Mumbai, and in this blog we tell you about the 8 common mistakes that you must avoid when installing your rooftop solar panels.

1. Understanding energy needs

The capacity of rooftop solar panel must be determined by the energy needs of your home or facility. However, consumers often make the mistake of considering only their current needs. Since solar power system is a long-term investment, you must plan ahead and also build capacity as per your projected needs in the future.

2. System sizing

To meet the energy demands of your facility, it is necessary that your solar power system is suitably sized. You must avoid both under as well as over-sizing of your solar power system. The former can lead to shortages of energy while the latter causes wastage.

3. Placement

Make sure your panels are properly positioned to face the sun maximum possible time for optimum productivity. This is where the skill, expertise and experience of your installer comes into play.

4. Financing your solar project

With a number of government incentives and financing options available, you do not need to finance your solar project all by yourself. All you need is some market research to choose the most cost effective financing option.

5. Obtaining permits

You must obtain a permit from your local power distribution company (DISCOM) before installing a solar power system. Additionally, look for other local body regulations which are mandatory in your locality, town or city before installing the panels.

6. Factoring in maintenance costs

Your solar power system doesn’t just have initial investment costs but also long-term or lifetime costs which customers often overlook when deciding to invest in one. Make sure you speak to an expert and factor in the maintenance costs of your solar power system before making the investment.

7. Avoid scams

With a lot of excitement about solar power systems in the air, customers may be tempted to invest in them by unscrupulous sellers claiming that these systems are money-minting machines. While on-grid solar panels do help reduce your bills through net metering significantly, they are not likely to make you rich overnight.

8. Choose the right installer

Finally, when it comes to installing solar power systems, you must only trust a reliable and reputed seller that has plenty of experience and cutting-edge expertise in the field.

One of the leading solar panel consultants and installers is VEMC, a company based in Mumbai and serving clients across industries. For more information on installing your solar power system, call us on 022 43436655 or email us at

Impact of Pump Performance Testing on Energy Consumption and Sustainability

Pumps play a crucial role across industries in a number of operations such as dewatering, displacing liquids, controlling the flow of fluids, mixing and blending chemicals , etc. However, their operations demand a lot of electrical energy. To make sure they keep performing at optimum levels without consuming excess energy, performance testing is necessary. VEMC is a leading Kirloskar pump authorised dealer based in Mumbai, and in this blog we talk about the impact of pump performance testing.

Benefits of pump performance testing

Pump performance testing offers a number of benefits:

  1. Identifying operational problems: 

Operational issues like misalignment can be identified from pump performance testing. These are often symptomised by excessive vibrations and noise.

  1. Determining energy efficiency: 

Drafting statistical reports help determine the efficiency of the pump. These statistics and graphs are useful in identifying energy-related issues like overconsumption of electricity.

  1. Compliance: 

Performance testing of pumps also helps ensure your pump is meeting all the important industry standards such as HI, ASME PTC and API. 

  1. Finding defects and malfunctions: 

Any defects and malfunctions can be unearthed using performance testing. It also ensures that the pump operates satisfactorily under varying conditions of temperature, vibration levels , etc.

  1. Documenting performance: 

One of the most significant benefits of pump performance testing is that performance of the pump is documented which can be of great value for future reference.

Overall, performance testing is a trusted way of reducing lifespan costs of your pumps as it helps improve their performance, reduces energy consumption and helps identify operational problems with the pumps.

How performance testing impacts sustainability

Performance testing also has a significant impact on sustainability of your pumps.

  1. It ensures that your pumps always operate on peak efficiency and offer highest performance levels while consuming least possible energy.
  2. Wear and tear, defects and malfunctions can be a source of poor performance and low efficiency of pumps. With performance testing, these issues can be unearthed and addressed.
  3. Keeping the pumps in prime working conditions also helps prolong their life-span and hence reduce excessive repair and replacement costs. This not only offers saving for the pump owners but also helps reduce waste.

Performance testing is not just valuable for pump owners but is also in line with the values of sustainability and circular economy. This is because it helps reduce energy consumption by the pump while at the same time prolonging their working life and reducing unnecessary waste of equipment and material.

If you are looking to get your pump performance testing done, get in touch with our experts by calling us on 022 43436655 or emailing us at VEMC is one of the leading Kirloskar pump authorised dealers based in Mumbai with a vast experience of 70 years in the field of pumping. Besides dealing in a wide range of pumps for use across industries, we also offer on-site Annual Maintenance Contracts and Energy Audit services to our clients.

KBL Launches Advanced Version of KirloSmart – An IoT Based Remote Pump Monitoring System With New Features

Pumping technology is transforming and keeping up with the changing times. With Internet of Things (IoT), you can monitor and control your pumps remotely without any physical or manual intervention. All you need is a suitable hardware and software solution that transmits real-time data to your devices and keeps you updated. VEMC is the leading Kirloskar pump dealer based in Mumbai, and in this blog we talk about its advanced version launched by KBL.

What is KirloSmart?

KirloSmart is a software and hardware system that transmits real-time data from your Kirloskar pump to KBLs web-portal and interactive mobile app. Both provide a dashboard through which a user can access all the relevant information about the pump such as flow, voltage, vibrations , etc. This enables the user to take corrective action on time and prevent untimely pump breakdown.

What’s new about the advanced version of KirloSmart?

The advanced KirloSmart has been equipped with a number of cutting-edge features which offer better control, maintenance and analysis. Let’s take a look at some of the most outstanding features that KBL has now built into KirloSmart.

  1. The new KirloSmart has a more interactive and user-friendly UI/UX which makes navigation easy and speedy. With its multi-screen option, it shows various parameters simultaneously along with diagrams and sensor data.
  2. It offers interactive support in troubleshooting by providing weekly reports of trends and recommendations. Customers also get access to pump installation and user manual.
  3. It is compatible with both 4G and 5G technologies and offers excellent wireless solutions. It is equipped with battery-run wireless sensors having ATEX/IECEX and PESO certifications. 
  4. It is much more reliable and compliant to safety norms, especially when it comes to customer data protection. 
  5. Users can use multiple units with a single SIM card. This feature has been included keeping in view the Indian weather conditions and challenging scenario of the rural areas having limited mobile connectivity.

KirloSmart offers real-world benefits

The advanced KirloSmart has streamlined business operations in a number of ways. 

  • With KirloSmart in place, you no longer have to physically employ a worker to carry out inspections or testing of the pumps. With remote monitoring, KirloSmart has simply revolutionised preventive maintenance. 
  • Given its ease-of-use, there is also no need to spend significant funds on training your employees to use KirloSmart. Everything is available with the click of a button on the app or web portal.
  • Sudden and untimely breakdowns of pumps can affect business operations significantly. With KirloSmart in place, this can be avoided as it transmits real-time data to users’ phones or web portals enabling them to preempt any sudden breakdown.

The advanced KirloSmart is a huge leap from the past version and puts customer convenience first. For more about this technology, feel free to get in touch with us by calling us on 022 43436655 or emailing us at VEMC is the top Kirloskar pump distributor based in Mumbai.

The Green Revolution: Solar Solutions for Sustainable Schools

Schools and educational institutions are becoming increasingly dependent on technological tools like desktops, laptops, printers and projectors for imparting education among students. In areas with frequent load shedding or sudden power cuts, schools may have to face serious obstacles in carrying out the teaching-learning process. To keep education uninterrupted, schools are being increasingly powered by rooftop solar power systems across the country. VEMC is the leading solar panel installation company based in Mumbai, and in this blog we take you through the green revolution that is slowly but surely coming to India’s schools.

Benefits of solar power in schools

  1. Energy independence: 

Having installed a rooftop solar panel in your school, you no longer have to be fully reliant on your grid. With the solar solution in place, your school is less susceptible to fluctuating electricity costs as well as power outages. An uninterrupted supply of electricity creates a highly conducive atmosphere for the teaching and learning process.

  1. Cost-efficiency: 

With a rooftop solar panel installed, schools no longer have to worry about  the piling up of humongous electricity bills. They can significantly reduce their energy costs by switching over completely or significantly to solar power systems. Besides, governments and local authorities also offer attractive incentives on installation of solar power systems at schools and educational facilities.

  1. Financial returns:  

A rooftop solar panel doesn’t just lower your electricity bills in the short run through net metering, but also offers long-term financial rewards. Since the lifespan of solar panels is up to 25 years, schools can enjoy decades of free power generation.

  1. Sustainability: 

Renewable energy is coming in vogue rapidly and rooftop solar panels in schools will help reduce the carbon footprint of cities significantly. It will also sensitise the students and community about the importance of switching over to renewable energy like solar for a better environment.

  1. Enhanced reputation: 

Schools are seen as the fountainhead of forward-looking scientific thought in a community. Installing a solar power system enhances their image as an organization espousing values of sustainability and instilling the same ideas in students. An enhanced image in this way can attract parents, students and investors and make the school stand out as a leader in sustainability.

Incentives for solar power in schools

Government and non-government organisations offer a number of incentives for installing solar power plants in schools in India. These include grants, rebates, subsidies and tax credits, and reduce the overall system costs by at least 50% including the long-term energy savings. Since most states also have net-metering laws in place, solar panel owners can also sell the excess electricity generated to the grid, reducing their electricity bills and even generating income.

If you are thinking of installing a rooftop solar power system in your school, get in touch with VEMC by calling us on 022 43436655 or email us at We are the leaders in offering the right solar solutions for your needs.

VEMC’s Role in Addressing Water Pollution

VEMC was established in the year 1948 with a vision to become the most reliable electromechanical solutions provider by building traditions of excellence, quality and service. In the 1950s, the company joined hands with Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. to sell Peter Fielding Engines and the partnership has continued till date. Today, VEMC offers a range of pumps suitable for a number of operations such as fire safety, dewatering, sewage disposal and chemical processing. The company also plays a significant role in addressing the problem of water pollution and making a positive environmental impact.

VEMC pumps in wastewater treatment

Cutter and clogging pumps offered by VEMC play a huge role in treating wastewater in urban areas. The water is then recycled and used in homes, offices and factories across cities, thus offering significant reprieve to water-stressed regions of the country.

Cutter pumps: These pumps are equipped with a tungsten carbide blade which cuts down solid and semi-solid waste. This is especially suitable for toilet paper, plastic, rags , etc., and cuts them into pieces of 25 mm each thus preventing clogging of drains.

Grinder pumps: Rather than cutting waste, these pumps grind it in a rotating motion with a blade having multiple teeth. This grinds solid waste into fine powder that can then be discharged easily through drains.

Submersible pumps: VEMCs submersible pumps are corrosion-resistant and light-weight. These are highly energy efficient and are used to displace water from distant or flooded areas and cramped spaces.

Multistage pumps: These pumps have a compact design and are highly energy efficient. They come in vertical and horizontal variants and are used to extract water from areas with limited ground area.

A step towards sustainability

Water shortage is one of the most pressing problems faced by humanity world over. However, the circular economy offers an enduring solution to it through recycling, disinfection and reuse of water. This requires cities and towns to have an elaborate infrastructure that processes solid or semi-solid sewage, transports used water to purification and recycling centres, and finally pumps the cleansed water back into circulation for use at homes, factories and offices. 

At the heart of these elaborate operations are the VEMC pumps mentioned above, specialising in a host of activities from declogging drains to displacing water in large quantities. Most importantly, all of this happens at relatively low energy costs and high efficiency. Besides, VEMC pumps are known to be long-lasting and have little lifetime costs due to low maintenance needs. These features contribute significantly to the circular economy and sustainability of the pumps.

VEMC has a rich experience in project-management and has undertaken a number of projects end-to-end, each with the goal of reducing wastage of water, taking a resolute step towards sustainability. For more information on how VEMC can help you in your journey towards sustainable water management, get in touch with us by calling on 022 43436655 or email us at  We are one of the leading Kirloskar pump distributors based in Mumbai.

Importance of High-Quality Fire Panels

As a business or home-owner, you would appreciate the importance of a fire panel in early detection of an outbreak. Undetected outbreaks can cause immense and irreversible loss of life and property, and a good fire panel can be crucial in preventing this. However, to ensure utmost reliability, you must only choose high-quality fire panels for the safety of your family, employees and property. 

VEMC is the leading Kirloskar fire pump dealer in Mumbai, and in this blog, we tell you why a high-quality fire panel is important.

Types of fire panels

  1. Conventional: These panels use basic technology to detect fire but are still considered quite effective for homes and businesses. They connect sensors and alarms using zone wiring. Sensors are linked in parallel with one or more circuits connected to them.
  1. Addressable: A step ahead of conventional fire panels, the addressable fire panels assign each device an individual address. This enables you to find the exact location of the outbreak in the building.
  2. Intelligent: These are also known as smart fire detection systems. They offer greater flexibility using customer programming of each application and are best suited for accurate and timely fire detection for advanced safety.

What makes a fire panel high-quality?

Fire-panels could be crucial in saving lives and you must only trust the highest quality of component parts. Monitors, flow switches and control valves must be high quality and in good working condition. Only resilient and durable material can withstand the degradation with the passage of time, and provide fool-proof safety during an outbreak. 

Quality can be assessed by certifications that the manufacturers have. The three main standard certifications for fire-panels are provided by LPCB (Loss Prevention Certification Board), UL (Underwriters Laboratories), and VdS (Schadenverhütung GmbH). When deciding to buy a fire panel, look for any of these standards.

Quality however cannot be expected to remain constant. Like all other equipment, fire panels also undergo deterioration with the passage of time, unless maintained regularly and properly. This requires thorough training of the maintenance staff to bring them up-to-date with the latest maintenance practices. Generally speaking, fire panels must be kept clean and visually inspected regularly. VEMC –– a trusted Kirloskar fire pump dealer in Mumbai, can offer more insights on the maintenance of your fire panels.

Evaluating a fire panel system

When buying a fire panel system for your house or factory, you must be mindful of a few factors. In fact, you must have a standard checklist handy to ensure proper evaluation of the fire panels. 

  • Has the fire panel been designed by a reliable company or a qualified professional?
  • Are the equipment and component parts reliable and do they meet quality standards?
  • Is the installation team qualified and experienced enough?
  • Is the fire panel cost effective in terms of the finances and effort required for maintenance in the long run?

For more information on fire panels, their installation and maintenance, feel free to get in touch with our experts by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at VEMC is a renowned Kirloskar fire pump dealer in Mumbai.

Top 5 Tips to Elevate your Air Compressor’s Productivity

An air compressor is one of the most useful equipment both at home and in the industry. It uses the power of compressed air to perform wide ranging tasks such as drilling, inflating tyres, refrigeration, air conditioning and spray painting. As an air compressor owner, you would like to get the maximum out of your equipment with the consumption of minimum possible energy.

VEMC is one of the leading air compressor dealers in Mumbai, and in this blog, we share 5 tips that will help you elevate your compressor’s productivity significantly.

Conduct air checks regularly

When using an air compressor, carry out regular air checks as part of routine maintenance and inspection process. With the help of a data recording device, you can take precise readings without obstructing the operations. The air check shows the pressure and volume, thus ensuring optimised use and minimum possible energy consumption.

Recover the dissipated heat

A substantial portion of energy that is generated by an air compressor is lost in the form of heat. This accounts for up to 90% of the energy. By making use of this dissipated heat in warming your facility or heating water, you can avoid wastage of this significant amount of energy which is anyway released by your compressor.

Plug leakages

Air leakage can cause a significant amount of leakage and must therefore be frequently inspected and plugged. Apart from the compressor piping, make sure valves, couplings and flanges are properly checked for leaks. You may need a qualified and experienced service-provider such as VEMC –– a top air compressor dealer in Mumbai, for this. 

Stop off-load running

No-load running of your air compressor is another problem area. It consumes energy while not producing any compressed air. Besides, when the compressor is stopped and restarted, it causes extra wear and tear, leading to higher maintenance costs. To ensure the system is suitably configured, proper sizing of the system or having an intelligent control system in place is necessary.

Use only genuine spares

Long service life and efficiency in operations can be guaranteed only by original spare parts. This doesn’t just apply to the valves, seals and compressor stages, but also to lubricants. Original spare parts are manufactured keeping in close view the design and configuration of the air compressor. The same cannot be said of non-genuine spare parts which may seem marginally cheaper but may end up costing much higher in the long run due to low efficiency, more wear and tear, and higher maintenance costs.

If you are an air compressor owner, you must look for possible areas of poor efficiency and wastage of energy, and take suitable corrective measures. For more information on how to prevent wastage and ensure your air compressors run at maximum efficiency, feel free to get in touch with our experts by calling us on 022 43436655 or emailing us at VEMC is the top-notch air compressor dealer in Mumbai

The Impact of Viscosity on Pump Performance

If you’re a pump owner, you would understand that transporting thicker liquids is quite a different experience. Viscosity represents the resistance that a liquid offers to the flow. It doesn’t only take longer to displace but also impacts your pump’s performance. 

VEMC is one of the leading Kirloskar pump distributors based in Mumbai, and in this blog, we explain how viscosity affects your pump performance.

Impact of viscosity on pump parameterspasted-image.tiff


As your water pump dealer may explain, viscosity has an effect on some of the most critical pumping parameters. Let’s see how.

  1. Flow rate: To put it simply, with an increase in viscosity, there is a decrease in the flow rate of a pump. However, a number of other factors such as physical properties, geometry of the tubing, temperature and the distance of liquid from the pump may also play a moderating role.
  2. Head: Viscosity has an extraordinary and negative effect on pump performance. With an increase in viscosity, there is a dramatic drop in the head.
  3. Efficiency: While pumps may still be able to displace highly viscous liquids, they will inevitably hit a point of diminishing returns due to a drop in efficiency. This means you may require a more powerful pump which will consume more energy to move a more viscous liquid.

Which pump is suitable to move your liquid type?

When selecting a pump on the basis of fluid properties, there is no one-size-fits-all. Now that it is clear that higher viscosity affects a pump’s performance negatively, let’s take a closer look at which pumps are best suited for moving your viscous liquids.

While centrifugal pumps are good enough for low viscosity liquids like water, their performance and efficiency may reduce significantly for more viscous liquids. These pumps may draw more power when transporting thicker liquids causing wastage of energy and piling up of electricity bills. For such liquids, the best pumps are positive displacement pumps such as diaphragm pumps, hose pumps, vane pumps and gear pumps. These can operate at lower speeds and at variable flow rates, delivering a constant flow of the fluid at desired speed. 

Viscosity is an important factor to consider when selecting the right pump, and also the size of instrumentation, piping, valves and filters. Appropriate selection of these items is necessary to account for friction loss due to viscosity. 

For more information on which pump is best to displace the liquid at your home or business facility, speak to our experts on 022 43436655 or email us at We at VEMC are the leading Kirloskar pump distributors based in Mumbai with a rich industry experience of over 70 years. 

5 Ways Solar Metering Can Maximise Your Energy Savings

Whether in domestic, office or industrial setting, solar energy is catching up as one of the most preferred alternative energy sources. The growing efficiency and energy savings offered by solar PV systems across the world have provided further headwinds to this trend. 

VEMC is the leading solar energy company based in Mumbai, and in this blog, we take you through the 5 ways in which solar metering can maximise your energy savings.

1. Lower electricity bills

For starters, installing a solar PV system on your rooftop will instantly cut your electricity bills as the burden will shift away from your grid. Solar panels support a wide range of appliances such as TV,  air conditioners, refrigerator, lights, dishwashers , etc., depending upon their capacity. Users have in fact reported a reduction of up to 90% of their bills.

2. Government incentives

Solar energy is being incentivised by governments across the world owing to its contribution towards a green, carbon-neutral future. Whether in the form of subsidies, tax breaks or other incentives, you can benefit greatly from generating electricity from your rooftop solar plant. VEMC, a leading solar installation company, can also get you more information on the incentives available in your city.

3. Alternative heating system

A significant portion of your electricity is consumed by heating devices like geysers and cookers. The charges that are accrued by running these heating devices can be somewhat neutralised or completely eliminated using solar panels. This is a great way to capture the already available and abundant energy of the sun to heat up your liquids, food or homes, in a clean way.

4. Net metering

Net metering is an ingenious way to sell and keep a record of the excess energy that you export to your electricity grid. In case you do not use all the electricity that your solar panels produce, you can sell the surplus to your local supplier and earn money. At the very least, net metering can enable you to offset your energy bills. All you need is a ‘net meter’ which keeps a record of electricity imported and exported.

5. Higher property value

Finally, solar panels are known to increase property value in the long run. Research suggests that homes with solar panels are also more marketable or put simply, they sell faster! This is a rather indirect, yet significant value that solar panels bring to your property.

When it comes to energy savings, solar PV systems are one of the leading solutions worldwide as they offer a number of ways to cut down on your energy costs. We’ve seen above how they reduce electricity bills and even enable you to monetise your solar PV system through net metering.

For more information on how solar panels help you make savings, speak to our experts by calling us on 022 43436655 or emailing us at We at VEMC are the leading solar energy company based in Mumbai, with over 70 years of industry experience.

The Future of Air Compressor Technology: ELGi’s Vision for a Sustainable and Connected Industry

The smart, data-centered Industry 4.0 is transforming the way we envision manufacturing. Advanced technologies like Machine Learning, AI and IoT are being put to use in factories than facilitate manufacturers in decision-making, maintaining optimum efficiency and peak production levels. It also contributes to the effort of making factories more sustainable by reducing their carbon footprint. Today, this transformation is also shaping the air compressor industry. VEMC is the leading ELGi dealer in Mumbai and in this blog, we take you through the future of air compressor technology.

ELGi’s vision for the future

ELGi envisions a disruptive future when it comes to air compressor technology. This vision includes the use of cutting edge Information Technology and is aligned with the demands of the environment.

  1. Sustainable compressors: 

ELGi is committed to the goal of business sustainability and offers highly efficient air compressors which reduce energy bills, have lower lifecycle costs and minimize your carbon footprint. By ensuring best-in-class durability, these compressors also enjoy a long life which keeps in check the capex costs of replacement as well as wastage of material, thus aligning strongly with the idea of circular economy.

  1. Connectivity: 

Air compressors no longer operate in siloes. ELGi’s air compressors are always connected to the user’s smartphone device and offer real-time performance and efficiency related data.

  1. Innovation: 

ELGi is a company strongly committed to innovation. The company’s R&D is always on the lookout for new technology and next-gen solutions that can be integrated into their air compressors. However, often innovation comes in the form of incremental improvements which make a huge difference when it comes to energy savings, reducing costs of ownership and the impact on the environment.

Air compressors and Industry 4.0

Lets come back to the idea of Industry 4.0 and the way it has shaped the air compressor industry. A huge part of Industry 4.0 is the ability to connect devices through the latest IoT technology. This means having sensors installed in the devices and making them a part of an ever enlarging network of devices. Each device continuously transmits a stream of data which is captured, recorded and displayed to decision-makers. In times of emergency, special alerts may also be launched through push notifications, email and SMS.

The availability of real-time data enables users to think on their feet and make quick decisions with regard to servicing and having a scheduled maintenance regime in place. It also keeps highlighting issues with performance and energy efficiency which drives greater sustainability. With predictive maintenance, users can foresee any potential breakdown of their devices, and take steps to prevent it, thus reducing possibilities of unplanned downtime and the related business losses.

All of these features are now available in your ELGi air compressors which are strongly inspired by Industry 4.0. For more on how ELGi is transforming the air compressor industry, get in touch with VEMC by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at We are the top ELGi compressor dealer in Mumbai.

Benefits of Implementing Kirlosmart for Predictive Pump Maintenance

Internet of Things (IoT) is taking businesses by a storm. At present, there are over 14 billion connected IoT devices across the world. IoT enables devices to be connected at all times and share actionable data. Thus without human intervention, devices can communicate with each other through internet connectivity. This has implications for monitoring, maintenance, predictive analysis and much more. 

There is no reason why IoT must leave pumping untouched. VEMC is one of the leading Kirloskar pump dealers based in Mumbai, and in this blog we take you through some of the topmost benefits of Kirlosmart for your pumps.

What is Kirlosmart?

Kirlosmart is a technology developed by KBL to keep track of pumps using the IoT technology. It enables pumps to stay connected with the users by sharing real-time data such as flow, voltage, vibrations etc. over the internet. The data then appears on the owner’s smartphone through the Kirlosmart app which offers a smooth, easy and interactive user interface.

Key benefits of Kirlosmart

By sharing real-time pump data with the owners, Kirlosmart offers a host of different benefits. Some of these are:

  1. Reduced downtime: 

With Kirlosmart in place, users can access all the critical pump information at their convenience. They are also alerted through SMS, email and push notifications as soon as any parameter shows significant deviation. This indicates the pump needs repair. A continuous stream of data enables users to schedule their maintenance regime. This bolsters pump reliability and reduces the likelihood of unplanned downtime significantly.

  1. Improved pump efficiency: 

Kirlosmart displays the data which indicates if the pump is operating at peak performance and efficiency levels. This ensures cost savings, higher operational efficiency and excellent productivity.

  1. Extended pump lifespan: 

By keeping a track of all the critical pump parameters, users can successfully avoid unexpected pump failures. The smooth operation of the pump and reduced wear and tear ensures extended pump lifespan.

How Kirlosmart offers a great ROI

Kirlosmart is a great investment when it comes to your pump health and longevity. For users who wonder why take on the added burden of investing in its implementation, Kirlosmart offers a great ROI. This is because of the following reasons:

  1. It enables users to avoid pump failures through problematic issues that wouldn’t have surfaced without continuous monitoring. This avoids unexpected downtime and loss of business associated with it.
  2. Kirlosmart ensures that your pumps are running at peak efficiency levels at all times. This means the pumps operate at highest possible productivity levels while ensuring significant energy savings.
  3. With Kirlosmart you no longer need to hire additional labour for monitoring and inspection of pumps. You do not need a have a specialist or train an in-house resource to run the system either. The simple, user-friendly and interactive app interface enables any user to operate it with ease.
  4. Overall, Kirlosmart contributes to longer pump life by facilitating an effective predictive maintenance regime. This means lesser Capex on pump replacement and reduced wastage of material.

For more on Kirlosmart, get in touch with VEMC by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at We are the top-notch Kirloskar pump dealer based in Mumbai.

Sizing your solar system: finding the perfect balance for your energy needs

Having a solar power system is a smart way to meet your electricity needs at home and business. However, to make sure that you are able to fulfil your needs without wasting any energy, sizing your solar system is necessary. This allows you to avoid over or underinvesting in your solar system and getting just the perfect one suited for your needs. VEMC is the leading solar panel installation company in Mumbai and in this blog, we tell you how to perfectly size your solar system.

Factors to consider in sizing

  1. Consumption: 

Higher the levels of usage or consumption, more will be the size of the solar power system required. This means a bigger solar power system will be needed in a business or industrial setting as compared to a domestic one.

  1. Location: 

Where you live also impacts the sizing of your solar power system. If you live in a tropical region that gets plenty of sun all year round, even lesser solar panels will produce good amount of energy. However, in temperate regions, you my require bigger solar systems to make up for the low sunlight during the winter season.

  1. Climate: 

Although climate is largely a function of geographical location, some places neverthess are too cloudy or rainy due to other factors like altitude, monsoons etc. If you experience too much of overcast weather during the day, this will also necessitate installing a bigger solar power system.

  1. Efficiency: 

Highly efficient monocrystalline solar panels produce plenty of energy over a limited surface area. This also plays a role in determining the size of your solar system.

A step-by-step guide on sizing

  1. Calculate your usage: 

For starters, you must be aware of your annual energy usage. You can find this from your electricity bill which may also exhibit the peaks and valleys of energy consumption. Find out the average usage of electricity per day.

  1. Find out your peak sun hours: 

The peak sun hours vary according to your location and climate. To make the most of your solar power, find out your peak sun hours using a sun hours chart.

  1. Calculate the size of your solar power system: 

To find out the size of a solar power system that would be most suited for your needs, divide your daily energy requirement (in kWh) by your peak sun hours. This will give you a kW output. Divide this by your solar panel’s efficiency and you’ll get an estimate of the number of panels you’ll need.

Alternatively, if you know the “efficiency factor” of the solar panels (lets say 0.2), here’s the formula to find out the size of your solar power system:

(Daily kWh / Average sun hours) x 0.2 = Size of solar system

Proper sizing of your solar power sytems is very important to ensure optimal performance and cost effectiveness. For consultation on sizing your panels, call our experts on 022 43436655 or email us at VEMC is the leading solar installation and consulting company in Mumbai. Get in touch today!

10 Solar Energy Hacks for the Next-Generation Solar Power User

If you own a solar power system, you would want to get the maximum out of it. Luckily, there are plenty of hacks to enhance the efficiency and output of your solar panels. These range from choosing the right type of panel to maximizing their exposure. VEMC is the leading solar power company based in Mumbai, and in this blog, we share 10 solar energy hacks that every next-gen solar power user ought to know.

  1. Use monocrystalline grade A panels

How well your solar panel performs depends a great deal upon the quality of the panels. Monocrystalline Grade A panels are by far the best when it comes to efficiency and productivity.

  1. Increase efficiency using anti-reflection coating

These allow cells to absorb more rays rather than reflect them back. Without these, upto 30% radiation is wasted. 

  1. Get a professional to install your solar panels

Ensure that the installer you have hired possesses the required skills and certifications. Do a background check and find out what others are saying about their past installations.

  1. Ensure the right orientation

In the northern hemisphere, the best orientation for maximum exposure is the geographic south. On the other hand, if you live in the southern hemisphere, it is best to have your panels face the north. If thats not possible, have them face the west as the last resort as this is the direction of the sunset. You can expect more value from energy collected later in the day.

  1. Track the sun with your panels

Trackers enable you to follow the sun as it passes across the sky. While these are most common in commercial solar farms, smaller ones can also be used domestically.

  1. Don’t use too many devices simultaneously

Use your stored power for a longer time period by avoiding too much drain in a short span. As much as possible, stagger your usage over a longer time horizon.

  1. Clean with plain water and sponge 

Dust and debris can block the solar radiation from reaching your panels. To wipe it away, use clean water and a non-abrasive sponge. This will avoid unnecessary scratches on the cell surface. Also, do not use pressure washers to avoid damage. In case there is any stuck-on grime, just use some dish detergent and water.

  1. Use LED bulbs

LED bulbs use at least 75% less energy as compared to incandescent bulbs. By installing LED bulbs in your house or facility, you can reduce energy consumption and prolong the supply significantly.

  1. Use maximum utilities during the day

When you’re using your devices such as dishwashers during the day, you mostly use solar energy. This enables you to avoid the costs of power from the grid.

  1. Use solar power for innovative devices

Besides the usual solar panels, use your solar power in innovative ways. These include having solar cookers, solar geysers, heaters etc. This will allow you to take a huge burden off your conventional supply.

For more information on how best to use your solar energy, feel free to get in touch with VEMC by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at We are the best solar company based in Mumbai.

Steps Involved in the Mechanical Seal Test Process

If you are a pump owner, you must be on top of all the processes and techniques of pump maintenance. One such crucial process is the mechanical seal testing. Mechanical seals control leakage of liquids in pumps and other rotating devices. The purpose of testing therefore is to analyse its effectiveness in preventing leakage at various speeds and sizes. VEMC is the leading Kirloskar dealer in Mumbai, and in this blog we tell you all you need to know about mechanical seal testing.

Testing process

  1. Preparation: 

Mechanical seals are tested in accordance with the API standard 682. This requires that all the seal types (A, B and C) be tested in all seal arrangements, single seal, pressure-less and pressurized dual seal. It specifies tests with diameters of 50 mm and 100 mm and speed of 3600 rpm. Further, each seal must be tested with four different media.

  1. Dynamic phase: 

The dynamic phase of the mechanical seal test is conducted at a constant pressure and temperature at the speed of 3600 rpm. The test has to be performed for more than 100 hours at base point conditions.

  1. Static phase: 

The static phase of mechanical seal testing takes place at constant pressure and temperature at 0 rpm for 4 hours.

  1. Cyclic phase: 

Tests are conducted at base point conditions at a speed of 3600 rpm till equillibrium is attained.

After this, the seal chamber pressure is dropped to 0 psi so as to vapourise the fluid. Base point pressure is then re-established.

Next, the seal chamber fluid temperature is dropped to 20 degrees C and then base temperature is re-established.

Finally, the fluid temperature in the seal chamber is raised to 80 degrees C, seal flush turned off for 1 minute and then the test is shut down (0 rpm) for 10 minutes.

Preventive measures to maintain the integrity of your mechanical seals

Leaking mechanical seals could be a source of serious housekeeping hazard, health concerns and business issues in your facility. To avoid repeated mechanical seal testing, it would be best to maintain it using some very simple but effective ways:

  1. Choose a mechanical seal based on your weather conditions. 
  2. The liquids being pumped are also vulnerable to changes in pressure, temperature etc. Although most liquids act as lubricants for your seals, nevertheless being aware of their nature helps you choose better.
  3. Be aware of the actual nature of leakage through a seal. This could be due to a shaft that has bent or bad bearings.
  4. Try to reduce pump vibrations as much as possible. Excessive vibration contributes to the cavitation of pump body and deterioration of component parts like seals.
  5. Finally, rather than running the pump dry, make sure you maintain proper lubrication.

For more on the maintenance and testing of your pumps’ mechanical seals, feel free to call VEMC on  022 43436655 or email us at We are the top-notch Kirloskar authorised dealer in Mumbai.