Overview of how different sectors use air compressors

ELGi air compressor dealers in Mumbai

Air compressors are one of the most valued pieces of equipment across industries for their incredible ability to generate power. These are used in operations like air conditioning, pneumatic tools, healthcare, food processing, sandblasting, demolition and painting. VEMC is one of the leading ELGi air compressor dealers in Mumbai, and in this blog, we talk about how air compressors are used in different sectors of the economy.

Powering pneumatic tools

Air compressors are used to power pneumatic tools like impact wrenches, air nails and staplers, air sanders and grinders, spray guns, air drills, and air hammers and chisels. These find applications in automotive repair, painting, carpentry, construction and metal-working. Large pneumatic tools such as Jackhammers are also used in the demolition of concrete, asphalt etc. 


With air compressors, abrasive materials like sand are pumped at high velocities against rough surfaces to make them smooth. This principle is also used to polish surfaces, remove old paint or rust, and prepare the surface for a new coat.


Air compressors are widely used in the automotive sector to spray-paint vehicles. Several variants of sprayers such as conventional, airless and High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) sprayers are powered by air compressors depending upon the requirement of the operations. These sprayers are also used in industrial, domestic and commercial settings. Spray-painting using air compressors offers several benefits such as consistency, efficiency, versatility and high-quality finish.

Assembly lines

Thanks to the precision, reliability, speed and efficiency that air compressors offer, they are also used in assembly lines for several tasks. These include handling and positioning equipment, cleaning and maintenance, and automation and control systems.


In healthcare and medical operations, air compressors play a crucial role in many operations. These include supplying oxygen, generating vacuum systems for devices like catheters, powering ventilators, nebulisers, dental equipment, surgical tools, laboratory equipment, orthopaedic tools and dialysis equipment.


In the mining sector, air compressors provide support for several operations like blasting, powering rock drills, ventilation and cooling, powering conveyors, hosts and winches, operating pneumatic dewatering pumps and slurry pumps and core drilling.

Food processing

In the food processing industry, air compressors power conveyors, packaging machines, cleaning and sanitation, automatic sorting and packaging, and cooling and refrigeration. However, the quality of compressed air in the food processing industry is of critical importance to prevent spoilage by microbes or moisture. 

Advancements in air compressor technology

As air compressor technology has improved and innovation has played its part, several advancements have been witnessed over the years. These include the use of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs), energy-efficient compression, smart control systems, heat recovery and predictive maintenance. Air compressors are also becoming increasingly lightweight and portable, oil-free, quieter and environmentally compliant.
For more about air compressors, feel free to get in touch with VEMC by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We are one of the leading ELGi air compressor dealers in Mumbai.

Compressed Air System Piping: Design Considerations for Pressure Drop Reduction

Compressed air is a major source of power in an industrial setting. But to get the most out of your air compressor system, you need to make sure all the ancillaries are well-designed and installed. Piping is an essential support system which plays a huge role in how well your compressed air system performs overall. We at VEMC are a top-notch ELGi dealer in Mumbai and in this blog, we tell you all you need to know about the design consideration of your piping to reduce the pressure drop in your air compressor system.

Factors contributing to pressure drop in piping

  1. Pipe diameter: This is one of the most obvious factors that impacts the pressure of the compressed air in the piping. Pipe diameter impacts the velocity of the air moving through the pipes. To put it simply, larger the pipe diameter, lesser will be the pressure for a given volume of air.
  2. Length of the pipe: Longer the pipe, greater will be the friction loss and hence lesser will be the pressure exerted by the compressed air. Pressure drop is thus directly proportional to the pipe length.
  3. Material: The friction that the moving air particles experience against the walls of the piping also contributes significantly to the drop in pressure. Thus, the material of the piping walls will also determine the extent of pressure drop.
  4. Fittings: How the piping is designed and fitted is an important factor that affects the drop in pressure. A highly complicated design with too many bends will reduce greater amount of air pressure as compared to a more straightforward one.

Strategies to minimise pressure drop

Now that we have understood what factors cause drop in pressure, let’s take a look at how to avoid or at least minimise it.

  1. Appropriate pipe sizing: Make sure the pipes are of the right size in terms of both length and diameter. Both long as well as broad pipes can cause unnecessary drop in pressure.
  2. Avoid unnecessary bends and restrictions: As much as possible, the piping design should be simple and straightforward. Too many bends and restrictions can also cause a drop in pressure due to greater friction.
  3. Use smooth-surfaced pipes: As mentioned above, friction of air particles with the internal surface of the pipes can also reduce the pressure of the compressed air. It is therefore advisable to use smooth-surfaced material for your piping.

It is quite clear that not only does the power and capacity of your air compressor matter but also the overall system and piping design. With the right piping design and installation, you can maintain optimum performance by reducing drop in pressure.

For more expert advice on your air compressor systems, feel free to call us on 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We at VEMC are the leading ELGi compressor dealer in Mumbai with a wide array of air compressor options available to meet your needs. 

The Future of Air Compressor Technology: ELGi’s Vision for a Sustainable and Connected Industry

The smart, data-centered Industry 4.0 is transforming the way we envision manufacturing. Advanced technologies like Machine Learning, AI and IoT are being put to use in factories than facilitate manufacturers in decision-making, maintaining optimum efficiency and peak production levels. It also contributes to the effort of making factories more sustainable by reducing their carbon footprint. Today, this transformation is also shaping the air compressor industry. VEMC is the leading ELGi dealer in Mumbai and in this blog, we take you through the future of air compressor technology.

ELGi’s vision for the future

ELGi envisions a disruptive future when it comes to air compressor technology. This vision includes the use of cutting edge Information Technology and is aligned with the demands of the environment.

  1. Sustainable compressors: 

ELGi is committed to the goal of business sustainability and offers highly efficient air compressors which reduce energy bills, have lower lifecycle costs and minimize your carbon footprint. By ensuring best-in-class durability, these compressors also enjoy a long life which keeps in check the capex costs of replacement as well as wastage of material, thus aligning strongly with the idea of circular economy.

  1. Connectivity: 

Air compressors no longer operate in siloes. ELGi’s air compressors are always connected to the user’s smartphone device and offer real-time performance and efficiency related data.

  1. Innovation: 

ELGi is a company strongly committed to innovation. The company’s R&D is always on the lookout for new technology and next-gen solutions that can be integrated into their air compressors. However, often innovation comes in the form of incremental improvements which make a huge difference when it comes to energy savings, reducing costs of ownership and the impact on the environment.

Air compressors and Industry 4.0

Lets come back to the idea of Industry 4.0 and the way it has shaped the air compressor industry. A huge part of Industry 4.0 is the ability to connect devices through the latest IoT technology. This means having sensors installed in the devices and making them a part of an ever enlarging network of devices. Each device continuously transmits a stream of data which is captured, recorded and displayed to decision-makers. In times of emergency, special alerts may also be launched through push notifications, email and SMS.

The availability of real-time data enables users to think on their feet and make quick decisions with regard to servicing and having a scheduled maintenance regime in place. It also keeps highlighting issues with performance and energy efficiency which drives greater sustainability. With predictive maintenance, users can foresee any potential breakdown of their devices, and take steps to prevent it, thus reducing possibilities of unplanned downtime and the related business losses.

All of these features are now available in your ELGi air compressors which are strongly inspired by Industry 4.0. For more on how ELGi is transforming the air compressor industry, get in touch with VEMC by calling on 022 43436655 or emailing us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We are the top ELGi compressor dealer in Mumbai.

Elgi’s Global Footprint and Commitment to Sustainability in Air Compressor Manufacturing

Founded in the year 1960, ELGi is one of the most reputed names in air compressor manufacturing. Today the company has a presence in 120 countries across the world with a fast-growing distributor  base in each country. This is thanks to its high-quality products, exceptional service and prompt  customer support.

VEMC is one of the leading ELGi air compressor dealers in Mumbai, and in this blog we talk about how ELGi is taking on the global market while being committed to the goals of sustainability.

ELGi’s global footprint

With over 63 years of experience in manufcaturing air compressors, ELGi has reached the zenith of its business. The company has reached over 2 million installations all over the world. 

All of this is thanks to ELGi’s innovative product portfolio and a strong marketing and distribution network. The company has penetrated the lucrative markets of US, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and Australia through its spree of acquisitions in manufacturing and distribution. Everywhere ELGi goes, it maintains high product quality standards to build an unassailable reputation. Due to this, the company is getting a positive response from its distribution partners who are always more than willing to carry its products on their network.

For years, the company has focused on strengthening its back-end processes and is now replicating the same success in marketing and distribution. Going forward, the company aims at expanding through a two-fold strategy: diversifying its offerings and building more capacity in the international market. In 2018, 50% of ELGi’s revenues came from its international market and they hope to grow it further in the years to come.

ELGi’s commitment to sustainable business

ELGi believes in creating enduring value for all its stakeholders. These include employees, investors, suppliers, distributors and the society at large. This necessitates that the company uses high-tech products to provide best-in-class service while creating a positive impact on the environment.

Over the last few years, ELGi has made a conscious effort to streamline its ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) initiatives. The company has created a comprehensive sustainability framework that focuses on three pillars:

  • Always responsible
  • Always reliable
  • Always resilient

On the ground, this means ELGi is committed to responsible operations, offering reliable products and services, and ensuring the organization remains resilient especially in the wake of growing business challenges. 

When it comes to ESG efforts, the company has established the ELGi school for children from low-income families in Coimbatore. For the last 3 decades, the school has been providing access to quality education helping these students and their families realise their dreams. ELGi’s vocational training school provides technical training to hundreds of youth, especially from low income backgrounds, to finally employ them in its factories.

On the 50th anniversary of the World Earth Day in 2020, ELGi launched the ‘Steps for Change’ program to encourage its employees across the world to take small yet significant steps to make a difference to the environment. 

For more on how ELGi is helping transform the future through its sustainability efforts across the world, call VEMC on 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We are the leading ELGi reciprocating compressor dealers in Mumbai.

Why ELGI’s Air Alert is a Game-Changer for Air Compressor Users

ELGi air compressor dealers in Mumbai

Air compressors produce compressed air that provides energy to power various devices or machines in industries. Due to the enormous amount of energy they produce, air compressors find application in a variety of industries and operations. Air compressors are useful tools with hefty investment and owners naturally want them to last long. With ELGi’s Air~Alert system in place, owners can monitor the various parameters of their compressors regularly, provide recommendations, and avoid downtime. We are the leading ELGi air compressor dealers in Mumbai and in this blog we tell you why ELGi’s Air~Alert is a game-changer for air compressor users.

Why have Air Alert systems

Air~Alert systems basically gather information on all parameters from the air compressor. This information is later used for in-depth analysis and improvement. The intelligent insights that the gathered data provides helps users plan and schedule maintenance and enhance the efficiency of their air compressor.

How Air~Alert works

The air compressor operational and performance data is acquired from the compressor controller, encrypted and sent to secure servers. The data is then processed using smart algorithms to come up with predictions, actionable alerts, reports, and trends. These are sent to the user’s dashboard and as text messages. 

3 modules are involved in this entire process: Data collection & storage, failure prediction and detection, and alerts & reports. In the first module, data is gathered, stored, and organized. The second module predicts if the compressor will fail in the future. In the third module, alerts and reports are turned into actionable insights.

User benefits

ELGi Air~Alert system is a perfect fit for Industry 4.0. It is powered by technologies like AI and IoT which ensure the insights are timely, accurate, and actionable. It has some outstanding benefits for users:

1. With Air~Alert, users are kept informed about critical information that helps maintain the health of the compressor. For instance, it tells the users what the optimum pressure band for a particular task is. Likewise, it helps the users in leak detection which reduces the wastage of electricity.

2. Various industries have successfully tested the Air~Alert system. In a pipe company, Air~Alert contributed about 40% savings to the company. In the textile industry, it helps identify choked filters by detecting abnormal pressure readings.

3. Air~Alert notifies users ahead of time about upcoming service and maintenance schedules. This reduces the possibilities of breakdown. It can also forecast potential faults and failures in advance minimizing downtime and unplanned repair costs.

4. The Air~Alert system provides 24/7 monitoring of parameters such as usage, discharge pressure, oil temperature, total running hours, VFD speed, etc. The live data is streamed to users’ PCs, laptops, or smartphones and can be accessed from anywhere through a user-friendly dashboard.

For more information on the ELGi Air~Alert system, get in touch with VEMC by calling 022 43436655 or emailing us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We are the leading ELGi air compressor dealers in Mumbai. Whether you’re looking for ELGi reciprocating compressor or a screw compressor, we have you covered.

10 Essential Maintenance Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Compressor

10 Essential Maintenance Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Compressor
ELGi authorized dealer based in Mumbai

Air compressors are a hefty investment which owners want to get the maximum benefit from. However, this is only possible by extending their lifespan through regular and proactive maintenance. Sudden breakdowns can be costly in terms of not just immediate repairs, but also loss of business and reputation. VEMC is the ELGi authorized dealer based in Mumbai

10 essential maintenance tips to extend the lifespan of your compressor

1. Replace filters

Air filters are used to prevent debris and particulates floating in the surroundings to get sucked into the air compressor. Over a long period of time, the cumulative load can become quite heavy. This can be problematic if you are operating in an industry like food processing and pharmaceuticals where high hygiene standards are necessary. Ensure air filters are replaced frequently.

2. Tighten loose bolts

Due to continuous vibration, your compressor bolts may get loose. Make sure you inspect and tighten them regularly to keep your air compressor in good working condition and avoid any sudden breakdowns.

3. Drain excessive moisture

Any moisture getting sucked into your compressor can cause rusting or microbial growth inside. This can damage the compressor and compromise the quality of your compressed air. Make sure you drain the excessive moisture regularly to avoid this.

4. Check oil levels

As all air compressor dealers in Mumbai will warn you, keeping the air compressor lubricated is a must. Check the oil levels once a day to ensure the moving parts are operating seamlessly and wear and tear is minimized.

5. Monitor temperature

Air compressors function best within a certain temperature range. If your compressor gets overheated, it can cause serious wear and tear. Some compressors come with an automatic shutdown feature on reaching certain temperature levels. Monitor temperature levels regularly and check if the automatic shutdown feature is working properly to avoid this.

6. Look for leaks

Any leaks in the hoses can cause a loss of pressure and make the compressor work harder. The compressor can become corroded or cracked due to leakage. Overall, it can cause wear and tear beyond normal levels.

7. Check air quality

Poor quality of air from the compressor can affect the standard of your operations. Check the air quality regularly to ensure airlines, filters, and other parts are functioning optimally.

8. Conduct repairs quickly

Having a lax approach towards minor repairs can harm the air compressor in the long run. Be proactive with your repairs and address them as soon as any issues arise. 

9. Troubleshoot

Take time to read the manual to know how your air compressor functions. This will enable you to troubleshoot whenever any issues arise to avoid things from getting out of hand.

10. Follow instructions

Do not assume that all compressors can be repaired in the same standardized way. If you face any trouble, follow the company’s own step-by-step guide.

You can get the most out of your air compressors by extending their lifespan if you maintain them. For more information on maintaining your compressors, call us on 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. VEMC is the leading Kirloskar pump dealer and ELGi compressor dealer in Mumbai.

10 Key Benefits of Using ELGi Rotary Screw Air Compressors

 ELGi screw compressor
ELGi screw compressor

The rotary screw compressor is one of the most widely used air compressors. As the name suggests, it uses rotary movements of its rotors to trap and compress the air. ELGi is one of the most reputed names when it comes to rotary screw compressors. The brand is known for its efficiency, reliability, and high performance.

We at VEMC are the leading ELGi air compressor dealers in Mumbai and top the charts whether it is in ELGi reciprocating compressor or rotary screw compressor.

let’s talk about the 10 key benefits that the rotary screw compressor brings to the table. 

1. Energy efficiency

For starters, ELGi screw compressors are known for reducing energy consumption, boosting efficiency and improving your carbon footprint. This is the need of the hour given the ever-rising energy costs

2. Durability 

The rotary screw compressors have a robust construction which makes the equipment reliable and durable. The high-quality material used in constructing an ELGi screw compressor contributes directly to the compressor’s longevity and lowers the chances of a sudden breakdown or costly repairs. 

3. Advanced control systems

The in-built Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) of the compressors automatically match the pressure supplied with the demand, thus avoiding unnecessary wastage. This improves the energy efficiency of the compressor and reduces energy wastage manifold.

4. Low noise levels

An ELGi screw compressor is great if you’re looking for low-noise output. It is therefore well-suited for hotels, restaurants, or health facilities where noise and vibrations can be quite disturbing. 

5. Compact design

An ELGi screw compressor has a compact and highly accessible design. This makes repair and maintenance easy and low-cost. The compressor is designed to comply with international standards (CE, ASME, UL etc.).

6. High air quality

In case you’re looking to use the compressor in packaging, food processing, or the pharma industry, the quality of the compressed air must be good. ELGi rotary screw compressors provide you with exactly that, with its highest class “O” certification.

7. Customization options

ELGi offers custom-built rotary screw compressors based on your business activity. This means customized voltages, control panels, body color, and finish.

8. Service and support

ELGi offers unmatched after-sale service and support to its clients across the country. Its Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) are a great way to prevent untimely and costly breakdowns while ensuring your compressor works at optimum efficiency.

9. Environment-friendly

ELGi compressors are manufactured keeping the environment in mind. These help reduce the energy wastage of the clients and ensure they operate at optimum efficiency.

10. Reduced emissions

The heat recovery feature of ELGi air compressors allows clients to use the energy for other operations rather than wasting it. This means lower emissions overall and more sustainable business operations.
For more on ELGi’s diverse range of product offerings, call VEMC on 022 43436655 or email at marketing@vemc.co.in. We are the leading air compressor dealers in Mumbai with a strong commitment to client service.

How to Use an Air Compressor: Things to Consider

Air Compressor

Air compressors are used for a variety of applications across industries. This is because of the enormous amount of power that compressed air generates. Compressed air when focused and channelised in the proper way can be used to accomplish tasks like cleaning, drilling, pumping etc. in an effective and efficient way. VEMC is the leading air compressor dealer in Mumbai and in this blog, we explain how best to use your air compressor.

Picking The Right Compressor For Your Needs:

It all begins with selecting the right compressor for your business operations. For instance, if you are using the compressor simply for cleaning tasks, a portable compressor without a tank will fully suffice. In case you wish to perform heavy-duty tasks, this obviously won’t be enough and you may have to look for a more powerful compressor. Likewise, you may also want to check out whether the reciprocating or rotary air compressor is better suited for your tasks. A quick call or visit to VEMC –– the authorised Elgi Air Compressor Dealers in Mumbai can help you choose better!

  • Getting started

Find the ideal position for your compressor. Make sure the floor is sturdy and can resist the load and vibrations from the compressor while it is at work.

  • Oil And Air Intake

Make sure the compressor has enough oil. Manually remove the oil cap and add the oil if it isn’t up to the specified mark. An adequate amount of oil keeps the compressor parts in good health by avoiding unnecessary friction.

Next, turn the switch on and fill the air tank. This should also get the PSI needle going. Set the PSI that you will be needing for the operation. Make sure the drain valve is tightly closed. Your nearest compressor dealer in Mumbai can definitely help you with these manual nitty-gritties. 

  • Moisture And Drainage

Moisture can speed up the process of rusting and corrosion, thus affecting the working life of your compressor. This naturally has implications for your maintenance, repair and replacement costs. Besides, moisture can also encourage the growth of microbes and cause spoilage of food or other sensitive inventory. Regular drainage of moisture is therefore necessary. This might call for some help from your nearest ELGi Air Compressor Dealers in Mumbai, but in most models, the drain valve is located at the bottom of the tank.

  • Power

Connect the air compressor to a three-pin power source. For your personal safety and to avoid damage to equipment due to high voltage, always make sure your compressor is grounded. As much as possible, avoid using extension cords and instead use an additional air hose to increase your reach. This is because extension cords can cause your compressor to overheat.

  • Meeting All Safety Regulations

Use goggles and closed-toe shoes to protect your eyes and feet from impact while using an air compressor. To ensure the safety valve is functioning properly, test it by tugging on it before use and listening to the air escaping.


To know more about how to make the best use of your ELGi reciprocating compressor while ensuring safety and efficiency, call us on 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We at VEMC are the leading air compressor dealers in Mumbai.

What Size of Industrial Air Compressor do I Need?

One of the most challenging decisions while buying an air compressor is sizing it. This is necessary for maximum efficiency and involves a number of parameters such as CFM, pressure, application, layout, etc. While sizing an air compressor may seem simple on the surface, it is determined by a host of factors to ensure optimum performance. As we are one of the leading Air Compressor Dealers in Mumbai.

In This Article, We Can Take You Through All Of These That Shape The Sizing Decision Of Your Industrial Air Compressor:

Size of your project

Quite simply, bigger the size, more will be the power generated. Whether you need your air compressor for heavy-duty construction work or office work will be the primary determinant of your sizing decision. Besides, if you need a constant flow, it will be better to invest in a large-sized air compressor as small compressors are not able to generate it.

Your tools and applications

Next, you’ll have to consider the work you’re going to perform with your air compressor. Air compressors have wide-ranging applications from drilling to sand-blasting. Choosing the right size for the right task is critical to ensure effectiveness. All tools have a required flow or CFM which should be matched with that generated by your air compressor. An ELGi Reciprocating Compressor is a great option for both light and heavy-duty use.

Your source of power

A standard domestic voltage should be enough for most compressors to work. But for larger industrial compressors, a 240-volt source is necessary. Where electricity isn’t available, compressors can also be powered with petrol. Since your source of power acts as an important constraint in the functioning of your compressor, take it into serious consideration before choosing one.

Space available

If you’re trying to buy an air compressor for your garage startup, there’s very little hope that a large industrial compressor will fit in there. Given the paucity of space in the city, most air compressor dealers in Mumbai will emphasize on the space constraint as the number one factor to size your compressor. Besides, if you’re going to move the compressor frequently, a smaller and lighter one will always be the better choice to avoid inflating your carriage and labour bills.

Size of the tank

The size of the tank is the most important factor that decides the size of an air compressor. This is significant because it determines how long you use the compressor before it needs to refill the air tank. If your tools and applications require a constant flow, a bigger air compressor is the right choice. Smaller tools like nail gun require short bursts of compressed air that don’t need a large tank. But the motor will have to switch on and off, which can cause wear and tear, and affect the lifespan of your compressor overall.


Our expertise and experience make us one of the topmost air compressor dealers in Mumbai. If you’re specially looking for ELGi Air Compressor Dealers in Mumbai, we are the perfect choice for you. Dial us at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in to get in touch today!

How To Improve The Compressor Efficiency

Low-efficiency levels can seriously impact the operational costs of your business, as you will have to foot much higher energy bills, in return for some sub-optimal performance from your air compressor. As your air compressor dealers will tell you, most compressors usually have ample scope for improvement in terms of efficiency. VEMC as a top compressor dealer in Mumbai can share some insights from its vast experience.

What are the do’s and don’ts to achieve high availability with maximum efficiency?

Compressor installation:

Make sure you choose a spot that has clean dust-free air and also sufficient space for unloading, installation, and regular maintenance. The surface must be level and one that can withstand the load of the compressor. Ensure the compressor is protected from rain, sun, hot air, flammable material, and corrosive agents.

Regular check-ups of machine parameters:

Air compressors have a few critical parameters, such as capacity, pressure, temperature, etc. To ensure that the air compressor is performing at optimum levels, it is very necessary that these parameters are inspected at regular intervals. Any AMC service provider or reputed compressor dealer in Mumbai can be helpful on this front.

Proper maintenance plan:

Preventative maintenance is important to not just boost the efficiency of your Elgi compressor but also avoid breakdown costs.

  • Air leaks –– Never ignore the air leaks, no matter how insignificant they seem. Air leakage can cause serious loss of pressure and wastage of energy.
  • Change filters regularly –– Contaminants in the air such as dirt, dust, or grease, can lead to a drop in air pressure, and a rise in energy consumption. To maintain pressure levels, change your air compressor filters regularly.
  • Maintenance regimes –– Be sure that a comprehensive procedure and checklists are in place, and that your employees are trained in executing proper maintenance. Air compressor dealers and AMC service companies can guide you well on this.

Proper selection of ancillaries:

Unauthorised or generic ancillaries such as dryers, pipes, and filters, may not fit or work well with the air compressor, and instead cause damage to the system and reduce its life span. Always procure them only from an authorized Elgi compressor dealer.

Does a maintenance plan affect my compressors’ efficiency and availability?

As much as possible, follow the recommendations from your air compressor dealer. With a good maintenance plan in place, you simply don’t need to worry about parts, inventory, monitoring, and repairs. It helps you make the most of your investment and effectively manage resources. Therefore, a proper maintenance plan from a reputed AMC services company can significantly boost your compressors’ efficiency and availability.

Are there advanced ways to monitor my equipment?

You cannot possibly see what is happening on the inside of your Elgi air compressors. But parameters like temperature and pressure can tell you a great deal about its health. Any parameter going out of the acceptable range naturally indicates that the air compressor might malfunction, or at the very least, the efficiency levels are affected.

For more information on maintenance, call VEMC at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We are the authorized Elgi air compressor dealers, and also provide quality AMC services for your compressors. We are the leading compressor dealers in Mumbai.

Compressed Air Industry Trends to Watch in 2023

Compressed Air Industry Trends

As more and more companies become energy and cost-sensitive, compressed air will emerge as one of the most favored ways to power tasks in factories and homes. In this blog, we take you through some of the most significant compressed air trends that customers and air compressor dealers must watch in 2023.

Here are the trends in the compressed air industry to look out for in 2023

1. Demand for Compressed Air Equipment Remains High

Compressed air is often the 3rd or 4th most favored utility in the manufacturing industry. As per a market analysis report, the global air compressor market stood at $32.02 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.4% from 2021 to 2028. Although the growth was somewhat tempered by the pandemic which caused a general slowdown across sectors, the post-pandemic world is ever more focused on energy efficiency, reducing costs, and cutting CO2 emissions. With the growing standard of living especially in the Asia-Pacific region, air compressors will see plenty of demand due to the rising use of air conditioners.

2. Lead Times Remain Longer than Normal – Especially for Steel Parts

A number of factors can affect the lead times of spare parts such as demand, stockouts, shipping delays, inefficient inventory control, and unnecessary processes. An Elgi compressor with its sophisticated design is made up of a number of small and large components. 

When it comes to the spare parts of your air compressors, you might experience longer than normal lead times. This is because most industries are just reopening after the pandemic, and with a sudden spurt in demand, mills will be looking to complete orders of priority sectors ahead of manufacturers of air compressor parts. This being a classic demand-supply problem, might even affect the prices of the spare parts, causing a bit of a concern to customers as well as air compressor dealers.

3. Compressed Air Supply Chains and Prices Are Stabilising

Compressor dealers have witnessed a serious disruption in business due to the pandemic. The complex designs and assemblage of a number of parts sourced from different manufacturers could make logistics for a typical Elgi compressor dealer rather challenging. But as the pandemic ebbs away, the global economy is recovering fast, most Elgi air compressor distributors would expect the supply chains and prices to stabilize once again.

4. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Applications Are Coming for Compressed Air

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will have massive implications for preventative maintenance, performance tracking, and energy efficiency. Air compressors communicating over the internet can share the condition of their parts such as belts and motors. The enormous amount of data produced as a result will be handy in designing energy-efficient and high-performing air compressors. Monitoring will become remote and convenient as parameters like flow, pressure, speed, etc. will be available on mobile devices. 

VEMC is one of the leading ELGi Air Compressor Dealers in Mumbai. For details or any queries on Elgi air compressors, feel free to contact our experts at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. We at VEMC are way ahead of other air compressor dealers with a proven track record of excellence. As the most reliable Elgi dealer, we are committed to swift on-call service and top-class preventative maintenance.

8 Ways To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Compressed Air System

Improve The Efficiency Of Your Compressed Air System

A number of factors can hold back your air compressor from performing optimally and giving you the best results at lower costs. Whether it is your compressed air filter or lubrication, everything must work seamlessly in tandem, enabling you to make the most of your compressor at limited energy inputs.

Here are 8 ways in which you can boost the efficiency of your Elgi air compressors and ensure they work for you.

Understand Lubrication

Like all other equipment in your facility, an air compressor consists of moving parts. To avoid wear and tear on these parts while they’re in action, lubrication is a must! However, both over and under-lubrication can create problems. Also, the quality of the lubricant must be chosen carefully to avoid damage to the machine. This is all the more important if you’re using your compressor in a sensitive line of work such as food processing or confectionery, as it can poison the consumables. Each system requires a specific type or level of lubrication and the safest way out is to go through the user manual and follow the instructions.

Know how Particulates Impact your System

Particulates can enter your Elgi compressor system, hamper its performance or even cause damage to the parts. All of this depends upon the atmosphere where an air compressor is being used and accordingly necessitates the use of a good quality compressed air filter, such as an Elgi air filter.

Prevent Compressor Contamination

Both moisture and particulate matter can be a source of contamination for air compressors. This can cause poor air quality of air being forced out from the compressor or damage to the internal parts of the compressor itself. To avoid this, regular inspection, the use of air dryers, or the right air filter for the compressor, is important.

Cooler Building Temperatures

Both increases and decreases in temperatures can cause the performance of an air compressor to plummet. This can be combated by regulating the temperature of your building using air conditioning, central heating, or natural ventilation.

Reusing the Energy you Create

Sustainable use of air compressors can be ensured by avoiding wastage and making the most of the energy released. Air compressors release a lot of heat as they function. So make sure you tap this heat and utilise it well for some or the other function, in your building.

Keep your System Clean

All mechanised equipment requires regular upkeep and maintenance to ensure optimum performance. Air compressors are no exception. Inspect and replace the compressed air filter frequently and clean the inner parts regularly to keep the system in its best shape.
Whether it is replacing your compressed air filter or scheduling an audit for your compressor system, we can keep a close watch on all your maintenance parameters. We are the leading Elgi air compressor dealers in the country, and pride ourselves on having a rich industry experience of 72 years. So get in touch with VEMC –– the most reliable Elgi compressor dealer in Mumbai out there, and book an audit at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in.

When To Add An Air Dryer To Your Compressed Air System

Air Dryer in Compressed Air System
Air Dryer

If you own an air compressor, you must have come across lots of suggestions online or otherwise, of adding an air dryer to it. This is because moisture in compressed air can be quite harmful to your machinery and some moisture-sensitive business operations as well. The degree of harm of course varies from one business operation to another. It can cause moulds or rust to develop over the metallic parts of your equipment (including the air compressor itself) and significantly reduce their working life and also affect their performance. Well, this is where an air dryer comes in!

An air dryer effectively saps the moisture from the compressed air, helps you prolong the life of your machinery, and also performs the tasks at hand perfectly well. In this blog, we take you through all that you need to know about air dryers in your compressed air system. 

What type of air dryer do you need?

Your choice of an air dryer for your compressor depends largely on the function you want it to perform and also your geographic location. Your Elgi compressor dealer in Mumbai will typically take you through the two types of air dryers that use these mechanisms: 

  • Desiccant air dryers: These are best suited for typically cold climes where the risks of freezing are quite high. These air dryers use desiccants such as silica gel or activated alumina which suck the moisture from the air as it passes through the compressor system. These can also be put to effective use in cold storage of pharmaceutical or food processing companies.
  • Refrigerated air dryers: In this type of air dryer, a refrigerant chills the air down to sub-zero temperatures. This freezes any moisture present in the air which is then removed before rewarming the air and pushing it through the piping to finally use it for the operation.

Selecting the right air dryer for your application

Moisture can cause serious damage to your equipment and in fact your air compressor system. But besides that, some business or industrial operations may require absolutely moisture-free operation and atmosphere. According to one estimate, moisture-related damages lead to the discarding of approximately 10% of all containerized goods. For instance, moisture can be a cause of serious losses in confectioneries, dry fruit, or wafer packaging operations. If you’re using a compressor in such facilities, therefore, you must ensure the complete removal of moisture from the compressed air.  Most air compressor dealers will recommend an Elgi air dryer –– a fantastic product that can come to your rescue when it comes to getting rid of unwanted moisture in your compressed air.
Make sure you’re purchasing an Elgi compressor or Elgi air dryer, only from authorised Elgi air compressor dealers who have both the product and the technical expertise for servicing it. VEMC is one highly acclaimed Elgi dealer that deals in both Elgi air dryers as well as Elgi air compressors and has a rich industry experience of over 72 years. If you need help finding the right compressed air dryer for your requirement, feel free to speak to our experts at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in.

Industrial Air Compressor Preventative Maintenance

Air Compressor Maintenance

Maintenance of equipment is necessary to ensure longevity and energy efficiency. This applies to air compressors that are used daily in an industrial setting. In this blog, we take you through some of the pressing issues with regard to the preventative maintenance of your industrial compressors.

Difference between preventative and standard air compressor maintenance

In an industrial setting, it is necessary to have an inspection regime in place to make sure your compressor and its allied equipment are functioning at the optimum level. This set of checklists or procedures is known as standard maintenance. 

Preventative maintenance on the other hand is all about finding and arresting mechanical issues before they spread and cause costly downtime. The schedule of preventative maintenance varies from component to component. While some may require daily inspections, others can be checked once or twice a year.

Benefits of preventative maintenance for industrial air compressors

  1. Avoids downtime: Downtime for any production facility can be costly for business and with preventative maintenance, this can be avoided to a great extent.
  2. Saves costs: Sudden breakdown of systems can cost more as compared to regular preventive checks.
  3. Ensures energy efficiency: Preventative maintenance brings to the surface any gaps or issues behind the sub-optimal level performance of the air compressor.
  4. Increases longevity: With regular check-ups, fine-tuning, and cleanups, an air compressor system can be kept in good health. This helps avoid fatal faults or wear and tear in the system and increases its life span.

Recommended preventative maintenance checks

  1. Oil filter: Oil must not be allowed to leave with the compressed air as it can corrupt the surface if the compressor is being used for spray painting. Oil filters must be checked weekly and replaced after every 4000-8000 hours of use. 
  1. Lubrication: Change the lubricant every 3 to 6 months to ensure the health of the compressor. Non-lubricated surfaces of the system could cause serious corrosion of moving parts.
  2. Air filter: Check, clean, and replace the air filter regularly. You do not want unclean air or air laden with particulates to come out of the compressor and hit a surface being spray-painted or cleaned with the compressor.
  3. Motor bearings: Make sure the bearings are sufficiently lubricated. Carry out regular inspections and check the bearings after every 4000 hours. Lack of lubrication can cause the bearings to get stuck in place.
  4. Intake vents: The air entering the vents can become dirty if the intake vents are lined with dirt, dust, and grime. The same air will then be released in compressed form.
  5. Belts: Belts must remain firm to ensure the proper functioning of the pulleys and connected parts. Replace the belts before they lose their tension or break down in the middle of a task.

Which maintenance checks should a technician perform

While some maintenance tasks can be performed in-house by your own team, for others, it is best you consult the compressor technicians. Some of these situations are

  • Replacement of motor
  • Relocation of heavy compressors
  • Safety shutdown instructions
  • In case of a mechanical breakdown

For operation and maintenance tasks of your air compressors by our skilled and qualified technicians, get in touch with us at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. VEMC is the authorised Elgi air compressor dealer with an experience of over 72 years.

What is The Difference Between PSI and CFM in an Air Compressor?

If you’re looking for the right air compressor for your business, and are researching on the specifications of the product, you must have come across acronyms like PSI and CFM. These are necessary to tell you which size of air compressors are fit for your needs. Both these parameters are performance indicators of air compressors and other air-powered equipment. The main difference between PSI and CFM is that the former measures pressure and the volume of the latter measure. In this blog, we take you through a detailed understanding of both these metrics.

What is PSI?

PSI stands for pounds per square inch. Quite clearly it measures how many pounds of air occupies a square inch area. The greater the PSI value of a compressor, the greater pressure it is exerting and hence the more powerful it is considered to be. Quite simply, an air compressor with a PSI reading of 120 would indicate that it delivers 120 pounds of pressure per square inch. On an industrial compressor, the PSI value is typically displayed within the compressor system. As a convention ‘PSI’ is written in small letters. 

What is CFM?

CFM stands for cubic feet per minute. This indicates the volume or output rate of the air compressor in terms of cubic feet of air per minute. Simply put, it indicates how much air is being moved per minute. CFM is always measured at a particular PSI and increases proportionately along with the horsepower applied. Domestic compressors typically offer a volume of around 2 CFM while large industrial compressors that usually run at 200 HP, can deliver up to 1000 CFM of airflow. 

How are pressure and flow related in an air compressor?

To run an air compressor optimally, both volume and pressure must be sufficient. The principle isn’t very different from that of a garden pipe. When you squeeze the end of the pipe with your thumb, you are in effect reducing the space and creating less room for it to flow out. This will make the water shoot out farther. In air compressors, PSI and CFM relate to each other in a similar way. 

For the purpose of mathematical calculations, the relationship of pressure with volume in a compressed system can be demonstrated by Boyle’s law which states that:

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2

(P1 and V1 represent initial pressure and volume, and P2 and V2 represent final pressure and volume.)

The risks of over-pressurisation

Many times, users may over-pressurise the air compressors to ensure enough pressure is applied for a given task. This could pile up irrecoverable costs of energy losses since an increase in PSI value invariably increases the energy consumed. It can also reduce the lifespan of your equipment as the ‘artificial demand’ (another term for over-pressurisation) can cause unnecessary wear and tear.
For any questions regarding flow rates or accurate pressure levels for your air compressor systems, feel free to get in touch with us at 022 43436655 or email us at marketing@vemc.co.in. VEMC is the authorised dealer of Elgi air compressors with a rich industry experience of over 72 years.

3 Must-Have Compressed Air System Accessories That Improve Performance

Have you ever observed your air compressor functioning closely? Their entire efficiency depends on receiving the right proportion of clean and dry air, at the right locations and at the right pressure. When your compressor system is not working properly, it means that at least one or two of its components are malfunctioning — perhaps a blocked filter, lack of an air dryer, or an unsuitable pressure regulator. 

It’s commonly said that your air compressor system is as powerful as its weakest component. Hence, it’s extremely important to ensure that your compressor has all the right accessories it needs to function properly. They not only help boost your energy efficiency, but also reduce frequent needs for maintenance. The ultimate benefit is the long life of your compressors. 

In this blog, we list out 3 of the most important accessories you need to keep your air compressors healthy and running: 

1. Compressed Air Regulator – Air compressors run on extensive amounts of energy, with requirements varying for different applications. So, when the energy input goes wrong, it can damage the components in the system. It also means wasted energy and ultimately, wasteful expenditure. 

Choosing the right pressure helps you zero in on the right energy requirement for your compressor. If your compressor runs at a higher pressure than is required, you may be wasting energy, while adding unnecessary pressure on the other parts such as hoses and fittings. This will lead to wear and tear and reduce the lifespan of your compressor. If a component is best suited to work at 100 psi and you operate it at 150 psi, it will not perform optimally.

Regulators help solve this problem by regulating pressure from the machine and aligning it with specific components based on different pressure requirements. 

2. High-performing Filter – Your compressor systems don’t necessarily have clean air inside them. They may contain several particles, aerosols, and vapours often found in the natural environment. 

A powerful filter can help remove contaminants from the compressed air and hence, it’s important to choose the right filter. For some applications, specialized oil-removing filters will make more sense; for others, dust and pre-filters may be apt. Before zeroing in on a filter, be sure of the requirements. 

Most choices usually boil down to coalescing filters, vapour removal filters, and dry particulate filters. 

3. Air Dryer – It’s natural for compressors to create lots of vapour while it is operating. This stagnant moisture can damage compressors and their parts. Especially in the case of metal or machinery, the presence of moisture leads to mould growth. This is not an ideal condition for any application, particularly in hospitality or healthcare. Blocked air pipes, stuck air cylinders, and rusted transmitters can also lead to increased maintenance and repair costs. 

Air dryers can help eliminate moisture before they reach the tip of the tool. Air dryers such as desiccant dryers use silica gel, activated alumina, or molecular sieves to de-vapourise air. You can choose from the desiccant and refrigerated dryers for your compressor systems. 

Getting the Right Parts

Your compressor system is heavily dependent on tools and accessories. Hence, the right tools are critical for compressors to function efficiently. Even if you are using a good air compressor, you may not get the desired performance if the quality of the parts is sub-par.

VEMC is a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. You can order ELGi air compressors, air filters for compressors, and other accessories by calling us on +91 98199 07445. At VEMC, our technicians can guide you about the right parts, routine maintenance, and repairs, to help you get the most out of your compressor systems.

Piston Vs. Rotary Screw Air Compressors: Which One to Choose?

Air compressors have diverse applications for a wide range of businesses. Two of the most popular and widely used compressors are piston and rotary screw compressors.

Piston, also known as reciprocating compressors, find maximum use in the automotive service industry such as gas stations, tire stores, and general service shops, due to their price and availability. However, rotary screw compressors can be a suitable alternative as they offer better performance and require less space.

In this blog, we will understand the various points of difference between the two to help you choose the right one for your business.

Duty Cycle and Flow

Duty cycle is the time (calculated in percentage) a compressor can operate for, without getting overheated or causing wear. The allowable duty cycle for most piston compressors is 60-70%. Most piston compressors are oversized to allow space for the compressor to shut down and cool off due to the high temperatures. This may cause capacity problems during peak operating hours.

Modern rotary screw compressors, on the other hand, have in-built aftercoolers with huge surface area and robust fans to bring down the air temperature leaving the compressor.

Oil Carry-over

When pistons, cylinders, valves, and rings experience wear and tear, the quantity of air goes down. This causes more lubricating oil to seep through the piping into the usable parts. This is known as carry-over.

Piston compressors usually pass more oil than rotary screw compressors. Rotary screw compressors experience lesser oil seepage in comparison because the rotors don’t come in contact with each other and hence, don’t wear. Moreover, the compressor fluid also acts as non-wearing sealant that’s captured, filtered, cooled, and recirculated.

Energy Efficiency

For service industries that use compressors as large as 30 hp, energy efficiency becomes an essential factor to save electricity costs.

Piston compressors usually deliver 3-4 cfm per hp whereas rotary compressors deliver 4-5 cfm per hp. This shows that rotary compressors deliver more air per unit of input energy.


The maintenance of piston compressors is more expensive than screw compressors because the frequency of maintenance and the number of spares is significantly higher for piston compressors. However, the advantage is that any semi-skilled technician or worker will be able to perform the maintenance service.

Noise Levels and Vibration

Traditional piston compressors produce a lot of noise and vibration. As a result, they are mostly placed in separate rooms or outside. However, the immediate ecosystem directly affects a compressor. For example, a hot and humid room will increase the compressor temperature, reduce its shelf life and make it difficult to remove moisture and oil from compressed air.

Rotary compressors cause lesser noise and vibration. They also don’t need to be kept in separate rooms or sealed to the floor, offering more flexibility with their location i.e., well-ventilated areas.

For assistance with deciding on the air compressor that suits your needs the best, please contact us on +919819907445. We would be delighted to help you find the best product or service based on your exact requirements. As one of the leading ELGi air compressor dealers, VEMC provides a comprehensive array of seamless products and services to its clients. A pioneer in electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services in the field, we are also ISO 9001:2015 certified.

6 Air Compressor Maintenance Tips to Avoid Breakdown

Air compressors of all makes and models require varying degrees of maintenance. Whatever the model or quantity of compressors you use for your operations, it’s essential to regularly inspect the parts and service them, whenever necessary. Failure to perform routine maintenance on your compressors can lead to early failure or expensive repairs.

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Here’s a short guide on how to keep your air compressors running at full capacity:

1. Drain your air receiver tank

Use the drain and plug at the bottom of the compressor to drain the air from the compressor’s air receiver tank. Collection of air in the machine leads to the accumulation of water and moisture while the machine is running, especially during summer, when humidity is higher. The moisture gets collected in the receiver tank and if not drained regularly, it can lead to corrosion of the receiver tank and piping. An automatic and a manual bypass drain during daily inspections is ideal.

2. Inspect the hoses

Hoses are often the most vulnerable parts of compressors because they need to be strong enough to transfer air between the machine and the final point, which can put a lot of strain on them. Checking your hoses on a weekly basis is extremely important. Cold weather also affects hoses — it causes them to crack or corrode and hence leak. Routine checks are ideal for keeping the hoses clean and leak detection devices are ideal to find the leaks.

3. Alter the air filter

Air filters usually trap a lot of junk. The filters are designed to bear a heavy load, without which, a lot of impurities will accumulate and degrade the performance of the compressor. This contamination is critical for industries such as food and beverage, hospitals, and labs. Air filter inspections should be done regularly, especially in dusty conditions.

4. Clean the intake valves

The intake valves of an air compressor must be clean to function fully. When compressors are put to constant use, dust particles and other elements get sucked into the vents. Cleaning the vents at least once every three months is essential.

5. Change the oil

The compressors that run on oil need the oil to be changed regularly as well. Fresh oil helps run the various parts of the engine smoothly. Especially in humid conditions, the oil loses its viscosity and fails to lubricate the different parts.

6. Get it inspected by a professional service team

Allowing a professional service team to regularly check leaks and perform preventive maintenance and required repairs, can offer a lot of peace of mind. Scheduling this regular maintenance can help save time and money in unnecessary breakdown repairs.

Keeping your air compressors healthy and functioning smoothly is essential and possible through regular maintenance. VEMC is an authorized ELGi air compressor dealer and provides end-to-end solutions for all your industrial energy requirements. Guided by more than 72 years of industry expertise, we aim to offer you specialized support in this space. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Please feel free to contact us at +91 98199 07445, and we will be happy to assist you.