What is a fire panel and how does it work?

Fire breakouts in a commercial facility like a factory could cause serious damage. Not only can it destroy valuable raw material and machinery, but worse, cause loss of lives on the factory floor. A flawless mechanism for early detection and response to a fire breakout is therefore necessary. Once you have installed a high-tech fire panel, you have every reason to put your worries to rest. In this blog, we take you through what a fire panel really is and how it works in the unfortunate event of a breakout.

A fire panel is an automatic fire detection and response mechanism. The panel doesn’t detect fire on its own but is capable of receiving signals from smoke detectors, a manual call point, or a pull switch. Once the signal is received, its response is activated. The most basic response is to raise a loud alarm to warn the workers about the fire so that they may quickly evacuate. However, depending on the type of fire panel, it can also activate the building’s water sprinkler system or even send a signal to the fire department.

In a conventional panel, the smoke detectors send a signal by changing the electric current as soon as they detect smoke. The altered current acts as a fire signal for the panel. Due to the installation of these panels in different wings or floors of the building, these are also called ‘zoned panels’.

A more advanced type of fire panel operates through IoT technology. It has a number of devices located throughout the building, each of which has its own MAC address and microprocessor to send signals to the panel. Rather than using altered current, these devices use the WAN or Wi-Fi network of the building to signal a breakout. As the fire panel detects the MAC address of the device, it can easily locate the fire break out anywhere in the building. As such, these modern fire detection systems are also known as ‘addressable panels’.

The kind of fire panel that you must install in your building depends on a number of factors. Some of the crucial ones are the type and size of the building, electrical fitting and internet connectivity, the number and spatial spread of the staff on the factory floor, and of course, the budget allotted for your fire security system. A generous budget can provide you with the comprehensive security of a fire panel that not only raises the alarm or signals the fire department, but can also lock or unlock doors, turn off the electricity and disable the elevators, therefore fully integrating all the security protocols in case of a breakout.

For more information on our products, feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445. We would be happy to assist you in finding the best match, based on your requirements. As one of the leading Fire Fighting panel manufacturers, VEMC provides end-to-end services to its clients. A renowned electrical panel manufacturer in Mumbai, VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services.

Basic Understanding Of Industrial Water Pumps

The thing with fire fighting pump set is that they are basically meant to work at one point only. This means that such a pump has only one point of flow and head. This can be described as a hydraulic condition. It is also referred to as BEP (Best Efficiency Point) as well as the best operating point. It may have a published set of curves. However, as experts would tell you, this is merely a commercial compromise. For most end-users, the process of getting a pump built and designed to suit their special hydraulic conditions would be really expensive.

Paying attention to the published curves of the pump

Even if you have bought Kirloskar water pumps India this is something that you must do. The pump performance covers of the makers are based on clear water. The approximate mark here is 65 F. This is unless something else has been stated by the makers. You can be sure that they would not be corrected with respect to fluid viscosity. Even when they have started a horsepower it may or may not be corrected for specific viscosity and gravity.

If the published pump curve stops it is for some good reason

If centrifugal pump distributors have published a particular pump curve and if it stops at some point of the head and flow there is definitely a good reason for the same. You should never operate your pump at the end of the curve. If the pump was capable of producing a better performance the makers would have extended the curve themselves. If you operate it till the end of the performance curve or near you can be sure you would be facing issues in the future.

Pumps can be stupid

As the best water pump dealers in Thane would tell you, these pumps can be rather stupid. You need to understand that a centrifugal pump is basically a machine. It has a certain set of fluid properties, operating speed, and impeller geometry. It is because of these characteristics that it would react a certain way to the system that has been installed. The flow and head point of the pump will be a crossing point of its system curve and performance curve. The system curve would basically dictate where these pumps would operate. 

You have to understand the system curve

The system curve can be said to be representative of all the friction as well as the pressure and static head that has been baked into the same.  

A fire-fighting pump set will also have a velocity head. However, under normal circumstances, it would be so small that you would not really be concerned about it.


Your pump would never suck fluids. This is a misunderstanding that is surprisingly common. You need to understand that there has to be another energy source that would be needed in order for the liquid to get to the pump. Normally, the best examples of such sources of energy are atmospheric pressure and gravity.