How to Install Mechanical Seal in an End Suction Centrifugal Pump

End Suction Centrifugal Pump

Centrifugal pumps have a rotating shaft that sticks out from the back of the pump casing through a seal chamber or stuffing box. The mechanical seal is needed to prevent fluid from leaking into the atmosphere along this shaft. Failure of these mechanical seals can have serious implications for the pump’s safety and reliability. It is therefore very important to install the seal properly.

How a Mechanical Seal Works in an End Suction Centrifugal Pump

A mechanical seal needs two smooth and flat seal faces in contact, one that is rotating with the shaft and another that is stationary with the casing. The faces are sealed to their holders using secondary seals. These are flexible so that they’re placed in contact and move to compensate for any misalignments or wear and tear. The faces however need lubrication to function at their best.

Steps for Installing a Mechanical Seal in Centrifugal Pumps

Here are 7 simple steps to follow when you are installing or replacing a mechanical seal in end suction centrifugal pumps:

1. Make sure the power is off

Make sure you cut the power so that the motor is not in motion. It’s even better to be doubly sure by cutting the main supply so that the motor may not start up while you’re working on it. 

2. Isolate the fluid from the pump

Next up, shut both inlet and outlet isolation valves and drain the pump casing by removing the drain plug.

3. Dismantle the pump

Use a wrench to unscrew the bolts holding the housing of the pump in place. Detach the pump carefully and keep the bolts safe for reassembly later.

4. Identify the stuffing box arrangement

If the pump is of the back pull-out design, remove the spacer element in the coupling, remove the casing bolts and pull the pump away from the casing. You can then access the seal without having to disconnect the casing from the piping. 

In case the pump is not a ‘back pull-out design, you’ll have to completely disconnect the pump after you disconnect the coupling between the pump and shaft. If the pump is a close-coupled design, you’ll have to remove the entire pump.

5. Remove the impeller

Dismantle the impeller of the pump. You can find the seal located on the shaft behind the impeller. Detach the shaft by holding it in place using a wrench and then rotate the impeller to unscrew it.

6. Detach the old seal

After removing the impeller, you can access both the rotary and stationary seal parts. The parts are usually held in place with screws all along the shaft. Remove the screw and pull away the rotary seal parts, and then remove the stationary part of the seal.

7. Replace the seal

Now place the replacement seal parts along the shaft. Push the stationary part into the casing using a new o-ring or gasket material. 
For any guidance on your centrifugal pumps, including all your sealing needs, feel free to speak to our experts at 022 43436655 or email us at We at VEMC are authorised Kirloskar dealer based in Mumbai and deal in a range of Kirloskar centrifugal pumps including multistage centrifugal pumps, (also called horizontal multistage pumps).

Don’t Get Flooded Out — Opt For The Original Kirloskar Dewatering Pumps This Rainy Season

What are dewatering pumps?

A dewatering centrifugal pump is typically used to remove water from one site and move it to another. A dewatering pump has a variety of applications in the construction, mining, mill, and municipal industries. A dewatering pump is useful for use in any area that needs to be maintained dry and clean, such as roadways and construction sites. A dewatering pump’s efficient flood control, inland wastewater management, and fast drainage features make it especially useful during the monsoon season. In reality, a dewatering centrifugal pump performs the same tasks as any other pump. The dewatering pump uses an impeller with a blade to initiate and maintain the flow of water, just like a centrifugal pump does. The fluid enters the impeller eye, a tiny area of the impeller. The water flow is then gathered from this location and directed to the diffuser, which is a discharge nozzle with a cone-shaped shape. This is the point where the water’s velocity is lowered and the energy of the flow of the water is converted to pressure energy.

For maximum effectiveness, the water is then evacuated from the pump following the aforementioned procedure at an angle of 7 to 10 degrees.This is the dewatering stage. Electric motors are typically employed to speed up this procedure. Some pumps, though, might employ various motor types. A sturdy and compact design, light weight for transportation, high fluid capacity, and high abrasion resistance are special properties of a dewatering pump that enable the most effective handling of muddy water and slurry.

Why should you go for Kirloskar dewatering pumps?

Kirloskar Brothers Limited provides a selection of dewatering pumps to remove water inundation caused by significant rainfall. These pumps are a great option for draining water-logged areas in residential, commercial, and municipal settings since they are quick to install, simple to use, and function well.

KBL’s pumps are designed using cutting edge technology and are extremely and durable. For the highest quality of performance and reliability, opt for KBL’s range of dewatering pumps particularly in the monsoon season.

For more information on industrial pumps, motors, and other equipment, feel free to contact us at +91 98199 07445. We would be glad to assist you in finding the best match for you based on your requirements. VEMC is an authorized dealer of Kirloskar dewatering pumps and provides end-to-end project management services to its clients. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. For inquiries, contact us at

How Does a Dewatering Centrifugal Pump Work?

A dewatering centrifugal pump works much like a regular centrifugal pump, but with one distinctive difference. This type of pump is built with a special feature that allows the fluid passing through it to be controlled and maintained in its movement. Let’s explore what this means and how a dewatering centrifugal pump does this.

May be an image of text that says 'MONSOON READY. FLOOD READY VEMC VIJAY NGINEERING ANDMACHNERY Kirloskar De-watering Pumps help solve waterlogging. Serves across areas like: Individual Villas Residential Housing Societies Underground Parking Area Shopping Malls Parks etc. Medium and large townships of Industries Refineries City ndustrial area Stadium Hotel Hospitals Underground manufacturing area Godowns Warehouses etc. City underground passages City deep excavation construction area Airport line construction area Raliway tracks etc. Authorised Channel Partners of Kirloskar Brothers Ltd Vijay Engineering Machinery Company'

What is a dewatering pump used for?

A dewatering centrifugal pump, just as the name suggests, is primarily used to remove water from a particular place and transfer it to another location. A dewatering pump finds several uses across industries including construction, mining, mills, and municipal operations. Any place that needs to be kept dry and clean, such as roads and worksites, will benefit from having a dewatering pump to work with. During the monsoon season especially, a dewatering pump comes in extremely handy thanks to its effective flood control, inland wastewater management, and prompt drainage functions.

How does a dewatering pump work?

A dewatering centrifugal pump actually functions as any other pump does. Just like a centrifugal pump, the dewatering pump makes use of an impeller that has a blade to start and keep up the movement of the water. The fluid goes into a smaller part of the impeller called the impeller eye. The flow of the water is then collected from here and directed to the diffuser, which is a discharge nozzle that is shaped like a cone. This is when the velocity of the water is decreased and the energy of the water flow is changed to pressure energy.

After the above process, the water is then removed from the pump at an angle of 7 to 10 degrees for optimal efficiency. This is the stage of dewatering. To help this process along, usually, an electric motor is used. However, some pumps may use different types of motors.

Special features of a dewatering pump include a robust and compact design, light weight for portability, high fluid capacity, and high abrasion resistance to enable the most efficient handling of muddy water and slurry.

Dewatering centrifugal pumps are also easy to operate and because they are usually installed above the source of water and a ground level site, they are also quite easy to access.

Today, there are dewatering centrifugal pumps available in the market that offer extremely high performance, durability and are very reliable. Many top brands are also providing quality maintenance services. Make sure to select one that offers hassle-free servicing of parts. This will minimize the possibility of downtime and ensure that your dewatering centrifugal pump continues to function at peak efficiency levels.

For more information on industrial pumps, motors, and other equipment, feel free to contact us at +91 98199 07445. We would be glad to assist you in finding the best match for you based on your requirements. VEMC is an authorized dealer of Kirloskar dewatering pumps and provides end-to-end project management services to its clients. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. For inquiries, contact us at